Diablo devs playing Diablo 4 explains the state of the game

They just need to be good at their job, which is art and dungeon design. It’s no different than someone working at a project/product at any other company (doesn’t need to be a gaming one).

I imagine those guys and girls would love to talk for hours about what specific thing they do at Blizzard. That’s why a deep dive into something with related team/people would be much better.


Hard to design a dungeon if you don’t understand proper game flow.

Artists not playing the game? Sure, fine. Same for engine-level software engineers.

But the people responsible for actually designing the player-facing systems should actually be capable of playing the game so that they can understand the effects of their design choices. At a basic level it ensures that the gameplay isn’t bad, but beyond that it can actually enrich the gameplay experience. And they’re missing that opportunity.

What’s funny is they even described exactly this issue with their explanation of how a dungeon with a “kill all enemies” objective might need to be reduced in size by another designer during the review process. This process completely explains the bad dungeon design decisions in D4. It also explains why it takes them so long to fix anything.


Embarrassing absurd video. Like how do they even upload this trash?


Insufferable video. RIP Diablo franchise.


Why would they even post this?

I am so confused.

What did they think they would gain with this video? What’s the angle? Who approved this?

It’s insane if you think about it. What kind of company would do this?

Lol it’s crazy.


Agreed - video was an embarrassment.


Yeah but it could’ve been better. They used the wrong patch

It seemed fine to them, because none of them actually play the game. Seriously.


I’m not even sure what the video is supposed to be about considering they’re doing campfire damage control.

Like they have the damage control going with the campfire stuff so what the hell even was this?

I watched the entire thing and got nothing out of it, just the overbearing sense that these are people designing a game that they don’t even play.

Either that or they were trying to design levels for a game that wasn’t nearly finished which also explains a lot (maybe its a very old video).

well if its an old video, why on earth did they post it?


Sure, and what they are doing in the vid is good enough, don’t you agree? It’s a collaborative effort in a company to develop a product and they have playtesters and QA team whose job is playing the game full time.

That’s par for the course for big companies, not just for gaming but for practically anything. That’s why people love small to medium game studios.

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i would have to agree worst gfame ver not woth the 100 dollors i spent on it


Lmao, i suppose that is what happens when organizations push for diversity instead of looking for skilled laborers:)


They will tell us that the video was “review bombed”.

It could possibly be about two DEI hires that can’t sit up straight, playing lazily with console controllers spamming the A button, dying in a Tier 1 dungeon with level 50 toons, giggling about which emote to use.


I’ve been an engineer in the game industry for going on 28 years now, and of the 9 titles I have helped my teams ship, I’ve never played one of them. You spend every day working with the game. You go over and over certain features or bugs until by the end, you are ready to release it and never look at it again. When the game is released its new to everyone except those of us that worked on it. Tim and David not playing their own game is not an anomaly.


i want to see a video of these devs farming renown points.


I guarantee the games you worked on suck and/or are remedial nonsense for little kids.


All the chirpers eating this video up to prove their points is just so emblematic of how clueless they are.

lol they never got to that point

This explain why dungeon design are so atrocious, with lot of annoying backtracking, objectives, affixes and waste of time


is this the video i hear the dev only used generator skill, never healed, died, & was doing the lowest difficulty at a high lvl? (if so thats not realistic use case)

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