Diablo IV 3080ti

During the open beta my card got bricked while playing, it got repaired and I don’t know if it is still an issue or if I should still wait before playing the game?

Is there a fix I can do myself or does there have to be a game / driver update?

I can’t really find an answer online and the support tickets aren’t really helping either.

Assuming it’s a Gigabyte 3080, the reasoning it bricked was because of cheap materials in the card itself. Assuming they repaired it with the same materials it probably isn’t safe. If they decided to use quality materials in the repair, you should be good.

Overall it’s a gamble.

Well I don’t know about Diablo V, but Diablo IV - sounds like a gamble. Is it a Gigabyte 3080ti?

Sorry meant Diablo IV!
And yes sadly it is.

Games don’t brick cards.

Your card got bricked because it was faulty to begin with. It was going to die eventually regardless of what game you played.

Learn how technology works, or not. Your call.

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Limit your FPS to 60

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I know, just being half a troll.

Tbh it’s a gamble. The card is the issue and not the game. They cut corners on it and now consumers are paying the price (of course). Who knows though, maybe the repair is of quality and won’t be an issue moving forward, all in all though it’s a risk.

Glad you got it repaired, I would have gone with a better brand, though. Let’s hope your card doesn’t flop again while you’re playing Diablo!

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I’m not too good on the technical part of hardware, is there a way for me to see if it’s still ‘cheap’ after the repair?

This has been discussed thoroughly. Search Palatech’s posts. If you have a Gigabyte card, you need to learn how to set your own fan curves. The Gigabyte BIOS does not work well with D4.

this works wonder, I did that, well capped it at 100 and lowerd stuff in general and the computer stopped sounding like it was about to take off.

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I wouldn’t bet on the card sent after RMA being of any better quality. I’ve seen enough RMA users with a second bricked GPU due to faulty hardware that in all likelihood Gigabyte is just swapping the dead GPUs for GPUs that were from the original lot of faulty cards and you’re more likely than not to pull a second hit on the loser lottery.

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You’d have to disassemble it. Not worth it. I would take Kirin’s advice as well and set your FPS limit to 60 if you do decide to roll the dice.

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I see… Is it confirmed that this reduces the risk of it happening again?

It depends if the underlying issue was a defect in the card, power supply issue or design issue.

A combination of of drivers and the game can put stress on your card, but they can’t brick it unless these other things are true.

Honestly I’m so pleased I haven’t upgraded to a 3080 I was considering it earlier this year.

I don’t regret sticking with my old GTX 970.

Think I shall wait it out another year and find something stable to buy.

That should certainly reduce the stress on unstable hardware.

Blizzard is obviously not commenting on it as it’s probably a combination of something inefficient in their code and something with these Gigabyte cards. Best you can do is to follow that thread, learn about your GPU and how to monitor and control it. We’re all in the same boat trying to fix it ourselves.

Except I’m not because I have a 4070.

Might be a dumb question but since this card is like not too good, wouldn’t it be smarter to get rid of this one and get a better one like the one you have?


If you can, yes. But you can also discover the cause yourself and attempt a workaround. It will take effort, but you will learn something useful in the process and contribute to the community.

And it’s not confirmed that the card is faulty per se but it could be the BIOS also and using the same type of card might not give you different results on its own.

That’s true! However I’m not too good in finding the issues myself and how to fix it since I have 0.0 knowledge on this, so I wouldn’t know where to start.