Diablo IV 3080ti

No. The idea is that it might decrease your power draw, which may reduce the risk of damage. There are simply too many variables to make any sort of guarantee whatsoever.

Personally, I’d do it, and if it blows up make them fix it again, and again, until the product you purchased either works appropriately, or they replace it with something that does. You could set the FPS at a limit, and maybe that works, but personally I’m not a fan of compromising the purpose you bought it for so the manufacturer can slide by selling you garbage and not making it right.

The problem is that if I keep sending it to get it repaired I’d have to keep sitting without my pc and thats not clever since I need it for school.

I hope it bricks mine. Buddy’s gigabyte died and they sent him a 4080ti.

I believe it’s related to the GPU temperature, but check Palatech Gaming for confirmation.

If you don’t have the time or patience to learn it, get a different brand or a different gpu, imo.

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That’s fair, though in that case I’d probably grab a used GT1030 / GT730 for $40-$50 as a backup.

Thing is, you can’t even guarantee that D4 will be the only thing that kills it, or that it will necessarily even be a game. Maybe you avoid D4 and X game comes out in a few months and that kills it.

Obviously you do you, but it’s either a working video card now, or a ticking time bomb.

So getting a different one might be the best option for now?

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Blizzard finally acknowledged that there is an issue and is now gathering data.