Did you guys know about making 100m of gold in 10 min?

So what you are saying is this is just another lie? Wow the Knuckles of the poster must be really scarred up.

No. It was not a bug nor was it cheating. It was an 'OOOPS, our bad." on Blizz’s part. Players shouldn’t be sanctioned or punished because, once again, someone at Blizz had their head in a place it shouldn’t have been.


I really don’t care what you think. Bobbyboy…


they left Shakos, and each Shako is worth thousands of dollars, and you think that they will do something with gold, which is worth 0

That is concerning, Why do people think it’s ok to sell someone else’s IP?
I love music, But i buy my music because i want the artist to continue producing music that i like.

Nothing will happen and it doesn’t even matter. Who cares? This is part of the reason ladders are delayed. Game was rushed and they haven’t found the broken stuff yet. Most likely they will break stuff in most seasons too.

You realize that even if you minmaxed it people on YT were calling it 40m per hour. Its still not super more efficient than regular dungeons. Speed farming Mercys Reach on NM 60 gives 30-35 mil gold per hour + You actually might get good drops. Not to mention selling other items for crap ton if You happen to drop something good.

literally your analogy doesn’t make sense at all. What do you even mean? How is shako price connected with Bliizard devs LMAO.
Right now the best way to deal with your shako - to sell your acc on ebay. Cuz you can’t trade it, and even if you could there is no such gold amount in this game to buy 1 Shako. And gold means nothing. That’s all.

So if you had a record that for whatever reason became insanely valuable, you wouldn’t sell the record? The artist already received the money from your purchase.

I don’t understand the logic.

Yeah, but I’d say people made scripts or bots, turned them on and went to sleep.
Easy 400M in the morning.
Do it like 2-3 days while you sleep or you are in work and you have 1B+.

Of course you don’t understand. And i have LP’s worth a pretty penny. But The album has sentimental value. I’m not a material person. Materialism is the bane of humanity.

LOL…I quoted the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition a few days ago, specifically about refunds

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People will do the bots for killing mobs. You expect to compensate all the players for that? Again, even if there would be leaderboards already and it would have a little matter.

I would just compare it to d3 where on consoles people where modding items (this time its server base and requires internet connection) and on PC bots are irrelevant due to power having its limit. You can get really extremely powerful gear already that you can only up by maybe 10% overall power.

Oh noes the game’s economy will be ruined… Oh wait…

i dont see how this is an exploit. it was intended for blessings to be changed, so its really just using the game mechanics.

to be fair You have it right! Honestly even if I would know about it I think the game has already boring enough gameplay that I wouldnt care less.

it isn’t “duplicated” based on your explanation of it, it’s just exploiting a design “oopsie”. It’s nog a bug, it’s just Blizzard designing it like amateurs.
Sure, some design “oopsies” like the feedback loop for the infinite rend damage on the testing dummy are harder to find and therefore more understandable to have missed when designing it.
(A good QA team is supposed to catch that stuff before releasing it though, but w/e.)

But this is as simple as it gets, just turn on a “blessing” for more gold when selling it, and then buy it back for less gold than you got, which makes it possible to create gold from going through that selling & buyback-loop.

I only respecced seasonal boons for the first time a couple hours ago. The respec cost seems to exponentialy grow? Was this just added?

Fixed. If you sell item and then change Blessing, it clears the buyback from vendor, so items are not available anymore.

It´s not a bug, it´s a feature!