Diablo 4 Itemization

Ok, so is item level 33 most powerful ? :slight_smile:

yeah, i hate the legendary affix power bs. i liked finding specific pieces for builds. im getting tired of replacing my gear with another yellow and then slapping the same power onto it. its lame, super boring, and doesnt feel anywhere near as cool as like ā€œomg i found zaks shield!ā€ or something would feel.


Did you even read the post?
Did you know in D2 you can also upgrade the items to the next tier?

Let me put it in d4 terms.
You can upgrade sacred to ancestral unique.
So yes, in fact it is for that particular build.

What is your point??

  • Add more uniques
  • Add charms - with their own stash tab
  • Add runes - runewords are being added later anyways, right?
  • Add jewels - needed for crafting and can be better than gems for sockets
  • Add crafting (example - one recipe for movement speed on rings etcā€¦)
  • Add sets - Not OP sets like D3, more mix & match like D2.

Yes, these ideas were already present and successful in D2. Take the good ideas from previous games and iterate on them. D2 has good items, D3 has good pace (rifts). Seems like a no-brainer.


Crang 4 d4 prez 2023!

They have a cap right ?, there are tiers yes but there is a cap so IP is not a problem

The main problem with D4 is that there are simply not enough stats to roll fromā€¦ Hence an item acquired at lvl85 will be the same item as the one at lvl65 with just potentially some higher rolled numbers

THAT is the problemā€¦

If items at lvl60 can roll things like

  • Crit damage/chance
  • Damage to CC
  • Damage to poisoned/burning
  • Vulnerable damage

Items at lvl80 could roll things like:

  • Crit damage/chance
  • Thorns % increase
  • Armor % increase
  • % Bonus damage based on Stat or Resource

And yes, sure, the lvl80 one could ALSO roll the stuff from beforeā€¦ The point is that you get more ways to ā€œcombineā€ more things if you manage to do so, and say you were playing a Barb or Necro and you get a 30% Thorns increase, wouldnā€™t that feel rewarding enough ?, or playing a Sorc and say get a stat like 25% increased Core damage based on Int (500), wouldnā€™t that work ?

Sure, maybe youā€™d still prefer Crit/Vuln. but having more options to roll from can be just better (if done right so), not worse

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You still donā€™t get it. Your idea is boring as hell. It wouldnā€™t promote new/more builds and that is boring and not rewarding long-term.


Ok then, enjoy your ā€œrefarmā€ of same item that you already use with a 2% higher rollā€¦ I mean if thatā€™s really fun for you

I personally think itā€™s by far the worst thing possible, the mere fact that an item 20 or even 30 levels later that drops will have the EXACT SAME AFFIXES with a chance for a better roll is just awe-defeatingly to me tbh :thinking:


different boring stats to raise the same damage in different ways is not fun.

Shooting nuclear arrows? Fun.


That is NOT only the problem. For example, the fact that there is no ā€œbase itemā€ that drops at different difficulties is seriously missing from this game. An axe is an axe in this game. You might get a sundering axe (just made that up, cuz I donā€™t pay attn, because I donā€™t have to) at level 6 or at level 90. Same look, same lore, nothing to chase other than same ol affix rng.

So not only should the pool of affixes change as you scale in difficulty, the lore and the look of weapons should as well. Come on folks !! This is an ARPG / looter game. Where are my nerds atā€¦ Who wants the bloody bulwark with a great affix pool that can only drop in NM 50.


And because of that most people who have any clue of rewarding itemization are advocating uniques or maybe sets and not this stupid affix hunt. Finally you got it, now you just need to understand that your idea is a stupid affix hunt, too.


Yes well said, thanks. This stupid affix hunt must stopā€¦

TBH, unless Season 2 adds 10+ build defining uniques/sets PER CLASS, I see no reason to continue playing. Iā€™d rather wait 4+ seasons until the game has enough items added to actually make the game worth playing for more than a week.


Yep this exactly. Iā€™m also so sick of like 3 items and they only buff a very specific skill.

Give me interactions with X type of damage for all classes.

Give me interactions with all summons that sorc druid and necro can all use.

And for the love of god stop with the just %dmg increase. Thatā€™s so boring and lacks any flavor or build diversity. If a skill is bad without an item its just bad and needs buffed. The items should change HOW the skills work, not just increase damage.


Itā€™s going to take a lot more than that for me.
They need to admit their itemization sucks and say they will completely rework it.
And even then, it does not fix the TONS of other problems with the game as well as a predatory BP pricing.

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Iā€™d love for them to admit this and start to address at least some of the problems with it.

the best itemlization are rare or yellow

because anyone will have the same bis with the same roll , mean anyone have the same item

compare having unique or set everyone end the same build is very boring

the real issue is the affix are not that great and same for the legendary aspect , are very strong but also very boring

on the top you can not craft a item from scratch

Iā€™m not sure I would ever buy the battle pass. I only got the premium battle pass because it came with the game. The skins in D4 are kinda pointless as the character is so small, skins are irrelevant. They are basically glorified loading screen art. I donā€™t think there is a single reward that makes me go, ā€œyeah I need to buy the battle passā€. The mount skins are cool, but the mount is so janky I avoid using it.

There shouldnā€™t even be a battle pass.
Itā€™s a $70 game and they also included a shop in it AND a battle pass like what??
Those cosmetics should be obtainable in the game through various contents but nope strip the game and sell them for money.


too many boring and lame stats/affixes.

Small % chance on enemy deaths
Close/Distant/Injured % (why bother? Why not just increase my dmg normally? Arenā€™t you LIMITING builds by not doing flat damage increases across the board? Youā€™re not really specifying anything with stats like this, youā€™re just limiting the bigger picture even more with this design)
% willpower (like, really?)
intelligence increases crit strike chance for rogue ( OKayā€¦ ? ? ? )

% low chance to cast X.Y.Z spell (no - boring).
lucky hit - literally the same thing as % cast low chance its just another % cast on low chance. Anybody know why? Is this an attempt at being fancy? You DONā€™T bake stats like this into the actual skill tree guys. Thatā€™s a problem.

Cooldowns too long. Cooldowns have been a problem since D3, issue was never addressed properly, their solution was basically set items.

Well if it was a prob back then and youā€™ve made lame ultimates again and even nerfed the cooldown on gear its like what are they trying to accomplish in terms of gameplay?

How about just make the game fun to play and remove ā€œultimatesā€ because its a flawed design. All these lame stats and affixes for low % chances for things to happen, ultimates that do nothing and are always on cooldown, why? Somebody care to explain what exactly is going on here lol?

The unique items summarize all my points as well. Theyā€™re lame and undercooked and the game is missing about 50 more uniqueā€™s that it should have shipped with for this price point (I donā€™t even care if they modify skills, we want strong uniques!)

My other biggest peeve in this game is why the hell do specific gear slots only roll specific kinds of stats. Why canā€™t my boots roll the same stats/abilities as my gloves or vise-versa for rares? Arenā€™t uniques supposed to fill the roll of a static-stat item? So then, why would you limit builds by throwing lame stats/affixes into the mix and then binding those stats to certain gear slots???

This game is a literal design conundrum.