Diablo creator David Brevik roasts modern ARPGs aka. D4

No one except the D2 cult cares what this has been has to say.


That’s literally Diablo 1 and 2.

Dude is a hack; it amazes me anyone still listens to what he has to say with any critical thinking skills and eyes. And that includes the other guys like the Shaefers , who’s projects / studios always crumble like they’re get rich quick schemes.

Lets be right here, it was Blizzard that created Diablo 1. Brevik and crew tried to make an entirely different game in an entirely different genre; and Blizz HQ swashed that.

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I like both. I like slow, tactical gameplay. And I like obliterating legions of monsters with god like power.


Yup and just how and where has D4 done anything better?..Bzzzzzzzttt Time’s up, There’s nothing in D4’s loot that surpasses PoE 2’s

In fact the loots are largely the same, OTH PoE 2’s skills definitely do,

Not only that PoE 2 does not have the spam a series of weak undesired

Skills/spells cooldown to use/cast a strong one, That just by itself is an

Awesome improvement :roll_eyes:

You mean the part in poe2 that doesn’t exist where you’re supposed to use one skill to debuff the enemy / set them up for another skill to deal actual damage?

Or the other part that doesn’t exist where nothing on the item actually matters other than the rune sockets?

Or that the thing that’s definitely not happening where you can only use a particular support gem once, so you have to wrack your brain trying to fit in anything useful on skills past the first one? And the interactions that definitely should be working, but don’t.


Both games are in a very rough spot atm

One games not even close to finished and the other doesn’t know what it wants to be


I’m not psychic so I don’t know exactly who played how much of a role in Diablo 1’s manifestation and who designed what and implemented what. But Brevik is credited as the creator so he obviously is very responsible for Diablo 1 coming to be which is why 2, 3 and 4 and soon 5 will come to be.

Otherwise we’d be doing something else with our time right now.

The only ARPG that did what he’s describing in the last…forever and actually caught on was probably Grim Dawn and I still think people gave that game too much of a pass because it wasn’t very good - and I adored Titan Quest.

Diablo IV is a really solid game, it just has a very meh endgame. Path of Exile’s endgame structure in Diablo IV would probably be nearly perfect.


Modern A-RPG definitely have a lot of issues but empowering player characters to clear entire screens of enemies isn’t one of them. The only reason that wasn’t happening in the olden days is because the systems in place at the time simply couldn’t handle it. Awkwardly shuffling back and forth on the screen while poking at individual enemies and slowly whittling them down is not what we need to go back to, lol.


I just rarely if ever see people say they don’t really just want better loot for doing more “difficult” content. It’s never just about seeing if you can actually do so, you gotta get better drops on top of it (because as I just said it’s really an efficiency thing, coupled with narcissism imho here). Examples of how to make each game more difficult (and in PoE2’s case sort of get better rewards):

I stopped running T3 back in S3 when it existed cuz I wanted to see what I could get away with. Once I realized I could make the jump, I never touched it again. I went straight to penitent at level 15 when tiers were restructured.

I ran 30-40% under resist caps and -3 to my skills on triple instilled max affix T18’s so I could stack more mf in PoE2 to simply see if I could get away with it (and to test MF myself). I easily could have kept my normal gear on and blasted through the maps in 1/4 of the time. I kept doing it cuz it was fun.

There’s a challenge there, honestly my drops averaged out to be about the same regardless, but I didn’t care about drops. I never see people talk about that here, they always have to also get better rewards because reasons in games that aren’t really that hard anyway.

And S0 NM dungeons were about as enjoyable as leveling to paragon 300 in the pit…that’s to say absolutely miserable.

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Exactly D4’s management doesn’t know what they wanna do except to

Sell ugly overpriced cosmetics without including much in the way of

Gameplay, Yeah both sell ugly overpriced cosmetic’s,

However unlike D4, PoE 2 has Skills/Spells that MOST People like using

& play with as well as gameplay people enjoy

Poe2 is good for 3 whole acts then it devolves into 1 shotting stuff before it 1 shots you

If you find that compelling power to you

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And just how is that any different from D4? The only difference I see is

PoE 2’s skills/spells are fun to use, D4’s are not.

Ok shadowcat……:joy::joy::rofl: tell us another story chief

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Guys a relic and games released with his mindset today would absolutely fail


If you’re getting one shot in maps, you’re playing a meta sorc/rang one shot kill or be killed build. Which tells me you don’t care about being “challenged” nor do you want slow combat in a game.

If I happen to be wrong, and I know I’m not and you are playing say Infernalist, you made a bad build.

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I agree with his point. Diablo 4 is less than 50% story/campaign the rest is farming. Diablo 1 the entire game start to finish is about the story and the journey to the end, same with Diablo 2. to me, farming isn’t fun, it’s something you have to do to get something else and I think it’s one of the reasons so many are never satisfied with D4 and others like it.


Dude has a right to his opinion, but it doesn’t make it true based upon the facts of whats going on in todays ARPG market. IMO


Grim Dawn really is the best A-RPG to date.