Diablo IV Beta -Character Creation Feedback

This is just how my experience in the Beta feelt like while character creation:

  • Charactercreation:
  • No gender lock

  • Different faces, eyecolors, hairstyles & more.

  • Too less options for faces, eyecolors, hairstyles & more.

  • three day beards look Kind of strange, might be my PC but this irregular beard growth looks strange. Same goes for the supershort haircut.

  • No Bodyshapeoptions, classlocked bodyshapes:
    Why can’t we choose our Body shape for each Class? I loved Diablo II for example. I like my Necromancer to look like the Diablo II Necromancer in modern graphic. I would like my Druid to look like the Diablo II druid as well. But this is impossible since he is big and has big belly. That is only my opinion but I say there is a bunch of people out there who would love to change their chars so they enjoy the game much more. (In my case it kills about 50% of the fun if I dislike my characters appearance). So here is my wish: Each class could have at least three body shape Options. slim, big, muscular. This way everyone could play their char as they want. Who says there can’t be a slim barbarian? Who says there are no big necromancers? Let the players choose.

All in all I could create all classes with an appearance that was playable (at least for me) except Druid. (all in all I dislike everything of the Druids look… From face to hairstyle to bodyshape…)

Final wish: An option to change the appreance later on. Don’t know if I overlooked an wow like barbershop. But The game would need one. Of course for gold not reallife money.

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