Diablo Warlock Class

Inspo for the Diablo abilities https://youtu.be/8mdGqqEumJY?si=_J-GXK79GPKi9JiV

Warlock would have Hatred, Terror and Destruction talents focused on the 3 prime evils. It’s final node could host inspiration for all the prime/lesser evils.

Diablo abilities are more physically aggressive and reminiscent of metamorphosis growing demon limbs and parts.

Mephisto is more about demonic magic being a demonic caster using flame skulls,hell fire, lightning.

Baal would be more focused on summoning the denziens of hell and the vile disgusting malignance.

I just think it’s strange we’ve had an angelic class but never the opposite even though it’s clearly neither the heavens or the hells care about sanctuary


I like this. A demonic class of sorts harnessing the dark side of the nephalem. At the end of D3 Tyreal wondered if the nephalem could resist the temptation.

One ultimate could be prime evil : transform into ultimate demon casting 3 spells 1-sin prison ( locking all enemies in a dark bone prison making vulnerable and cursing) 2- cosmic stomp that lashes out hell fire in a circle around you 3- unholy breath (firing a demonic flame from your mouth hitting all in the prisons. All ala Diablo battle from d3 as prime evil

I’d also like to clarify that a necromancer gets their abilities from the unformed land( realm of the dead) not from hell.

We’ve never had a hero from sanctuary using the power from the hells versus the hells

Because why would Hell and demons land you their powers to defeat them?

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Warlocks are typically dark casters that take their power and submit it to their will?

One of the class quest could be about killing a higher tier demon and consuming its heart to take its power.

The lord of hell also fight amongst each other

I was expecting you to say "because a demon (or group) wants to take the place of the prime evils and he is using you to help him (them).

What is also a good idea.

Edit: oh well, now you said it.

Yeah my bad, there’s just tons of lore they can work on to make it work.

Cool idea. A Warlock class could definitely work in Diablo. Kind of surprised there hasn’t been one yet.

I think this would be an excellent fit

Yeah i guess it’s because necromancer exist they didn’t do it

Maybe, But there is a difference. Necro’s focus on undead and skills that are or should represent that. Warlocks Can be elemental or dark (Shadow) or demonic (summon) or (enslavement). I would play a warlock class if it is done right. I played a warlock in vanilla wow years ago. Had quite a bit of fun with the class. That is until they nerfed the class into the ground.

It’s not lent power you as a nephalem have that power and in D4 you’re granted more through Lilith blood petals. In past games you’ve been given angelic (holy) power and with Tyrell’s might in D4 it’s making a come back. They have yet granted a demonic power element. This idea should introduce an entirely new element from the demons and nephalems darkside

The entire point of Diablo games is to fight demons…not be their friends.

Exactly what “angelic” class have we had? I’m confucious.

Maybe after the Spiritborn class

Paladins, Crusader?

How is enslaving demons being their friends.

Just want to say that when I first read the title, I thought it said

“Diablo Working Class”

I would love to play that… say maybe being the Occultist and being the most hated and wealthiest class lol.

You aren’t enslaving the prime evils.

You’re allying with their power to kill their underlings.

Stop being a DEVIL WORSHIPER!!!

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in diabolo speramus

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Warlocks are pretty on note to think they’re pulling the strings and it coming to bite them back

Not angelic class but angelic power meaning holy as in holy damage.
but you’re part demon.
no class has had a demonic or hellish power.
Shadow comes closest.
Dark magic yes but not necessarily hellish or demonic.