Diablo IV Login/Queue Issues - 6/8/2023

I fully dusted and cleaned my PC/GPU a few days before the first open beta, so that was not the issue my friend. It was the fact that after the patch, I was unexpectedly locked to 4k after changing all my graphical settings to 1440p prior to the ‘‘server slam’’ patch. This put a ‘‘load’’ on my GPU so great that it in did in fact cause it to literally melt. I explained this many times throughout this thread.

Players shouldn’t have to reassign all their graphical settings after every single patch is deployed. Every open and closed beta i have ever participated in since the late 90’s has always saved the players graphical settings, regardless of there being a patch deployed or not. It’s development 101.

Even though technically speaking D4 didn’t directly kill my card, but it did indirectly cause the card to burn up. Blizzard is still responsible for D4 indirectly killing my GPU.

"UPDATE 2 (June 3, 2023):
After extensive testing, we have found that the issue is related to a fan controller malfunction resulting in the card overheating. Lately we’ve had this behavior occuring randomly in other games as well, which means that it has nothing to do with Diablo 4.

This is not Blizzard’s fault."

Honestly hilarious that you claim the other person is talking nonsense when that original video confirms what he’s saying. Maybe take a peek at the comments section next time? Lmao.

While there needs to be a fault in the component to fail, there is still something wrong with the game pushing GPUs beyond what should be allowable.

There are many users who are experiencing GPUs ramping up in utilization, temps, and fans when idling with their inventory open; importantly, not during any other time.

There’s something wrong when you are at 45% utilization, 73 Celsius, and normal fan speeds during large encounters, but when you stand still and open your inventory it ramps up to 90% utilization, 80 Celsius (only because it hit the ceiling and throttling), and fax going at Max RPM.

The components had a pre-existing issue, but the game pushed it over the edge because there’s something seriously wrong with his it’s rendering or processing.

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I agree this game should not be pushing video cards this hard. There is no reason for it. Just because something can operate at “the red line” does not mean its good to do or should do.

ima run this game at terrible settings to hopefully mitigate this issue, and I should not have too. No game should tax a video card this hard.

This is also is a similar problem with the D2R release. It saddens me blizzard did not learn their lesson. But then again when do they learn from past mistakes? Its not often sadly…


Well in my case the Titan X SC was a 4k ‘‘ready’’ card. I knew it couldn’t handle D4 at 4k, the card just wasn’t designed for it. It barely got 30 FPS in The Witcher 3 when it was released. There were only 4k monitors @30hz available to the public at the time the Titan X SC hit market. It was simply not designed for intensive 4k gaming.

This is specifically why i had been playing all my games at 1440p. When the server slam patch reset all my graphical settings and unexpectedly locked me to 4k, it only took a few minutes for it to kill my GPU while just navigating the UI’s sitting idle in Kyovashad.

I tried to change my graphical settings after noticing lower frame rates than usual, but all the settings were greyed out and locked, by that time it was too late. Just moments later my fans accelerated to 100%, and I got a black screen. That was all she wrote for my GPU and my install of windows 10.

The question is why were the graphical settings locked (greyed out) in the first place?


If you were to actually read this thread you would realize that I had only used that video as a reference to the time stamp (4:59). This time stamp shows the graphical settings being locked to 4k. The problem that occurred with my GPU had no relation to what happen with the 3080 TI’s. Not even in the slightest. Maybe take a peek at the comments section next time? Lmao.

Blizzard acknowledged that there is an issue where opening specific UI Elements like inventory / map and vendors may freeze/crash the GPU, while the gpu usage / temperature / fan speed and power consumption may sky rocket. Blizzard said they will be tracking / updating the following thread in regards to this issue, so if you’re experiencing this please go to the link and submit what’s being requested:

However, we need to clarify that all the cards getting bricked are defective and this issue just exposes the flaw. And while Blizzard is investigating the issue trying to optimize the game and apply a bandaid in order to minimize the possibility of this occurring again, users are advised to cap the game at 60 fps from the nvidia control panel/amd adrenalin and apply an aggressive fan curve with MSI Afterburner to make sure their cards are being cooled properly at all times when running the game.

Additionally, you can also apply a lower gpu power limit like 80% with MSI Afterburner (along with a more aggressive fan curve/lower temperature limit), as an extra precaution.

Here is the latest official announcement from Blizzard:

More things you can try that have reportedly helped some users:
-Disable XMP/EXPO/DOCP for RAM in BIOS
-Disable Nvidia overlay
-Disable Automatic Tuning in Geforce Experience
-Activate NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency
-Close Geforce Experience
-Set all graphics settings to low
-Delete C:\Users\Documents\Diablo IV\LocalPrefs.txt
-Close RGB software & any 3rd party apps for peripherals from Razer/Logitech etc
-Clean install graphics drivers with DDU
-Download and install the High Res Texture Pack
-Move the game to a non nvme drive, like a sata ssd-hdd
-Reinstall the game

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That might be the case with cards that were marketed by Nvidia or other manufacturers as a 4k card. However mine was not marketed as a 4k video card. It was marketed as the king of 1440p at the time it was released with 4k capabilities.

The only flaw that was exposed to my card, was that of being locked to 4k. It’s what effectively killed my GPU.

Well, not sure what you hope to gain by thinking that way.

Blizzard isn’t going to own up to it and replace your hardware…

And you can continue to think that if you like. But IF the card didn’t have a defect with its protection, it wouldn’t have died.

And as I have noted several times previously, I’m not saying the game doesn’t have issues with optimization and consistency.

But the point still stands. If the game was actually killing cards, don’t you think it would kill a HELL of a lot more than the few noted here on the forums?

Many people are reporting higher than expected temps and fan speeds true. But none of their cards are dying immediately either. Their protection is kicking in and working. And due to the rarity of a few that have, and the community at large, Blizzard is working to fix these issues one by one.

That doesn’t fix your problem of course. Yours is still down and you are understandably irritated.

But at this point, you have two options: Try to get your card replaced under warranty if possible. Or get a replacement.

I know that’s not what you are going to want to hear, but what else can we say?

“Hardware does not burn/melt/fry due to software.”

Uhhh software is probably the thing that is MOST likely to damage components. Downloading software to increase and decrease voltages/wattage and power draws definitely can cause a component to overheat and cause damage.

To say software cannot cause mechanical damage shows how little knowledge you know about computer software and hardware. It is pretty impressive you get paid to know so little about something that’s your profession.

While I will grant that could be the case if pushed to extremes, most good cards still have safeties built in to prevent damage even in those cases.


We are talking about Diablo IV directly breaking cards, when that is not possible.

Can it push a card with an issue into breaking? Apparently so. But it cannot directly kill a card. There has to be something else wrong first. Like a defect or damage due to being overclocked, ran over heated for a long time, that sort of thing.

What i meant by ‘‘effectively’’ is that being locked to 4k on a GPU that was not designed for 4k gaming, which i specifically stayed away from, was the culprit that was ‘‘effective’’ in killing my GPU.

However now that you put that into perspective and I haven’t yet received an e-mail from blizzard in regards to this specific case, which i gave credible evidence to support it, only gives me reason to believe that what you claim is true.

There was no defect, the card was simply just not designed for 4k gaming in Diablo 4. It’s not my fault that I was unexpectedly locked to 4k and as a result lost a 1600$ video card. Especially after i spent 10 minutes going through all my settings to play D4 at 1440p only to have the patch revert it all, and lock me to 4k.

I won’t explain it again. I have far too many times now.

Yet here you are still posting in this thread and irritating me further. What did I tell you, if you want to police a thread go to the WoW forums. This thread was to be directed at the technical support team on this forum. Not DTMAce.

I have been a loyal blizzard gamer for 25 years. I was Warlord in Vanilla WoW. I was also a 3 time High Warlord in classic WoW and spent a better part of 5 years playing classic how it was intended to be played all those years ago. All 3 of my characters were legends among the community. I’m not saying that under these circumstances i should be compensated. I’m just stating that i have dedicated a lot of my life to support them.

After making my case and giving credible evidence to support it the least blizzard could do is compensate me for a mistake made on their end. They know my e-mail, the ball is in their court, i would just hate to have to steal it and go hard in the paint.

A GPU not being designed for 4K doesn’t mean it will burn if you try to play at 4K though.
The only thing that is going to happen is bad performance so I can’t see how Blizzard would be to blame.

And being loyal to Blizzard doesn’t gives you more rights to be compensate than someone else.
If they were to compensate, they would do it for everyone involved which doesn’t seems to be the case.
I would say it’s more of your GPU manufacturer’s fault here.

Running any game with a given GPU at a higher resolution that what it has been marketed for shouldn’t make it burn, even if the problem comes from the fact that the game is eating way too much VRAM, you would have got the problem with another game at some point.

This whole argument is semantics really. People seme to get defensive and try to “protect” the blame of a game.

Its like trying to argue if someone said “Street racing my car blew my head gasket” and an avid racer blurts out “STREET RACING DOESN’T CAUSE DAMAGE, YOUR CAR WAS JUST BUILT LIKE JUNK”

Obviously. The fact is that the GPU was working fine until playing this game, so using that GPU with this Game caused the issue. You could not have this scenario without whatever was put into this game, nor how the GPU was made.

People are more after the fact that their GPU is getting wrecked and pointing out that it happened when playing the game.

I waited for the long 500+ minute que time and finally got 1 when i got an error that said that it couldnt find a valid license and i got booted off and now im qued again for 633 minutes, ill wait and get the error number once i get dc again

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Paid almost $80 for a finished game. I can’t play, login que 520 minutes. 50% refund just on the fact this has wasted my time which is limited. Shame

Brave of you to assume I am not blind and mute.


Meaning none of us can get in to play tonight. I’m at 1061 minutes

All the poor people bogging the servers down now that they can log on.

Seriously? Why did we pay for this? PoE is free and their servers work. Fix your sh*t or I won’t be staying long.

They literally don’t care. In fact, you leaving out of frustration is part of their business model. They have your money. When you quit it lightens up server load. Blizzard didn’t build for launch numbers, they built for a few months down the road when traffic slows.

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