Discuss your experiences relating to items and crafting in Diablo IV

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Iā€™ve noticed a bit of an issue in regards to item drop lvls not scaling appropriately to the current zone/character lvl, and I wanted to see if this is by design, and if so, why. If it isnā€™t by design, I hope this enables folks to be able to see and confirm they are encountering the same issue as well, and comment their experience so hopefully this can be prioritized and resolved prior to the official June 6th launch date.


  • Iā€™m currently trying to 100% Fractured Peaks, and i figured since the zone is scaling with my level, the items should be as well, but that does not seem to be the case, which is causing a lot of difficulty issues since item drops are not scaling appropriately to my level.
  • I have yet to do the main story quest outside of the one that takes you to the first main city
  • For example, I am lvl 42 and all of my item drops (most notably my legendary drops) are dropping 10-20 levels lower than my current level (recent example: I received a lvl 26 legendary weapon drop from a lvl 42 mob) with consistently less item power than what is currently equipped.
  • As a result of the item lvls and power dropping so low in comparison to the Zone Lvl/My character lvl, I am finding it incredibly hard to gear to an appropriate degree that would be needed to fight monsters of my level, which is making things quite frustrating at times.

Created a standalone forum topic here:

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I want to understand the choice behind enchanting in Diablo 4. Once in Tier 3, the requirements to change 1 stat on a piece of gear includes something from the Helltide. That in itself is fine. The problem I have with it though is that when you reroll a stat, you use the mats and gold (which the cost skyrockets after each roll on 1 items) and you only get 2 choices. to reroll a legendary stat 2 times costs you 300,000 gold for 4 choices, and 3 rerolls cost 700,000 gold for 6. This breaks the system entirely, there is NO point to use it in its current state.

Please drastically reduce the amount of gold this enchantment requires, and give us more ways to get the stat we are aiming for. You have made this feature WORSE than it was in Diablo 3 and thatā€™s saying something. No one is going to utilize this, it is too expensive.


Hi guys. I wanted to post a quick topic about Aspect of the Protector. I play on HC with Barbarian and it is written in the aspect description that damaging an Elite grants you a Barrier absorbing X damage for 10 seconds. This can not occur more than once every 30 seconds. It is seems the Aspect is bugged, because when I engaged in battle the Barrier appears immediately after my first attack on a regular non Elite enemy, and this is definitely not what I wanted from my item to do. I hope you guys can address this one. Thank you and the game is awesome by the way:)))

I just upgraded a legendary bow and now the picture is faded and my stats dont change at all when i quip or unequip it. Is there a way to fix this? This was the first item i upgraded at the blacksmith and now im scared to modify anything because it might glitch. Help please.

I recently went to the vendor to change a stat on one of my items and in the process of making a selection for the new stat, I coughed and bumped my controller which ended the selection screen and took the gold as well as the stat I was trying to replace.

When I returned to finish the exchange the selection was gone and wanting to charge me more gold and resources. This application mechanic seems unnecessary and honestly can cause frustration for players that have earned just enough gold to modify a piece of equipment just to be denied the change as well as the existing item trait.

Please resolve this issue, and perhaps at a minimum just cancel out the transaction without removing the gold and the original trait from the item.

This is essentially stealing from players, time and effort.

Best Regards

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I find the refine resources section at the alchemist extremely confusing. I still donā€™t know how it works.

What I want: I am missing the ingredient Blightshade but I have many other ingredients in my pack. Iā€™m hoping I can refine other ingredients to create Blightshade: I am guessing that is what the refine section does? However, I havenā€™t figured out how.

Please, please add instructions or tutorial on how to use the refine section at the alchemist. I donā€™t know what it does or how it works. I am still very confused.


I agree with this, please fix this issue. Make a screen that says "Are you sure you want to close this window? or something similar. Itā€™s very frustrating.

can we make the drop rate of crushed beast bones higher, these are important for upgrading the health pots

I activated the tier 3 nightmare dungeon was going in it got stuck on infinite loading screen so close the app restarted it got stuck on your launching screen got stuck on your character screen and lost my tier 3 nightmare dungeon can I receive it back if possible

I am unable to attach a legendary aspect from my inventory to a rare piece of gear that has never had an aspect on it. I am trying to attach aspect of disobedience to a leg slot rare. I am able to place it into the 1st slot and press Imprint aspect and it gives the error ā€œThat item cannot have aspects printed on itā€. I upgraded and enchanted the item before trying to put the aspect on. Does this prevent it or is this a bug that needs fixing? Please weigh in.

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Hello, Iā€™m playing as a druid and Iā€™ve been doing several dungeons in search of some unique items and I really managed to reach the drop, but Iā€™m dropping a single barbarian being 3 specific weapons for another class. I believe that this could not happen since there is such a small chance of a drop and when I get it, it comes to another class that I donā€™t play. It is important that this is corrected with smart drop.

Same thing happened to me with a weapon I upgraded and added a socket to. Says this item cannot have aspects imprinted on it. Once we improve an item does that mean no aspects can be imprinted? Cause that would have been nice to know before I upgraded my 300 dps increase bow. Does that mean we cannot enchant an item before imprinting either?

Hey there. Iā€™m enjoying the game so far. Iā€™m currently at mid game (lvl 50+). And I generally like itemization system. BUT I cannot stop to feel like I want to modify my gear in some extra way like how I can do that in PoE. And in a way PoE crafting system is too complex for this game but some of systems that I have experience is universally great for this type of games in a way that I want do the same in Diablo4.

Some of this systems that I think would be great for this game:

  • Ability to upgrade normal items into magic and rares, and magic into rares.
  • Ability to reroll stat rolls.
  • Corrupting item with unpredictable results.
  • Adding extra stat to item (up to stat amount limit).

I believe that above systems would only compliment existing systems in a game and would lead to more enjoyable mid/end game experience.

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The buyback menu for merchants needs to be larger. I accidentally sold a sacred unique that I had just gotten and canā€™t get it back because it was stuck underneath a bunch of other items that I sold. This is INCREDIBLY frustrating since that item was a key part of my future build, so now i have to grind it all over again!

ā€ŖThis is an awesome game, and I love everything about it except one thing. What happened to the super cool super rare legendaries. Your Uniques thereā€™s maybe 12 that each class is going to want for each build if that. None of which do some crazy cool thing(maximus diablo 3). Iā€™m sure others agree with me, but those super cool legendaries are what made people create builds around them. My personal suggestion ā€œadd to donā€™t take away from.ā€ Take all the super cool legendaryā€˜s from the previous games and put them in this one and then just add to it.

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Iā€™d like to see a better item management system to tag items with player specified desirable stats at a glance (not constantly mousing over things). Basically a means of quickly separating the chaff when bags fill up. Something similar to how items are marked with upgrade ranks.

Iā€™d also like to see better information about the potential affixes available on each piece of gear when it comes to enchanting so I donā€™t have to cross reference a spreadsheet as a reminder to evaluate the potential.

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Archon Faulds and Boneweave Faulds are the exact same design.

the last 10 unique items I dropped were from another class. Iā€™ve already lost count of how many barbarians there were, this is discouraging me from playing with the druid.