Diablo IV has run out of memory

agree increasing page file did not help still happening

The command line argument only fixed one thing, which was the DirectStorage lockup. That got fixed in the current patch, so it won’t help here in any case. It most certainly won’t help with an out of memory error, especially since those hitting this problem still have memory available to the system when the game itself crashes.

This shouldn’t be necessary. In fact, no other game I know of has this problem. Something D4 is doing is causing it to not properly flush textures when necessary and instead just continually moving them to swap.

Again, it’s a coding error (or just plain bad code) that is causing this. No other game requires modifying the swap file to function normally.

Nope. As you and I have both noted, the system still has RAM available when it has the VM crash. You could have 128 GB RAM and it will still crash. And having to block off that much of your boot SSD, which is likely going to be a smaller SSD relative to where you typically store games, is anything but optimal or ideal.

Something to keep in mind with this is that this will hard lock that much of your drive, and if it’s a smaller SSD you may not want to or even be able to allocate this much VM.

It’s a Blizzard problem in that they aren’t doing proper garbage collection (e.g., flushing textures when they aren’t needed) and even when the primary stack heap isn’t running out of memory, the VM system is because the game is letting everything pile up there and not flushing anything. That becomes an issue with large VRAM cards because large chunks of textures are swapped to VM (they should be swapped to RAM, not VM, for what it’s worth) and if the chunk is large enough, it can instantly saturate and exceed the allocation for VM. That’s why DTMAce suggested the VM changes. However, that is currently a double edged sword, especially if in situations where your boot drive isn’t large, you can have space issues preventing you from allocating that much space in the first place.

It’s a workaround, not a solution. Windows’ memory management is very robust, if displayed in a confusing manner in task manager. You could have 128 GB RAM and still hit a VM wall in the current patch. This rests entirely with Blizzard as the fix is on their end. They’re letting the game cache everything and not flushing when needed.

Hi, I’m having this issue now. Just came back to the game after a few months. Never had this issue, but it’s happened several times since I started playing again.

Was this ever fixed? Or is there a workaround?

3060TI 8GB
Samsung 980 Pro SSD

Seems to happen randomly no matter what I’m doing? Was just looking though my inventory in town during the last crash.

I’m on Ultra Settings, at 1080p. No RTX activated. Pretty much same settings I always been using. Game runs at 60FPS all the time with no stutter otherwise.

Are u getting a crash with message out of memory?

Yea, a little box pops up saying Diablo 4 ran out of memory. Every time.

Check the paging file for the drive Diablo is installed and make sure it is set high enough . Seems like 16-32GB is what online says.

Other things to help are disable other programs. Virus scanners are notorius here.

The old tried and true update video card drivers. Also make sure you are not missing a critical update for your bios, cpu, ssd, ect. My crucial SSD once had a horrible error in its bios I had to bios update.

Lower graphics can help.

Run memory diagnostic if all else fails. RAM can go bad.

How do I check Page Filing for D4?

Also, I update all my system drivers/bios/firmware every time a new one is released.

Diablo 4 is the only game giving me errors.

You will have to google it with whatever operating system you are using and go from there.

ITs windows page file. It doesnt specifically connect with D4. ITs a general setting that is managed by windows and hidden. ITs advanced to tinker with it.

You might just need a reset. I sleep my computer and I can go quite some time before I remember to reset it.

Also dont forget to clean your computer. A dirty dusty computer can be ok in some games but when it gets demanding can crash. IF you do clean it wear a mask. Computer dust can have heavy metals. You dont want to breathe that.

Samsung 980 SSD has a firmware problem that causes crashes and can lead to early drive death. Get the Samsung Magician SSD management utility and go from there.

[Samsung Magician Software Download | Samsung Semiconductor Global]
(http ://semiconductor.samsung.com/consumer-storage/magician/)

Double check I posted right one. I do not claim this is 100% the official one. DYOR.

This could be your issue and your other games are not taxing memory enough to matter.

Hope this fixes it. Firmware problems are very bad. Should help you out alot if you missed this update.


Do you have your browser on?

There is some weird interaction where it sucks up memory with the browser.

Also turn off and back on computer to release the hard drive space as well. I find the game consumes and then doesn’t release a few GB while running.

Finally, stop hoarding 1,000 ubers in your stash. We all know that’s what causing your problem. The ubers demand so much energy to glow it’s consuming all your PC resources. :rofl:

lol I don’t even have a single Uber item.

Last time I played, I was trying to get 1 single Andy Helm. I think it was beginning of S3 or end of S2? And i was only playing on the Eternal Realm.

This error only started happening for me last night, so I’m guessing they changed something in a patch over the past couple weeks or months that messed it up?

Weird thing is I tried the PTR for a couple days and it didn’t happen on that either.

I always have my browser open, but I have hardware acceleration disabled.

This also happens in minecraft if you have too many stacks of glowstone in a chest.

Logically this could be true or this is just the time your firmware decided to act up on you. I have had things like this in past. You can be ok for weeks or months then all the sudden it pops up. You assume it is something that it isnt because of the timing which is logical but proves wrong. Check that firmware! Your drive could be approaching the end of its life because firmware wasnt updated so your errors are just beginning.

Firmware issues are one of the worst issues you can have.

Anyways I did what I could. I m out of this one! Toodles. GL

Well, I lowered graphic preset to HIGH instead of Ultra, and it hasn’t crashed yet. So, that’s something.

Did you check your firmware on your SSD?

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Yea, I ran the Magician thing and there was an update for the 980 Pro. I have a 970 Pro as well as a storage drive, but that was already running latest firmware.

Says the drive is in Good status. No issues reported.

CrystalDisk info is also reporting two healthy drives.

Maybe update for 980 will fix it. in any event GL i cant help anymore. toodles

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must be our stash space…

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Lowering detail settings to High seems to have fixed it for now.

You’d think at 1080p this wouldn’t be an issue. But, oh well. Gotta lose some Texture Detail to prevent crashes I guess.

I don’t even bother with the RTX stuff. I know that’ll bog everything down.