Diablo IV has run out of memory

I think there is a fix for this on the tech support channel to do with renaming a folder.

Those of you having issues, try setting the Windows Virtual Memory (Swap File) to a static size of 16GB for min and max under custom. (16384MB)

Go to About System. Advanced System Settings. Performance->Settings. Advanced. Virtual Memory. Hit Change. Custom Size. Set Initial Size and Maximum Size to 16384. If you have less than 32GB, set these to 20480.

This affects those of you that have above 8GB of GPU memory more than those with lower end cards. However this change can help.

Those that have more than 32GB of RAM can probably set the virtual memory lower (8162MB) and be fine.

Keep the swap file on your fastest drive, typically the C: drive or your fastest NVMe SSD.

Let me know if that helps some of you or not.

You can monitor the virtual memory usage using Task Manager while you play. just keep tabs on your Committed amount of Memory in use. If that gets full, you will crash.

This isnā€™t a leak, its a matter of RAM space issue and not clearing unless you have enough room.

I only started having out of memory issues once I upgraded to the 4080 Super. Since I implemented this change, it has not given me any more out of memory issues. Before, I was getting them anywhere from after 10 minutes to over an hour of play. And the virtual memory (Committed) was showing maxed out, despite still having RAM available overall.

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Should not have to change a thing from windows doing its own allocation of memory esp if your on a high end system 4090 and 32gb ramā€¦ blizzard needs to step up, own up their faults and fix their game

I agree. But do you want the game to work or not?

Honestly, your system will probably benefit from the change anyway. This will help it from trying to dynamically change it when Windows thinks it needs to.

No not really ive allocated virtual memory before and windows did not like itā€¦ ive had more issues overall and in other games changing windows than leaving it be. Its a double eged sword

Well, let me tell you this.

I have been running this game since launch without a swap file enabled at all. 12900k, 32GB DDR5. Z790 board, 3070 Ti, Windows 11 Pro. Been absolutely solid since the game launched.

Once I upgraded to a 4080 Super. All hell broke loose. Ran out of memory, crashed on teleport. I was getting all of it. Constantly showing reconnecting.

Soon as I enabled the swap file and set a static size. Boom. Solid again.

Blizzard needs to fix and optimize their memory leaks, no excuses or making excuses for a company we have spent money on. Ive done it before and it has not helped at all. Prior seasons was game crashes and fenris errors, i only had perfect sessions on launch prior to any patches

Not making any excuse. Just solutions. Even if its a work around, its better than anything they have been doing.

But hey, you can continue to hate them, no sweat from me. Iā€™m not happy with everything they have done either. Just so we are clear.

Good luck.

True, just the fact the game has been out for a while and they still have not fixed these issues and support only tells ypu, oh well its your fault not oursā€¦ blizzard is turning them selves into bungie hereā€¦ and like ive said ive done your examples and they do not work. Its not every day or coups be once or every other day i get the errors but enough to get pissed off about it . If it works for you though thats good.

True, it may not work for every setup and system. I know that everyone sets their stuff up different, has different preferences, etc.

I just try to replicate what I know works, since I have had pretty good results and very little issue with this game playing on my machine. But I know not everyone is as fortunate.

So its easy to see why Blizzard may give a canned response in most queries. Anyway.

Must be your RAM I have 32gig ram and a Geforce GTX 1060 6GB and I dont run out of memory

Of course not. You have a lot less memory on your GPU.

Mine was fine on a 3070 Ti with 8GB. But the 16GB 4080 S on the other hand pushed the virtual memory till it crashed. And it was quite easy apparently.

I alluded to this earlier in the thread. But essentially, this problem is less prevalent on lesser hardware.

GPUs with higher RAM amounts have to have more virtual memory to operate with. So you need even more RAM, or the swap file has to accommodate for it. And some systems might not compensate the swap file enough.

The game could still be better optimized so this isnā€™t a huge issue, but it is manageable for some of you.

This is why my fat tail enjoys having a console. Too many variables for pcs to have a stable experience. Yes I am a console gamer I post here because it feels more active lol.

Im also playing on X Boggs Serious X (the better Pc) and the only ā€œproblemsā€ i get are lots of disconnects because i fell asleep grinding for Duriel mats.

If I play for too long then my game starts to freeze up for like 5-10 seconds a few times in a row and my game just crashes without any error code. Seems to be memory related as well. Only been happening the last few days.

i am trying your suggestion hope it works i have 96.0 GB of RAM previious setting was for 13312 this just started happining after the last up date idk what is causing it here searching for a solution 75 years old not very computer savy thanks in advance problem still exists after changes recomended

seems to have fixed the issue has not occured again thanks again

if you have to change virtual memory settings in windows to enjoy a gameā€¦ the devs messed up. youre not supposed to have to touch that at all as an average user.

not gonna change a serious windows setting just for one shoddy game lol

I agree.

But if it gets people the ability to play the game without it running out of memory for now, whatā€™s the harm in trying?

I said it before, its not going to hurt the system. And in some cases may help the system performance a tad overall.

And why does everyone act like its such a critical thing to adjust? Its just virtual memoryā€¦ I ran this game on this computer without even having it enabled since last June. Only had problems because I changed video cards and the driver.

This is not Blizzardā€™s problem. Windows is the operating system. ā€œItā€ is responsible for allocating and managing memory both physical and virtual. Virtual Memory (i.e. swap file) is a solution for systems that lack enough physical memory to run a program properly and Diablo 4 is stressing your operating system.

Since the introduction of Windows 95, which eliminated the need for Memory Managers and custom config.sys and autoexec.bat, if you are having memory issues the solution is to add more memory or expand your Virtual Memory (Swap file). DTMAce is correct; take his advice or continue having problems.