Diablo.Trade is ruining the fun

So season was actually going good… but its been now 2 weeks diablo.trade is down (now its up but no notifications). Literally cant expect people 2 farm items for new builds with these rare GA drop chances … literally every season you are testing the communitys patience … cant we get 1 season with out issues literally destroying the fun ? N to those who say that the website has nothin 2 do with Blizzard well blizzard gave up on the discord channel on sanctuary n now we only got this which never works


I find greater affix items all the time. Are we playing the same game? What is the issue you are having?


is diablo.trade even official? no use crying here for a site that is not managed by blizzard.

now if you mean blizz should make trading not utterly trash, I’m with you on that.

i mean blizzard gave up the trading channel in discord 2 this website so somehow they made it worse n are responsible for it. but ya trading is a pain 3 weeks now i want 2 change my build n cant just buy items.

Can’t agree more with OP.

Overtuned bosses, tempering bricking items, uber/stone droprate still too low, not enough uniques, and plethora of skills still way too weak.

I skipped season 3 because yeah, total waste of time, figured this was going to be good enough to come back to but I was wrong. Waiting for season 5 or additional fixes before this game wastes any more of my time.

We now know why trading is for all items. It was to supply an out for all the :brick: going on.

RMT inflation to gold economy is about 200% now. Items used to be 150m are now 450m.

Soon anything will cost 1B.

I think after they introduce the group finder the next big thing they need to tackle is an official trading venue. An in game auction house would be the best.

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items already cost 1b. but well im selling items for higher prices 2. so its at the end the same thing

Diablo.trade isnt run by Blizzard but regardless with trade comes:

  1. More bots
  2. More spam
  3. More credit card warriors
  4. Devalued in game currency

Happens in all games with trade. It particularly bad in blizzard games because the player base is large. So you will see a higher volume of gold farmers.

However 2ga isnt so rare. 3ga is rarer then ubers so there actually a loot hunt.


They already tried that and everyone here crucified them.

They had a gold auction house and a real money auction house.

They know people are gonna RMT, no matter what, no matter where. if there is open trade, RMT will ALWAYS exist (looking at you JSP) so they decided, why not just do it themselves.

People were pissed, and that was one of the largest talking points about D3 for the LONGEST time. Personally i didnt mind it, im even guilty of selling items for real money on the D3 AH(and even getting the ROS collectors for free because of it) but for whatever reason, people crucified blizzard for doing the exact same thing JSP did (and still does) in house with a far better and more convenient UI.


Today has been a rough one for me, just hit 100 on my alt (druid) and playing up to 90 nightmare dungeons and haven’t had one greater affix drop today for me in probably 6 hours of play. Feels like I had them drop faster by far at lower level dungeons/heltides yesterday.

man have you ever played seasonal ARPGs with economy?

It’s not about RMT, the longer the season goes on, the higher the prices for a more or less good gear, as the total amount of the currency increases

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Trade isnt ruining the fun.

Blahzzard is ruining it.

Well no one is talking about a real money auction house here so that’s nothing to with anything.

That said, the real money auction house was extremely successful and very popular. The only reason that it was done away with was because they would have had to send out w-2s. It doesn’t matter what they publicly said the reason was, it ended the exact same day new federal regulations started, regarding the issue.

But back to the point. They need to add some sort of in-game auction house. And a separate currency should be used for it. Plenty ideas for that.

Every single item you farm or purchase will be obsolete in 2 month, why do you care so much for powercreeping? Is there anything you cant play in this super easy game with only 1 GA on each item?
Dont tell me 1GA items are rare, play 10 hours and you have 200

Yes and its opposite. Usually prices go down as more items flood market because all the players have their items and nobody is buying them but right now RMT flipped that on its head. Everytyhing is just going up steady.

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nah i disagree, good items are always cheaper at the start of the season, some mid-trash items(but build defining) are more expensive at the season start(*fractured winterglass w/o GA) then they become cheaper, but mid-GG items are always kinda cheap at the start and expensive mid-end season.

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diablo.trade is NOT official Blizzard website. Its an external trading website, use at your own risk.

My solution is to add Auction House in-game or remove trading and Boost Drops so we dont need to trade.

Diablo.trade is an awful website, no search options for specific mods on items when looking for items to buy while having this option when posting items to sell LOL. They cant even get the WTB and WTS drop down options right. Its so laggy its almost unusable. Its an absolute abomination.

Another issue is before using diablo.trade to sell 3 items the most gold I had ever farmed was 150million… after 3 trades I on just under 2 billion. That is absolutely insane and shows how many bots are farming gold and how many whales are buying it and completely pumping up prices beyond belief.

Once you know this, diablo.trade is mandatory for gold farming because you effectively have infinite gold. Blizzard need to stamp out the gold bots to eliminate the whales before we get a real in game AH.


This is accurate and my point. This is exactly what is happening. Everything is just going up massively. I was buying wands at 150m for my build then 300m then 500m and now they are at 1B.

The contrary side is uniques affected with bug fix do seem to be price declining as supply is overcoming this effect.