Did they just completely killed druids grizzly rage werewolf?

  • Prime Grizzly Rage now grants Unstoppable for 6 seconds instead of while active.

Which means that when you activate grizzly rage with the Dire wolf’s aspect you find yourself STUCK in the werewolf form for 30~ seconds with only the first 6 seconds being unstoppable.

And after these 6 first seconds you have absolutely NO OPTION to trigger unstoppable at all as bulwark and trample are not werewolf skills.

Werewolf builds were only viable with TR + Dire wolf’s aspect. Now with Dire wolf I don’t really see any option to survive high level dungeon because you will lack the damage or won’t be able to protect yourself


Was just seeing this too.
They nerfed the duration of grizzly rage so you won’t be stuck in it for 30 seconds. But def still stuck in it longer than 6. Which means we no longer have access to skills we could use to break out of CC. So basically this just nerfed grizzly rage druids on both sides and will result in players dying most likely (hardcore RIP).

Like I could understand reducing the duration of grizzly rage as you could get up time on it for quite awhile but nerfing the unstoppable while keeping us stuck in the form longer is just crappy.

Guess ill switch back to lacerate.
Then again, doing this totally f-s the fortify option of the build too.

They should add a new unstoppable option, maybe a 1 s unstoppable when you use blood howl. This way you might find a way to escape as a werewolf…

The cd nerf is also really bad. You already had to wait quite a bit until grizzly rage come back now it’s going to be even longer.

The healing has also been greatly nerfed too with lucky it on masochistic

I really don’t think they play the game. All the werewolf builds were already ultra dependant on TR. Without it you don’t have storm skill while in werewolf form and thus you don’t have reliable poison application around which all your damage revolve (slow application, 45%[x] from heightned malice, 30%[x] from evenom, earthen might key passive).

TR is very rare to find, so we will get werewolf builds that will deal sub-par damage without TR and that won’t be able to survive any form of CC for 25~ seconds once grizzly rage unstoppable stops and we are stuck in werewolf form without any other spell with unstoppable.

The only alternative would be to add a new defensive aspect on the build that grant unstoppable when getting injured. But druid doesn’t have 4 weapons like a barbarian to put all the aspects you want. You are already using 2 slots for grizzly rage only.
Which will then reduce even more the damage out put.

Werebear build has access to trample and bulwark while in werebear form

Blood howl really needs to grant unstoppable for 1 second

I don’t want to rain on your complaints because after this patch you are entitled as we all are.

But count your blessings you still have one of the three playable classes for endgame.


The only viable build endgame build except the werewolf builds is the bulwark build which is known to be bugged (bulwark’s damage scales on ennemy level). Which will most likely get also fixed.

So no. With all the nerf on resistance, nerf the health regen, cd and different passive I don’t think druid has any endgame builds now.

Yep my StormDruid is now 100 percent GARBAGE after this nerf , lvl 100 … total waste of time and build.
with Grizzly not being Unstoppable the full duration , what is the point of that Ultimate Also along side with even more Nerfs that killed it like ‍the Disobedience Aspect and more.

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They are adding a malignant effect to “help” on this but I actually don’t know if it is a buff or a nerf

  • The Unconstrained Beast (Wrathful, Super-World Tier IV): When you are hit with a Stun, Freeze or Knock Down effect, there is a 40-60% chance to automatically activate Grizzly Rage for 3 seconds.

What does it mean if you are already in Grizzly rage ? Does that mean your 30 sec grizzly rage form is now reduced from 30 seconds to 3+5 (from aspect) and 25% duration from boon ? If it does like other spells your previous grizzly rage accumulated crit damage will not continue with the new cast of grizzly rage.

Werebear do not want that aspect to proc at all.

Which means either

  • your damage will reset if you get cc’d 40-60% of the time (but will get unstoppable)
  • you will get cc’d 40-60% of the time and will die

It is NOT FUN when survival is depending on your luck


well…two specs are playable. The fun ones on druid are not even viable. I made to 100 as a lightning druid. But the nerf to vulnerability was staggering. So I tried earth, since I had the aspects to make it fun. But…Im squishy now. I dont want to play a wolf or a bear. Its not fun. If I wanted to play ether I would have played a rogue instead of a wolf druid, or a barb over a bear. I wanted to play a DRUID, master of elements, not furry werefluffs in a halfshell.

well they just killed my crone staff wolf. what a joke. They really hate melee builds. Am i suppose to just stand CC in place and die or what is point of this change?

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As a druid main and rogue 2nd, you guys are aware that rogue (which is also a melee class) only has one unstoppable, and it doesn’t last for 15 seconds, right? This is a big hit to GR for sure, but as far as I’m aware, we had it way better than any other class when it came to CC. Just reducing the unstoppable duration isn’t going to be build-killing. It just means you’re going to have to actually play more carefully and wait to engage until your cooldowns are off (which will also take longer now). I’m still just fine on my Stormwolf which doesn’t have trample or EV.

I agree this change hurts a lot of builds with werewolf but having unstoppable the entire duration was prob a lil much. How many other classes have basically perma unstoppable.


Low life bulwark still strong af. Just need the right gear. Yw

well but I can’t use any other skills in GR…

Yea. I don’t know what they were thinking with a lot of this update, but this one specifically ruined most if not all wolf builds. With no global cooldown on cc mention this means we are sitting ducks. Nado wolf went from clearing tier 70s comfortably to struggling with high 50s. It’s a sad joke

so now I have been through all druid changes and my wolf claw build

-10% damage reduction from lightning strike

  • armor
  • no longer unstoppable
  • masochistic nerfed as well

ok IF i play new season I am just rolling caster - or I will just play Baldurs Gate

Installed the Patch took my lvl 100 Druid to a testrun saw that now I have a awkward time between Werwolf Form due to 30 % CD nerv of around 10 sec in Human Form each cycle.
Regarding all the other stupid things that came with the Patch that one can sum up as : everything takes longer just to annoy players, I realized I muste have Stockholm Syndrome and decided to be better off without Diablo 4. I played kinda everything form D2(r) to D3 to WoW including Classic for Decades but now they made me google Baldurs Gate. Off course I know my Stockholm Syndrome makes me write this but thats port of my cure.
Best wishes to all of you was a great time and finally to the “Managers” that are resonsible for D4 as it is now: You cant make me buy anything anymore from Blizzard unless u bring back some kind of fun into this Game even though I doubt that the Patch or all the previous ones had anything to do with positive game experience and fun to play at all. Maybe you are doing something wrong here to get so many people upset and leaving.

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Yesterday I tried just one run to see the difference, tried a lvl 60 Nitemare Dungeon which I would clear easily before patch with tornado druid. After pacth I failed it, was getting a Lot of dmg all the time. Before, shout would usually be enough to keep me alive, now I was spamming potions al the time, but all deaths were chain CC. May need to swap cyclone to earthen bulwark after this nerf.

I tried my druid today and the only difference apart from my fortify dropping more because of the defence change was the unstoppable change, felt slightly weaker but NM 60 is still an easy farm, sounds like a paragon/gear issue to me. Also not defending the abysmal changes but druid scraped through relatively unharmed.

I also have a druid lv 100 and rogue lv 93.
What you mention is true but you forgot to mention that rogue has 3 source of Unstoppable. Shadow step, Concealment and Shadow Clone…
Shadow step alone has usually a 3-4s cooldown and you can even have 2 refreshing stacks on kill with the proper aspect.

While on the other end Werewolf in grizzly rage has absolutely no other form of unstoppable for 20+ seconds and has to either

  • Play melee (crone staff)
  • Stand still while casting Lightning storm
  • Or stay relatively close to ennemies for tornados to go in the right direction

I don’t see in any of the 3 options above a good way to avoid getting cc.

We can’t wait 30 seconds for grizzly rage to come back on CD to have 6s of unstoppable during which we will not be able to stack up enough crit damage to do damage to then wait again for the next cycle.

Dire wolf aspect is really important for the spirit cost reduction of the storm skills with TR while in Grizzly rage form. However now you won’t even have the opportunity to use these spells because you will just be chain cc till you die as you are TRAPPED in a form in which you cannot cast spells to get unstoppable


Yes, rogue does have 3 sources, but so does Druid (GR, trample, EB). However, neither my stormwolf druid nor my penshot rogue use more than one source, which is very commonly the case in other builds as well. I’m trying to compare apples to apples here :slight_smile: the GR nerf is going to hurt me a lot, I’m not denying that, but I’m not buying that it killed my class. I’ll still be able to play it just fine. I might not be able to play 30-40 levels higher than my character and be completely braindead, but having to actually think while I play doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me.