Did they implement WASD for movement in time for launch?

What the title says…
I hate point left click move which is also attached to an ability. A lot of times I left click to attack but I miss the mob and my character then runs stupidly into the mobs.

having Movement set to WASD while my mouse left click is just for an ability makes for a much easier time


There isn’t any official WASD movement no.


Hmm how bout unoffically?

There a GitHub a poster named Destruction2 programmed. I mean it’s pretty neat, but definitely no replacement for actual WASD. And in my opinion, may trigger warden because it just quickly clicks around you. I could be wrong on that but I’m not going to risk it personally. I appreciate his effort though.

There’s also a way to do it on auto hotkey. But that also can trigger warden. Probably just not advisable to use unofficial routes.

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Sorry what is triggering the warden?

Hundreds of clicks a second might do it. Which is essentially what the program does, from how I read it. Maybe I’m wrong.

The Warden is the anti-cheat software Blizzard uses. A third party application like this may trigger it and potentially get a user banned.


Name an ARPG with wasd movement.

Uhm… Diablo Immortal…

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We can thank Asmongold for all of these stupid WASD threads, his drones are legion. This type of movement has never been a thing in ARPGs…and no, Diablo Immoral doesn’t count.


I don’t really watch asmongold… is that something he had advocated for? Got a link?

Weird. Why not?

Because it’s a port of a crap mobile gotcha game with a Diablo skin slapped on it. None of the real PC ARPGs use it.


Sounds like you never experienced using WASD for movement. Not sure why you care so much about it. It would be like me freeking out cause blizzard ported it to a controller…

Yeah…I’ve only been gaming on PCs since the Commodore 64, what would I know about WASD?

Because it’s not worth wasting dev time on something that’s not really wanted by a lot of people. Most of the clowns here demanding are streamer parasocials just parroting what their dear leader said…in this case I believe Asmongold was the one that energized his cult.

This forum isn’t just for people to agree with you.


Quick clicking isn’t going to set off Warden. You can set your force move button to the scroll wheel. If you have a mouse with a smooth scroll wheel and you can give that a spin and it will “click move” about 10000 times. So that isn’t going to be a bannable detection.

I thought about that too but my left click finger is the same finger that would use the mouse wheel so in order to use the left click ability I lose my movement.

I think Ill just use a controller

Controllers is the only safe alternative that doesnt risk a ban.
Cant go back to click to move now.

It was just an example of why it can’t be banned. But that’s fair. People are always soooo scared of the “ban hammer” banning them for something simple. It won’t. People that claimed it has “when they did nothing wrong” are lying. Maybe with a struck by lightning exception that is very exceptionally rare if that. Modding games and using utilities like these rarely ever result in getting banned, unless your digging around in memory trying to trick the system.

For me, I have a logitech mouse, and I map a spare button right next to the left click button as force move. I rarely use it except in major boss fights, but it’s nice to have a force move button.

I hope they add WASD movement for season 1 atleast, after playing Battlerite and Vrising its hard to go back to the clicking xD

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Well how about any good ARPGs that use it lol Diablo Immoral definitely isn’t that.

You’re just gonna have to wait and see if they make WASD happen, I doubt they will though, don’t do 3rd party, you will get banned.