Item Drop Lvls not Scaling with Zone, Mob, and Character Level


I’ve noticed a bit of an issue in regards to item drop lvls not scaling appropriately to the current zone/character lvl, and I wanted to see if this is by design, and if so, why. If it isn’t by design, I hope this enables folks to be able to see and confirm they are encountering the same issue as well, and comment their experience so hopefully this can be prioritized and resolved prior to the official June 6th launch date.


  • I’m currently trying to 100% Fractured Peaks, and i figured since the zone is scaling with my level, the items should be as well, but that does not seem to be the case, which is causing a lot of difficulty issues since item drops are not scaling appropriately to my level.
  • I have yet to do the main story quest outside of the one that takes you to the first main city
  • For example, I am lvl 42 and all of my item drops (most notably my legendary drops) are dropping 10-20 levels lower than my current level (recent example: I received a lvl 26 legendary weapon drop from a lvl 42 mob) with consistently less item power than what is currently equipped.
  • As a result of the item lvls and power dropping so low in comparison to the Zone Lvl/My character lvl, I am finding it incredibly hard to gear to an appropriate degree that would be needed to fight monsters of my level, which is making things quite frustrating at times.

Me too, it’s deadly in a game like this.
My character is level 30 but item level 15 drops.

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This has been happening to me as well, been getting mid 20s drops only even as my level has gone into my mid 30s

The highest level drop i’ve gotten so far was a level 27

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I’m having the same problem. I wouldn’t mind so much, but it’s not like the monsters are easier. And kidding: I’d mind either way. I feel like the scaling system is either broken or this is by design, which is somehow worse…

I dont know if anyone answered your question but you should really do the main quest. World Tier 1 and 2 dont give gear over level 50. Usually drops max out at around level 45 in those areas. After you complete the main story you can do the capstone dungeon and move to world tier 3 where you will begin getting sacred and legendary sacred gear at the appropriate level for your character. Usually around level 70 you are again looking at doing the next tier capstone dungeon and you can continue growing in world tier 4. It sounds like you are pretty much reaching the limits of what gear drops in world tier 2.

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In tier 4: Tree of Whispers, Nightmare dungeons all drops 600-706 items way below my toon should get, I’m not alone with this, world bosses and Legion event drops some items at the lvl requirements sometimes. Rest is junk most of the time, regularly getting 630-667 items. and seriously getting tired of it

To add on after further play and leveling, I am currently lvl 93, have 100%'d every zone, playing exclusively in T4, and running nightmare dungeons in the high 40s/low 50s, and still running into issues where 99% (not exaggerating here) of the items I receive, including legendaries and uniques, are all dropping with significantly lower (75-150 item power difference) item power.

This is really starting to make things frustrating since when I do get something that is a higher item power, the chances of it having affixes i can actually do something with (or at least 3/4 of the affixes im targeting so i can re-roll the 1 that i dont need) are slim to none.

I assume others share this same sentiment with the later level play, but wanted to come back into this thread with an update on my original messaging since the same issue still seems to be present.

Nightmare dungeons always drop gear your level.

Not really sure how thats relevant to what i’m talking about, yes, the item lvl on drops align with my current lvl when doing NM Dungeons, but as I mentioned previously, the item power is significantly lower, which in turn makes the items useless outside of selling them for gold.

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Ive been saying this for awhile but I think with all there little “hot fixes” and pre-release balance adjustments which is hilarious to do when most havent even got the game yet but anyway I think they broke something and they dont want to admit it so they perfer silence and saying ridiculous things like dont look at the level of gear. That isnt the problem the very, very, low rolls on specs that are very rarely usable is the problem. Im still using level 50 gear at almost level 70 because every NM dungeon I do rewards me with stuff that is just scrapped because it is useless. Every once in a great while somethinf usable will drop but its not earth shattering.

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