Diablo 4 PS5 Mouse and keyboard

1+ to MK on console!


+1 on Mouse and Keybord support on consoles
Please make it happen


+1 m&k , but @BLIZZARD IGNORE us


My hands are messed up and can only use keyboard and mouse. With controller can only play for about half hour so definitely want this


Just let people choose their favorite input


Do other games allows MKB on console?

Wonder if it’s a Blizzard thing or something Xbox/PlayStation have to physically add to the platform.

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No, literally almost every game specifically doesn’t allow MK on consoles, simply because of the massive balance problems it would create.


It’s up to the dev’s if they activate this “natively” supported feature of the current gen consoles. It’s absolutely ridiculous… it’s like the Gran Turismo dev’s would announce that you can’t use a steeringwheel :joy: for me personally, given that there are extremely high electricity bills where i live, it makes absolutely no sense to fire up a 2080ti instead of the ps5. Also, i don’t wanna sit in a 104 F room while gaming :hot_face:

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They Will fail their project and Microsoft will fire all these useless managers

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+1 MKB please Blizzard do it


It desperately needs it, and to be fair pc gets to choose, but I don’t think that we will get it, sadly. Blizz is WAY too stubborn and think that they know what players ‘really want’ even if what they say is quite the opposite. They never quite got the concept that player choice is not a bad thing.


Balance problems? come on, PC has the choice, even to the detriment that controller option on pc ruined d2R multiplayer with the auto-pickit button, making it by far the most useful feature in the game and not everyone had a controller, but it was a choice given to the player… admittedly likely because controller support was inherently coded due to the console version and they didn’t have to do any extra work. I would favour that by far more likely the truth is the work needed to cater for the minority here by coding the libraries needed for k+m support and the recode needed for the ui support on console code.


We’re in 2023. I have crossplay disabled because I don’t want play against players who can kill-steal enemies half a map away.


+1. I bought d4 for console to play with my Fiance. Controller support is bad, please add kbm support I dont understand why its not there already. If its a cross play issue just force kbm players into cross play


If you guys want something to change, all of us should adress this issue. So far the best place is twitter, unfortunately my post or comment is not enough to make them listen as communty manager and other devs simply ignore it.
Links to discussion:


Please add mouse and keyboard for PS5!!!


I’ve wanted them to add this to D2R and was asking for this on D4 from beta…

Would be a dream come true if it happens, but highly doubt it.

Christmas present maybe? :]

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Please add mouse and keyboard support!!
+1 mouse and keyboard support on consoles


It’s disappointing not to have that option. If they try to make the game the same and multiple platforms as possible at least give me the option to choose how I play.

+1 mouse and keyboard support on consoles

We need Mouse and Keyboard support on console for Diablo 4. Please @Blizzard it’s all I ask.
+1 mouse and keyboard support on consoles