Discuss your experiences relating to items and crafting in Diablo IV

I’m sure it’s been mentioned before, but it’s worth repeating anyways. Shared stashes are pretty questionable in a solo self found, current class biased loot drops, and level restricted loot game.

4 tabs is rough, but on top of that, all of them are shared? Why? I only need one to transfer content between characters if I happen across some nice leveling gear for an alt. Having more than 2 pages filled with potential legendaries, starting an alt I just can’t imagine even picking anything up and evaluating it anymore; since I know I don’t have any room left it just goes straight to salvage.

I prioritize role-playing aesthetically themed RPG characters over everything else.

As a lifelong diablo player I always try to make character builds that have a stylized focus to them. An example is a bleed barbarian I created that is an expert with a two handed sword. (flay/rend/rupture, all only using a 2 handed sword) Another example is a dual wield cutthroat rogue character that only uses daggers and cutthroat skills.

Because I focus so much on customization/aesthetics and themed roleplaying I struggle to enjoy playing builds like these for one very specific reason.

If I never use the 2h mace or the bow in combat then I don’t want to always see them. I would love my dagger rogue to literally be just a dagger rogue. Why would a 2h sword expert fight with a massive heavy hammer on their back that they never use?

I get it, you can unequip the weapons that you aren’t using… but because of the stat bonus and aspect bonuses you miss out on, this option renders your character unviable in the late game.

I am such a big fan of these games, please Diablo 4 creators… Do me this one solid, give me the option to hide unequipped weapons through the transmog system.

Thanks for your time, do other players agree with this?

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Hi all,
Items in the current state scales well with end game content, I have no trouble with that. But for crafting, it is too much alike D3 where it is too safe to “craft” or in this case enchant an item. I played D3 for a good while, and then I move on to PoE where crafting have obvious risks and rewards. I love the safety net of crafting of D4, but it needs to be a little more interesting. Since trade is very limited, finding a good rare “base” can be quite challenging, but I do understand that’s the rng and grinding aspect of end game. For the most part any average players can find decent enough gears to clear any content, however, I do want to see some very high-end, end-game, enormous cost crafting. Not only it creates a “chase” item for the grind, but also keeps end game interested. Of course there needs to be balance between risk and rewards. I do not like crafting in PoE anymore because there is too much risks involved. But I think D4 can find the balance between the two.

Thanks if anyone read this feedback.
May Lilith blessed us.

Two-handed swords are not available at the Purveyor of Curiosities. I’ve checked many times, scrolled all the way down and I never see it there.

One thing that might be helpful could be when highlighting over a piece of gear with an aspect or in codex or at the occultist would be to put the symbol of the piece of gear that you have an aspect on already. For instance if I find a legendary, I would like to look at the aspect and if its from armor maybe a small symbol next to aspect will have an armor piece or leg or helm icon so I can say oh i have this on my helm right now and look real fast to see if its better. If at the occultist i want to put on legendary aspect it shows the symbol so I know oh i already have this equipped and then because of the icon i know exactly where. If this was brought up already I apologize, if not I think it would be very good addition for people who are working on their gear.

Wardrobe Items and armor - If the Rogue has equipped a bow, you will not see any crossbows in your wardrobe. If you equip a crossbow, you won’t see any bows. Lame, Lame, Lame. I want to see all my options so I can choose my cosmetic but it took me three days and ticket submittals just to find my purchased cosmetic. I don’t like your feature at all. I should be able to see all. Something like a toggle to see all weps is better than not finding them at all.

After D2 & 3, I’m finding the Legendary and Unique items in D4 really underwhelming, it’s my biggest critique of the game at the moment. There’s been so many times that I’ve picked up a Legendary only to find the Rare I currently have equipped to be better. That doesn’t feel good. Finding a Legendary or a Unique should be an exciting moment in a Diablo game, but it’s not in D4.

In past games, these items had a real ‘wow’ factor - when you saw that orange or golden item label you would stop everything to check it out immediately, and they would often be game changing. That’s not the case in D4; Legendaries are too plentiful, and look to only offer a small piece of a build upgrade rather than being something you make a whole build around just to use.

Uniques are rarer, but as a Barbarian I’ve seen the same 2 uniques three times, neither of which were for my build nor did they have amazing game changing affixes that made me think about swapping how I play.

In D2, Uniques were incredibly rare but incredibly powerful, and there was a chance they could appear anywhere; I’ll never forget getting a Unique shield off a Fallen in Den of Evil, and was still using it when I fought Diablo at the end of the game.

In D3, after the loot system got fixed, Legendaries had really big impactful affixes that changed your whole playstyle. Each one you picked up made you go ‘wow, I’ve gotta try that!’ They were exciting!

D4 Legendaries and Uniques have neither of these things in my experience, just inscrutable percentage increases and a slight buff to a skill. Uniques are gated behind T3, so there’s no thrill of a tiny chance one might fall out of a barrel you break pre level 50 and carry through to the endgame. But the biggest flaw is that they just aren’t exciting. Sure, throw 6 of them together and they can create something powerful, but individually they don’t have that wow factor I’ve become accustomed to from previous games, and I think that’s a real shame in a game about finding cool loot.

I’d love Legendaries and Uniques to be rarer but far more impactful and game changing when you find one, and there to be a much wider variety affecting all sorts of skills, not just the same 2 or 3. I don’t like dumping Legendaries into the blacksmith chipper-shredder by the bucket load. I don’t like seeing the same unexciting Uniques over and over - seeing the same Unique 3 times seems crazy to me. It creates moments of disappointment rather than moments of elation and excitement.

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I feel the item level requirements scaling to the finder makes no sense at all. This is effectively a no trade, solo-self found implementation which heavily discourages re-rolling / alts if you ever happen to find an item with a good roll or generic unique. This is further cemented in that if you attempt to transfer high level affixes to a lower level item (including those that percentage based rather than scaled to the items power level), the level requirement of the item will be raised to that of the affix; you effectively must find it again on a lower level character.

Item level requirements should simply be based on the minimum of their sub-tier / power level (e.g. all sacred items at level 45-50 and ancestral at 60-70).

'Sup “Wanderers”

Like many of you, I’ve been playing the Diablo franchise since the original and have spent more time than I would like to admit playing every one of its titles (besides the phone game). Thank you folks for all of your hard work with Diablo 4. I has been a great time going through the game and being Raiment-stunned by all of it’s detail. I want this game to stand the test of time like Diablo 2 has for so many of us. With the pleasantries out of the way, lets get down to the brass tacks and see if we can address some of the longevity-denying problems with D4 Itemization.

After week of gameplay I’m finding myself becoming bored with the game already. Why is this? ADD? Maybe a little, but having experienced itemization on Diablo 2 for 20 years or so, it’s item system as a whole feels much more rewarding as a player. The adage, “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it” has a very powerful lesson to tell. We’ve had the best itemization of any ARPG already, in the past. Why not use it as more of a model? Perhaps refine it, but keep true to the core systems.

    There is waaaaay too much to say about unique items. The availability of finding unique items that aren’t class-dependent feels extremely rewarding. I’ve found many underwhelming, unusable, Class-Dependent uniques in D4 and that whole system needs to go the way of the Dodo. Uniques in D2 had so much more utility across all character types, opening the door for player innovation. End-game uniques and low-level uniques should be in the game. In D2, low-level uniques might just be a stepping stone of progression to some, but to others, having the option to stash or “mule” them for future use on your next character is useful and fun. Also, being able to up-tier unique item quality base to the next quality makes for fun theory-crafting. As was afforded by a cube recipe in D2.

    For instance, say, you’ve just killed Duriel in Nightmare difficulty on your fresh Zealot Pally named WillSmithSlaps, and he drops an Unique Quarterstaff. You snatch it up fast as lightning from years of item snatching practice. You open your inventory to see that it’s ETHERAL (10% chance), your heart-rate jumps, you momentarily hover the unidentified item, TP back to town before even talking to Tyrael to get to Deckard Cain ASAP to ID that badboy for free because he owes you big-time for you letting him out of a cage. All-at-once you see that it’s an +298% Enhanced Damage (2% off perfect) ETHEREAL effing Ribcracker, and she’s a BEAUT. You then unmercifully soil your drawers and proceed to jump up and down like some little school-boy turd, absolutely dooming your Fruit-of-the-Loom undies to the dumpster out on the street. During your inevitable, yet somehow, reluctant shower you think, “Should I use the staff??? What if it breaks!? Oh, I know, I’ll up-tier the base item quality to a Stalagmite! That is, when I get the required cube-recipe runes after farming Hell Countess, of course. Then I’ll have my homie, Larzuk socket-punch it after completing Act 5, Quest 1: Siege on Harrogath in Nightmare difficulty. (Because I used the Normal difficulty socket quest on that sick Tarnhelm that dropped off of Normal Mephy to raise the total magic find on the item to a WHOpping 64 MF, it’s not perfect, but it’ll do until I farm that Shaco from Hell Meph.) I’ll have to do some crazy trades, and maybe, juuust maybe, I’ll get some schmuck to trade me his preposterously rare Zod rune to give the staff the “Indestructible” affix so the unrepairable ethereal item doesn’t lose all of its durability and break into oblivion. I can stick it on my yet-to-be-made Fury Druid and PK some noobs SOOOO effing hard that the only thing left of them will be their insignificant little ears!”

    Exciting, maybe slightly embellished, unique item drop moments like this are what keep us die-hard players logging in on the daily, and it’s due to these legacy itemization systems. The D2 item system affords a MORE dynamic system than number-go-up = good, low-number = mats that I wont ever use.

    Sometimes, just having a collection of all the uniques is also rewarding. “Gotta catch them all” type thinking that you see those crazy “Holy Grail” players doing. I’ve enjoyed hours and hours of grinding low-level bosses and champions to find that one specific item that has a higher drop chance from them. Such as grinding for the required level 4 “Gull Dagger” by slaying Coldcrow on repeat for that eye popping +100% to Magic Find. She’s some Super Unique demon-broad found inside the Caves in the Cold Plains who happens to be the Goldilocks level for dropping that specific item. There is so much longevity and knowledge/skill-expression added to a game with this type of itemization structure. This is because it offers more freedom to the player and enables them to THINK, which keeps the game fresh and fun.

  • MAGIC USER ITEMS - staffs, wands, etc.
    ERRR, I really put the “Wand” in "Wanderers… Yikes. These items should not add damage just by holding them in your little hand but have attributes that boost damage to specific skill. Weapon damage makes sense when you’re wielding the weapon to deal damage. Big-Number-On-Top getting BIGGER?! ME HAPPY! Diablo 3 itemization was a WRONG turn down a dark and scary road. Let’s whip this car around and get back on-track before we all get… you know… We all learn from mistakes made by ourselves and other people. Lets move on. Let D3 item systems be a thing of the past. Item Power is the bastardization of the iLvl system from legacy games. It’s not as good of a system, and is unintuitive.

    xx% more damage to 1 of a 100 types of Crowd Control? Ahhh, whaaa? We can do better than this guys… D2 already has it correct. Lucky hit seems a bit unintuitive, but cool after reading about it for 10 minutes. Overpower damage, Vulnerable damage, the list goes on. When your grandma told you “Less is more” a bajillion times as a kid and you hated her more and more every time she said it. Turns out, she was probably right. Too many affixes muddys the water.

There’s plenty more to say about itemization. Such as, normal and magic item use-cases, but this is getting too long and with all the ADD, and the kids’ eyes gettin’ tired from all that blue light exposure. We gotta wrap this puppy up. Please use D2 itemization as more of a guide for D4 because it will truly add longevity to the game. Which, in turn, keeps the player base playing, so we can all buy alllll the skins and things from you.

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To add on after further play and leveling, I am currently lvl 93, have 100%'d every zone, playing exclusively in T4, and running nightmare dungeons in the high 40s/low 50s, and still running into issues where 99% (not exaggerating here) of the items I receive, including legendaries and uniques, are all dropping with significantly lower (75-150 item power difference) item power.

This is really starting to make things frustrating since when I do get something that is a higher item power, the chances of it having affixes i can actually do something with (or at least 3/4 of the affixes im targeting so i can re-roll the 1 that i dont need) are slim to none.

I assume others share this same sentiment with the later level play, but wanted to come back into this thread with an update on my original messaging since the same issue still seems to be present.

Agreed. The amount of time necessary to target one stat on one item - to get a desired target stat + desired target % or # is relatively pointless. This leaves this entirely up to chance and doesn’t scale with leveling. By the time we’ve gotten to a stage where we could save for rerolls this is no longer necessary by outleveling or find another piece of gear - which finding vs. crafting defies the system entirely, making it pointless.

To qualify this as a viable system, it needs to be decreased in cost and kept at a cap.

Glitch: when you refine resources it takes the required amount but then also subtracts the crafted amount from the resource you’re trying to “craft”

E.g. if you want to craft silver ore it costs 10 iron chunks to craft one silver ore. When you attempt to do so regardless the quantity it takes the iron ore and then instead of adding (x) silver or it subtracts the amount it’s suppose to “award” so it’s a double negative.

Doesn’t matter the resource you want to refine or the quantity I’ve tested it all in various amounts and it’s the same result.

OK i have an IDEA about UNIQUE ITEMS, seing as there so RARE to find, and sometimes come with LOW POWER and you CANT ROLL THEM, cant we have somewhere if you collect 6 of the same UNIQUE item, you can COMBINE THEM giving them higher power/better rolled %? and it just means you can keep combining them after you gather the next 6, then the next 6 ect. i think this would give finding UNIQUE items a better functionality in the game.

Some people might enjoy it, but to me the itemization is tedious and got boring fast.

The resistances do not work, there are too many conditional damage/defense modifiers, many of them do not make any sense (close vs distant; slow vs cc; flat increase to stat vs percent increase; healthy vs injured; damage overtime vs shadow dmg overtime etc).

Farming for the perfect roll out of 1000 damage types and 1000 defense types is supposed to keep us engaged?
After reaching WT4, I am getting exhausted waiting for the stars to allign and I am thinking to no longer pick up any items at all, although my gear is not good by any means.
There are too many auto junk items, which seem to be most common, and I am tired to spend most the time managing my inventory, which is especially annoying on console.
99% of the time item affixes do not synergize at all, for example you get a rare ancestral that gives +skill for 3 core spells, or another item that has damage to blood, shadow and bone skill , like any such build exists…Why would anybody want to pick up such an item?

Also getting the same 2 unique that i will not use 10 times in a row till lvl 70 is aggravating… i am not sure if other uniques exist, or if they have a lvl requirement, or I if my character is straigth up bugged…

It would be nice to add a “Can Use” sorting option at the alchemist, I’m noticing at my current level (Alt Character) that “Can Craft” and “All” don’t show any changes to the elixer crafting menu…

I was trying to remove an aspect of my helm and then by misunderstanding i lose it, and now im looking for it back, its grim Conqueror Casque. i only want it for the skin, please can anyone help with it

Im not sure whats going on, but I feel like there has to be something bugged with the unique drops. Iv gotten nothing but Unique bows and Pants on my Rouge between level 75 and 93… worst part is the Pants dont help my build at all, and I use a Flurry build so I dont use bows! It so frustrating! Ive had unique pants drop back to back in nightmare dungeons… but can I get a Condemnation? Nope… Apparently the game only hands out unique pants and Unique Bows with the occasional Cowl of the Nameless helm, or Word of Hakan… but 90% of what you get its unique pants and unique bows. I understand its RNG but how can it fall on unique pants and bows that often! It certainly does not seem very Random to me… Anyone else getting the same unique drops over, and over, and over?

Update: Just got ANOTHER pair of “Eyes in the dark” …Seriously!?

And another pair of “Eyes in the Dark”

I think that extracting legendaries should upgrade your Codex, rather than having to carry extracted aspects. Every Season, your seasonal codex should be reset to baseline. This would save alot of inventory space and remove hesitation to use good extractions.

Also item level drops need to be bracketed based on level so that you cant get a best in slot item at level 70, giving little incentive to continue farming at 100.

The bones of the game are great, it just needs to be fleshed out. Compared to how D3 was on launch, I’m very optimistic about the future of this game.

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