Diablo devs playing Diablo 4 explains the state of the game

Dear Blizzard, you tricked us with nostalgia and the campaing to get us to buy the game.

But this video demonstrateshow:

  • your developers don’t play your own game at all
  • your marketing doesn’t play it as well
  • in combination, neither of those departments felt that they are doing anything wrong by releasing this video.

In summary, if you have people who have zero knowledge and ability to play the game they themselves work on, you get dungeons like D4: stupid annoying mechanics, lots of backtracking and so on.

Not to mention shining a bright light on all the other departments that must have a similar level of incompetence in them.

It all makes sense now, why the game is in the state that it is in.


How do you know all this? Proof please.:thinking::thinking:


Been posted already 3 times at least. Use the search button next time :upside_down_face:


All you have to do is watch the video lol. Proof? Who dies in world tier 1 on a level 50?


I bet if it were Joe P. and Rod Fergusson goofing off and repeatedly dying, you wouldn’t be complaining


Doesn’t really matter who was playing it, if they play poorly and are a developer it’s going to be pretty poorly received with the current state of things.



No one (at least not me) expected like wudijo level of skills from the devs - what I did except though were that EVERY person who works on the game, knows how to play the game at a basic level.

These developers playing clearly did not - died in tier 1 with a lvl 50 barb, did not use any fury skills etc.

Basically it felt like they hired dungeon designers for a game who themselves have zero skills in gaming.


feels like blizzard are throwing these two under the bus.


What I’m scared of is that these devs were among some of the of the better devs at the game.


imagine they held a competition to see who plays in the video and these two won


I’d laugh if that wasn’t too far off from what might actually be happening. It’s actually kind of scary.

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LMAO and then look at Swen - Larian Studios CEO playing BG3 In medieval armour

It really shows how out of touch Blizzard is and honestly it’s worse than I expected


This doesn’t need to be true for all people involved. Should the sound/music guys know how to play the game?

For those who I expect to be able to play the game, maybe those who are related to the game design, balance, or class mechanics. And for sure QA people. Then again it’s only for play testing and I don’t expect them to even enjoy playing the game. Tim Cain and David Brevik said that they don’t like playing their own games (Fallout and Diablo).


They need to put the game in beta, or “campaign” only mode and then use the next couple of years to finish it up. Right now it is just a fart in the wind, nothing but a campaign and the worst itemization ever created for an ARPG.


True, but a level designer definitely should. In an ideal world. Or at least some. Or at least those that you let play in a promo video.

In a more pragmatic world, there definitely should at least be mechanisms that would ensure that user experience is properly tested and feedbacked directly back into the workflow and not just ticket QA (i.e. does what the developer implemented work and does it do what the designer told the dev to do).

And tbh, even their QA is sorely lacking, either because they do not have enough people or it is grossly mismanaged or not implemented into the workflow but in a separate ticket system.

But anyhow, someone at least decently high in the power ladder SHOULD be able to realisticly take the perspective of the playing customer, and if that was the case, this video would never have been released. Because that person would have immediately pulled the plug on the vid.


But anyhow, someone at least decently high in the power ladder SHOULD be able to realisticly take the perspective of the playing customer, and if that was the case, this video would never have been released. Because that person would have immediately pulled the plug on the vid.

That should be it since the vid has proven itself that it sends the wrong message to the end users. People are not talking about dungeon design after watching that vid but about how shtty those devs at playing the game. It would be much better if they talk abut things specific to their job and do a deep dive into it.


You are not quite right, I think D3 itemization on release was even worse? Crap uniques and only rares were anything “good”.

They probably did but the competition didn’t involve playing the game either

Uh…. Yes? That would be even worse.

This video is comedy gold.

If you have ever seen Space balls, we are living it with Activision/Blizzard.