Did you guys know about making 100m of gold in 10 min?

This is disgusting.
In the season there is seasonal blessing which is increase gold 15% when you sell items.
By allocating this blessing, selling all items to vendor, then respec the blessing and buying back the sold items, and then repeating this process. you can easily make ton of gold in short time.
This problem has been present since the first day of the season and many people have been exploiting it.
I wonder how much was earned by those who exploited it until now.
I just found out about it and that’s why I’m writing this post.
Blizzard definitely needs to respond and compensate for this.


Its not a bug though. No compensation is needed or will be given.

With my makro i made more gold then i can ever spend in this season.

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If it wasn’t a bug, why was it patched today?

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Working as intended


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It’s not a bug though.

idk it’s not sounds like 100m in 10 min without using third-party programs

It’s not a bug. It works as it should. :hugs:

I don’t see the big deal. It matters if players are buying gold from third party sites. But if they are getting gold strictly in game bug,Glitch or not I don’t worry about it. If it’s a bug of some kind it will be fixed. Besides it’s not like there is an auction house. And i hope there will never be one.

was it patched already?
Am I late to the party?

As usually, exploit early, exploit a lot…


Ok its not bug but thats not the point.
Are they going to suspend all the people who traded with the duplicated gold? Are they going to recover the gold?

LoL yeah me too, always find out a day late


shako 2.0 says no…

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This reminds me of the Ferengi rules of acquisition. From star Trek.


Same here.
I really dont want to farm billions just to reroll to a decent gear.

Well, sadly its true.
Because obviously, just like with shako bug drops, blizz dont care and wont do anything.
So there are people with trillions out there, why most will struggle with rerolls.

you all guys got baited really hard

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I may be wrong, But i thought the devs said they were going to address the high cost of things like that. But i feel the pain too.

I don’t see the logic, and what will prevent them from selling this gold?

Statements like this are why it is not even worth conversing with other human beings.

What ever happens, happens. That is all that ever truly matters.

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No, and nor should they.