Discuss your experiences relating to items and crafting in Diablo IV

The Winter glyph benefit is limited because there are no sorcery paragon boards with cold damage nodes within a 5 radius of a glyph slot.

Just reached level 85, and im still using a level 69 staff (power level 791). pretty disappointed with the staff drops, i guess i got one good roll and have not had any upgrade drops for over 16 levels.

I quit your game over it. Itemization is atrocious. You can review my other post if you are actually looking for feedback.

Agreed. The amount of gold needed to reroll is absurd. With the chance of getting any stat that’s remotely useful. I’d rather spend a million gold to pick the stat that I want then have it exponentially raise to only skip over most of them.

This will only drive people to use third party sites to buy gold from instead of enjoying the game.

Yeah I’m at the point of giving up on this. RNG can be ok but not when it’s just a complete lottery.

Most of the uniques are terrible, and the ones that are worth it you have better odds of winning the jackpot at the casino.

The gold required to enchant and get a 1% chance of getting the stat you want with the price exponentially increasing after each try is absurd. So when the stars align and you get 3 affixes that are usable, then try and reroll the 4th only to run out of gold with the price increase is frustrating.

So the options are:

  • grind for gear that you’re only going to sell, then get annoyed by the price increase when the roll fails again.
  • buy the item for real money online
  • buy gold for real money online.

None of that extra money is going to Blizzard btw…unless they’re behind those sites.

I’m at that point now. Change the crafting system, gold requirements to reroll,

Make uniques usefull instead of “giving a power that could be usefull, but with a twist of nerfing two other abilities”
Increase the drops of the uber rares, or give a pathway to actually be able to get an uber rare

We need a REGEX capable search filter on inventory and stash.

What crafting???

I can’t help it but i so dislike the crafting system and all that is connected to it. After doing a dungeon you have to go through all those items and check the stats on them while 99.99% will be sold because it is not useful, i just find this so dreadfull! With this system you have to keep so much items in your stash and without a search option and with very poor stash space this is also not enjoyable. I really don’t understand what the filosophy behind this is, and i also don’t understand how this could have made it to the released game. Is there nobody in the team who had the overview and passion for a good game to ring the bell that this is not a good system?

It would be nice if they incorporated utility items into the game. Possibly a sidequest to get an item known as the “Salvager’s Pickaxe” that stays in your inventory, and you can use it to salvage. Or for defeating Avarice you get the “Chest of Greed” which lets you sell items you use it on…

In reality, ever since diablo 3, these games don’t really NEED vendors such as the blacksmith, all they do is repair, upgrade/craft and salvage, all of this could be done with an item in your inventory, and it would be cool to follow a questline that allows you to do it from anywhere. Crafting could be the only thing to do at the blacksmith and it would be fine.

Even in a game such as this, using gold to repair equipment isn’t necessary, it makes more sense to use basic materials, and allow players to do it themselves. If you’re doing things right, then you would never need to repair anyways, since it only happens after dying.

Also, on the topic of vendors, please reduce the cost of items by 50% and give us more variety. Even if half of it was useless, it was nice to see the variety in Diablo 2, it made vendors feel like vendors, and not someone selling an overpriced fridge on craigslist…

1 thing I could offer as an opinion.
D4 crafting is mainly a go-to when you find rare a worthy to slap the next aspect for your build. You grind for the longest time when gear lvl 12+ come, and still doesn’t do the dmg, or have too many affixes that isn’t a match to build power like the item you have equipped already. So the gear acquired that didn’t meet your spec become mats or gold.
As there is gold, it is bountiful. Its so much, your coinpurse could bludgeon a oppressor. Its so much a treasure goblin may mistaken you for Avarice.

So you are about to hit the 9999 ceiling on every mat? Rich to buy everything in creation? Lets have a moment to consider the option of alchemy brewing a teardrop of youth.
A simple perma stat boost of +1 to base stats across every character. Like Lillith statues, but a small scale boost to have the effort in dropping back to zero feel fulfilling.

The grind can continue for loot, with a little of something to look forward to if you end up hoarding after a season.

It’s extremely frustrating at times with so many missed opportunities with item synergies. Example is the Eaglehorn bow not synergizing with trickshot aspect. Everyone who played D3 understands the fear of unchecked power creep. Everyone who’s played D3 knows how satisfying it is when you can be so transformative with base skills + cool synergy. This game will die if devs keep playing it too safe. D4 can do better.

Having an issue with items bugging out when imprinting aspects on them. Its as if the item and the aspect is destroyed. The only fix is logging out and back in. The final item appears in your inventory upon logging back in, but until then its completely nonexistent.

My issue is similar, I have a fully upgraded sacred amulet that is imprinted with the wrong aspect… my mistake. It shows that I can Imprint the codex version of the aspect over it for 12 veiled crystals, 5 abstruce sigils and 110k gold… but the sacred version of the aspect I had extracted shows that I only need 16 abstruce sigils and 17k gold, but the button to actually imprint is blacked out.

It won’t let me imprint it at all with the extracted version. Has anyone else run into this?

hi sir, something wrong with the replace affix. Originally +1rank for the Defiance Passive. After rolls given 3 options as :

  1. +11% to Earth Skill Damage
  2. +1 rank of the Defiance passive :sweat:
  3. No change (materials wont be refunded)

option 2 and 3 is THE SAME!!!

wish to show u the picture i printed screen but no ideal how to attach it here.

Let me start off by saying that I believe the state of unique items currently is abysmal. They feel like legendaries that are just locked to a certain slot with certain stats and the powers don’t seem much better than a typical legendary. This makes me wonder why they exist at all, why are they even more rare? Have significant changes like druid helmets. But for the most part they are just underwhelming. A big concern I have is that when I hear the devs talk about uniques they talk. About “their vision”. I think you guys need to take a step back and in a lot of cases, check your vision at the door and focus on what the players want. Because currently I don’t see the difference between something like disobedience or any legendary affix that’s considered best in slot and uniques. Other than my previous statement about how they’re unfortunately locked to a specific slot with in most cases not sufficient benefit.

I have a small QoL request which shouldn’t be too difficult: Can we get a filter at the Alchemist to restrict elixirs to “Can Use” and/or get an option to sort from lowest to highest? It’s not a issue at endgame but, when leveling, it’s unnecessarily annoying to have to scroll down through 16-20 elixirs that your character is unable to use.

So I’ve encountered a bug where im trying to imprint an aspect and I didn’t have enough gold and when I sold an item and went back to imprint the price shot up 50,000 gold. I didnt leave the area or anything like that, its the first time im seeing this and I tested it over and over to see if I could get it to repeat and it didn’t.

  1. Majority of the uniques that drop is pointless and useless why bother making them in the first place? doesnt even feel good finding one.

  2. Gold required to enchant is way too high. Are you guys selling gold cause it seems like you are making players needing to buy gold. You do know 1 of the fun thing about Diablo is to min max in the game and you are making it almost impossible. Also ,I had a gear, which i recall my last roll cost me 8M and when i tried to roll it again, it became 25m (which im very sure it wasnt anywhere near this figure previously) after i added an aspect? why? Jus how many hours of farming do i need to even reroll it again at 25M like seriously it is lame

  3. Put back enchantment priority list. rolling 10 times and not even getting crit chance on ring is horrible. its 4m per roll already. Stop making things hard so that you force us to keep playing. IT IS NOT ENJOYABLE AND RUINS THE DAY AFTER A HARD DAY AT WORK! We will keep playing if we enjoy the game. FOR GOODNESS SAKE WHOEVER THE GAME DEVELOPER IS.

  4. Doing higher Tier Nightmare Dungeon doesnt feel worth while since it takes longer but the loots aint even really better.