Discuss your experiences relating to items and crafting in Diablo IV

I feel like the unique items should allow for aspect imprinting in addition to their effects. Sometimes they are build enabling but also conflict with numerous other aspects competing for those slots.

A unique should feel above and beyond a normal legendary, not just a tradeoff.

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ā€œItems and craftingā€ - WHAT crafting? Really should read the room after you remove systems before launch

Itemization is a big frustration for me currently as there is no clear calculation on skill damage. Firewall specifically for me. Is it burning damage? Is it damage over time? Is there a way I can tell what is benefitting me and to what degree?

Certain aspects can be rarer / WT3+ by design, but ā€œof the umbralā€ as an example really shouldnā€™t be even if it is a very low roll codex power. Iā€™ve seen 2 in 70+ levels so far.

There are also a few aspects Iā€™ve seen on Necromancers that are clearly under-tuned. Two that come to mind are the ā€œhulkingā€ (1-3% chance for 2s CD reduction / corpse spawn on golem normal hits), and bone prison explosions doing under 100 damage at 750+ item power rolls.

Additionally, the lack of lists, search, filters, or the like to manage inventory ideally in an automated way coupled with the limited inventory slots is a major frustration. I should not have to constantly re-scan my inventory to see if I have a decent copy of an aspect to determine if itā€™s worth keeping; tooltip info should include aspect quantity across inventory/stash and ranked by roll (e.g. 1 if itā€™s your best roll, 2 if slightly lower, etc.) so you can quickly evaluate how many copies you have and if you should salvage.

As far aspects in general, quite frankly, Iā€™d go as far as saying extracting aspects should add them to the codex at low rolls and further extractions/salvage slowly improves them.

With the way seasons work, there should be no fear of uncapped growth; we all get reset every 3 months and eternal shards is just accepted to be a testbed in most mature ARPGs over time.

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For the most part I find itemization in Diablo 4 confusing at the least. But this is a bug Iā€™ve gotten twice now. When I go to put an affex Iā€™ve taken off a piece of gear onto a new piece of gear it (twice now) has been attached to an item in my inventory I didnā€™t have selected. Itā€™s kinda pissed me off. Lost 2 perfect rolls to bad items now. Now Iā€™m moving on with my life and going back to the grind but I would like it if the item I select to add an affex to actually gets the affex.

It is more a complaint than anything, but can there be a system to make getting a single aspect easier? I know Diablo and ARPGs are a loot and grind fest, but I just want a single legendary effect but I havenā€™t seen the effect once in my 60 levels. Itā€™s only on a ring and since hitting world 3 Iā€™ve gotten well over 4 dozen legendary rings looking for it. Still havenā€™t gotten it. I would rather reduce my legendary drop rate to 1/100th of normal levels if it meant I could get a single aspect. A hidden pity system I would take, something behind the scenes seeing Iā€™ve gotten basic attack speed increased by x% 5 times and reduces the drop of that one. Anything. Iā€™m just tired and frustrated of getting the same 5 effects over and over. Crying over.

today i spent 5 hours grinding 25 million gold to reroll my bow to get the 4th correct stat i need on it. i didnt run nightmare dungeons because they would not give me that amount of gold in that amount of time or any experience either. 5 hours of grinding today. could not get a single roll and now the bow costs 4mil to reroll. blizzard this is not ok. you need to fix this now. not in late july. now.


I am lvl 95 druid and most of my unique drops are all barbarian unique especially overkill. Is this intentional? Also all nightmare dungeons with magic find modifier drop significantly less items than normal dungeons and nightmare dungeons regardless of tier. Is this intentional and if it is it feels terrible.

I have a similar experience i found many umbral rings around lvl 50 wt3 then in wt4 from 70 to 98 i have had two drop 1 was from obels vendor and 1 in game after about 80+ hours of nighmare dungeons from t40-60+ and of course 1 rolled 1 and other 3

More storage space needed urgently
time for another hotfix add way way more storage space.
heck i only have 1 char and have already ZERO space
starting a 2nd one is borderline impossible.

everytime a new item drops i already question myself if i should continue this madness of lacking storage space.
thinking about it already is painfull.

I broke down and made a spreadsheet of top 2 aspects by manual mouseover, switch screen, and typing in the names / locations then cleared everything else out.

Insane I had to do it in the first place offline however. Even then itā€™s a solid 2/4 stashes full and pushing with 1 for interesting rares / offspec gear to try and a 4th for sorting purposesā€¦ painful. Granted many I donā€™t intend to use immediately, but half seem broken and expect buffs and I donā€™t want to look for perfect rolls again when/if they do or Iā€™m simply hanging on to them for potential builds. My aspect tab is also full of course.

Please also add additional sort functions such as by name / legendary affix, item level (before type), or combinations of such.

Has there been any discussion around allowing characters to use + to skills affixes on gear that are skills for different character classes? For example, I loved in D2 being a sorc and being able to use barb war cry, or being a barb and having teleport.

I think the ā€œLevel Requirementā€ shouldnā€™t exist on extracted aspects. If I find a 10/10 rolled Rapid Aspect on a level 4 item and extract it, it is completely identical to a level 37 item with the same roll, however my level 4 character canā€™t use the one extracted from the level 37 itemā€¦ It is an unnecessary hinderance. If it is suggested to save good early rolls for endgame gear, shouldnā€™t the reverse also be true in the race to catch-up alternate characters with all of your extra aspect rolls?

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You nurfed dungeons to get players more involved in the endgame content, I have been in world tier 4 now for about 9 days and played about 200 hours in total and my experience so far is - I pick up 100s if not 1000s bits of gear, sell/dismantle 99% of what I pick up then the 1% I try to get a 3rd ability for 1 of my 3 planed builds 99% of the time I fail to get a usable 3rd ability as it starts to cost to much then at the end of my gaming session feel disappointed that iv not been able to advance my build then repeat this all over agin the next day.
After 9 days in WT4 and 200 hours of play time I have nothing to show for it except for class and glyph levels the gear drops are abysmal.

Drop rates need to be increased after 9 days in WT4 i have never seen the unique
Raiment of the infinite.
Im happy to spend weeks grinding but i expect a little reward here and there every so often :unamused:

Is there a point to keeping duplicate uniques? My guess is no with the exception of some low level requirement cross-class uniques that might be useful for an alt, but seems like a missed opportunity for item crafting like a currency to salvage for a new random but level appropriate unique.

I havent seen many replys to these comments but i have seen a trend to gear being dropped well under level and power scoring. but i am also seeing a constant flux of getting gear that isnt even sacred on world tier 4 making the already hard area impossible to improve my loadout, im seeing this on Rares with set spawns and in helltides.

  • i am also curious how defenses work due to me gaining more armor and maxing resistances since i swapped to all anc gear and now im being oneshot by normal mobs as a barb, but when i was using sacred gear with worse stats i completed the capstone 13 lvls under without ever dying.

Hi, here are my suggestions with regards to items for quality of life:

  1. Same aspect should stack in inventory
    ā€“ you could then SHIFT + RCLICK to choose the one with the values that you want
  2. Aspects tooltips should show in their description whether they can be added to codex via a dungeon run
    ā€“ if so you should further see whether you acquired that particular aspect
  3. Advanced tooltips are fine but the description should be more compact (1 affix per line)
    ā€“ you could use some icons to shorten the text for common concepts like: damage, critical chance, vulnerability, fortify, resistances, etcā€¦
    ā€“ you could provide the ability to adjust the font size
  4. It would be nice to have a way to compare the chosen main hand + off hand from your inventory with the equiped two hand
  5. Tooltips for dropped items prior to picking them up would be a nice to have
  6. Possibility to mark the item for sale separately
  7. Possibility to mark the item for dismantle separately
  8. Possibility to mark the item as protected from sale or dismantle
  9. Possibility to customly mark your items for internal organization
    ā€“ perhaps the ability to add different colored borders around it

Right now Iā€™m a level 77 sorc and Iā€™m loving the game. Please donā€™t make it easier for those that are finding it difficult, it will then just become another D3.
I do have a question or possibly a request though. I picked up some unique items at around level 45 that Iā€™m still using. Because Iā€™m carrying them, will they ever drop again for me at a higher, stronger level? If not, could you make it so the special thing about uniques is that they scale with my level. Itā€™d be great if i could reroll an affix too but i can live with the roll Iā€™ve been given. Iā€™d just like it so the unique item levels up with my character. Otherwise, great game.

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Im having a lot of fun despite the game crashing frequently. My biggest gripe is that when i am enchanting an item, and im choosing between my new options for the substat, the game will crash about 45-50% of the time. It wouldnt be an issue, but everytime it does, i lose my materials, gold and selection of substats. Instead the game acts as if i chose the ā€œno changeā€ option and it spends my resources, thereby increasing the amount needed for me to retry.

Is there any way that this can be changed? Like have a save state where the game remembers the selections you had (server side) but doesnt spend the resources until youve actually confirmed the exchange the next time you log in. That way people cannot alt+F4 to get free rerolls and I (and others who keep crashing) dont keep getting punished.

The irony in your post is hilarious. You donā€™t want other people to have an easier time because somehow itā€™ll affect you but youā€™re begging for gear to scale after it has dropped.