Do I need to buy two seperate VOH DLC for my same account? I play on my PS5 and Steam

Continuing the discussion from Cross-platform and Vessel of Hatred (equipment and characters):

Same question here. I own D4 on PS5 and Steam. I bought Ultimate VOH on my PS5. I have verified that I have all cosmetics show up on my steam account.

When VOH releases October 8th and I create my new spirtborn character on my PS5, will that guy show up on my Steam as well?

If not, do I need to buy Standard version of VOH on Steam to access new are and my PS5 character?

For now, I am holding off buying VOH standard on Steam….

Did you buy the game both on ps5 and steam? If yes, then i think that should be more than enough to answer your question

Yes, but I have cosmetics, even the ultimate cosmetics from VOH from my ps5 showing up on my steam.

I assume so as well that I will need to buy the standard VOH on Steam to access new area and character that are created on my ps5.

Just feel like it be over kill to buy Ultimate on both since cosmetics are already shared. Even the 3k plat is shared.

/something something