Diablo.Trade is ruining the fun

diablo.trade is NOT official Blizzard website. Its an external trading website, use at your own risk.

My solution is to add Auction House in-game or remove trading and Boost Drops so we dont need to trade.

Diablo.trade is an awful website, no search options for specific mods on items when looking for items to buy while having this option when posting items to sell LOL. They cant even get the WTB and WTS drop down options right. Its so laggy its almost unusable. Its an absolute abomination.

Another issue is before using diablo.trade to sell 3 items the most gold I had ever farmed was 150million… after 3 trades I on just under 2 billion. That is absolutely insane and shows how many bots are farming gold and how many whales are buying it and completely pumping up prices beyond belief.

Once you know this, diablo.trade is mandatory for gold farming because you effectively have infinite gold. Blizzard need to stamp out the gold bots to eliminate the whales before we get a real in game AH.


This is accurate and my point. This is exactly what is happening. Everything is just going up massively. I was buying wands at 150m for my build then 300m then 500m and now they are at 1B.

The contrary side is uniques affected with bug fix do seem to be price declining as supply is overcoming this effect.

Yah this system is very harsh to casuals now. IF you dont diablo trade you are not getting anywhere with 5m a reset, constant bricks, and no way to trade in game.


imagine enable trading but push ppl on a 3rd party junk website to do so. if it comes to qol blizzard takes the easiest way and it looks like they don’t care much how unconfortable it is for the players. we need an auction house and tons of other changes for better access. make s5 qol reborn.

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Yah its awful on d trade. They could make AH work if they learn lessons from D3 disaster.
as bad as d trade is im using it to make mad gold cash which doesnt get me that far because of inflation but at least I can afford enchant and master reroll.


As with poe, you can trade and short circuit playing the game, or you can ssf (or group ssf) and accept the fact you aren’t getting absolute BIS items.

I think I may have to enforce a hybrid sytem that will ensure fun and gear upgrades I earn while tapping into trade for gold in season for reroll and masterwork.

My new rule for S5 after seeing what happens in S4 is to only allow trading for gold and so no buying items in season but anything goes on eternal to see how far build can go with best items. This sees how far you can push your build in season with items you earned.

Problem with just allowing yourself to trade and flip and such is that this will always beat playing the game to earn items faster. So you get good at flipping and can gear your whole character. So you stopped playing D4 at some point and started playing Trade Sim 4000. This is fine for eternal type wasteland but not good to do in season.

Depends how many cosmetics did you buy? :hamster: :popcorn:

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Disable trade or do D3 limited trade.

Or do AH, d3 trade was stupid af

Open trading is the problem, not a website or an AH.

So no from me for AH as it solves nothing.

If they continue with trade then they need to separate it into its leagues trading/no trading.

I’d prefer they just do no trading (except with party member drops like d3).
Just my 2cents.

This is my preferred method as well.

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I wouldnt say this is particularly true. Yes its easier but gold is in abundance just playing the game. However it does mean you need to do other things then greater rifts till your eyes bleed.

I myself have more gold then what I made trading a couple items for a couple billion. So, i effectively didnt even need to trade in S4.

main problem with diablo.trade is the rmt and buying item just to resale at mucher higher prices. Should be like last epoche. Can trade a item one time then its bound to the buyer

They just need a AH
Why should we have to go to a 3rd party?
Just don’t make it RMAH again

I dunno



Season 4 has tons of issues but Diablo.Trade is not one of them. YOu can completely ignore Diablo.Trade it’s a non-issue. Greater Affixes are all over the place just hang out in Helltides and kill the Blood maiden (best way to do your seasonal quest) over and over and you’ll be swimming in GAs.

The real issue in Season 4 is the ridiculously bad Tempering system, the ridiculous cost of resetting Masterworking, and ultra low Stygian Stone droprate. You can literally get Stygian stones faster just by creating alts and finishing your Seasonal Quests over and over. This also gets you Resplendent Sparks, tons of Stygian Stones and summong mats, and again tons of GA items.

And the gigantic elephant in the room – piss poor class balance, with one class having Damage Multipliers in the thousand% range, with Multiplicative Tempers that make a basic skill AOE, while other classes wallow in turd.

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This is bad if Blizzard balances the game around the idea that everyone has a billion gold doing Diablo trading.

Which sadly does seem to be the case, because the gold costs in this game are crazy.

But I play Diablo 4 to play an ARPG, not to play Wallstreet Simulator. I absolutely refuse to do trading, it’s not my idea of fun, I don’t want to sit around like a broker or auctioner waiting for items to sell. I just want to play the game.


i completely agree, I do however enjoy selling items in an auction house like in wow, but I completely understand that is not what defines an ARPG at all, and that probably most don’t want to do that!
However if trade is to stay in the game, we need a system that is simple and in game so that players such as yourself can just find items, go to the AH post them and be done, receiving the gold in their mailbox.