Diablo 4 Itemization

I actually like these, they’re quite intuitive it’s just people don’t want to deal with them… The problem with the current design in the game is they’re too small to be noticeable

Like, I’d really like to have a Dagger that does 45% bonus to Close or affected by Overtime/whatever, or a bow that does 35% bonus vs Distant or heck even 66% vs Immobilized whatever… Those kinds of differences are noticeable

The problem is they keep small percentages for these kinds of “conditionals” so people barely bother

Like say have a 2H Mace that has 95% bonus damage vs Stunned, that’s something right ?, or a Staff that does 110% vs Frozen… Wand that does up to 25% more damage based on Resource amount or simply straight up add a % damage based on amount of Barrier… I very much like these “conditionals”, at least the idea behind them, and even furthermore they make the difference between weapon types equipped more noticeable… It’s just that again - the problem with them is that

The numbers are too low for them to matter, hence people just omit these kinds of affixes overall

but its lame and it limits me into a very specific strategy, such as stunning, which then limits my options even more.

I played sorc which is now in eternal, I was clearing nm 40 at like level 87 which ain’t bad for sorc at that level, the teleport raiment build is only strong because of stun (that’s how it works). Therefor if I try to fight a boss, I’m missing like 300% stun damage because the boss can’t be stunned, right? They stagger at intervals, but that’s it, so I won’t do the same damage as another class that just deals normal damage at a regular rate.

Ironically my entire build revolved around stunning and I absolutely hate it, because it feels like a gimmick. It doesn’t feel like my character is strong all the time, only at very specific times when all my abilities aren’t on a cooldown, that isn’t better than flat damage % increases.

So no, finding items with stun % on it, not good imho.

Also just throwing this out there - in my opinion there was nothing wrong with D2’s itemization, it just needed more items and better drop rates. Why aren’t we using that system? This system in D4 makes no sense to me, they could ditch a lot of these gimmick stats/affixes and it would improve the game and the item hunt (make it feel better, less boring).


Yeah the stupid conditionals. 20% chance to do x% damage to vulnerable, if stunned, while playing with one hand taking a piss with ur eyes closed. Dunno man these suck and only benefit builds with easy access to these mechanics. The whole itemization system suck item power scaling, affixes, aspects being tied to ur items ( belongs in the skill tree ) , the generic look and feel, not enough uniques that actually do anything and most importantly no rewarding feeling when u find any of them. Boring to the point where u just vendor ur entire inventory without even looking at them. Looks like a complete rework to me


This sums up everything wrong with itemization in this game. It would have been unthinkable to do that in any other aRPG. At some point I was just going through the motions, leveling some glyph, on the hamster threadwheel and did this more times than I cared to think. It’s just so DULL.

I don’t get to be excited to see that unique or set item I really wanted. Instead I get to read through 500 yellow or orange items, then end up vendoring every single one of them because they’re all worthless. Meanwhile I can’t even quickly compare aspects with the ones stashed or have a fast way to see which ones I already have equipped, I get to manually mouse over EVERY SINGLE ONE equipment piece to read the aspects I’m using, then every single aspect in inventory.
Same for items. I can’t even quickly tell apart normal, sacred and ancestral drops without literally mousing over one by one. Over and over and over


I’ll pay more attention when ancestral stuff drops, but for T1, T2 I just sell them / break down.

100% agree. This is one of the biggest problem in D4.

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LOL The slot machine rolls are literally what made D2 good.

You just don’t want to think and want the game to hand you candy because you don’t want to have to work for it.

The problem is the lack of trading. Back in the day we could take great rares and trade them for the rare we needed.

The biggest problem with D4’s itemization is that the affixes are boring. The game is entirely for brainless casuals and your idea is to make it even more brainless and casual.

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replying to someone specific? i had the greatest time in D2 and still play D2R once in while to this day. Yes the itemization was a lot better in D2 and the feeling of being rewarded for ur time spend was soo much better too and trading only amplified this and made the grind feel good. The whole itemization system in D4 is corrupted beyond repair if u ask me. A complete rework will be needed with respect for the core mechanics and foundations of the real diablo games made by Blizzard North


This is fundamentally incorrect. Most build changing uniques were build changing irregardless of their secondary rolls. Nobody who found their first Shako or SOJ was upset by poor secondaries. You immediately equipped it and farmed for a better roll next time. Grief could roll terrible, and it was still BIS for alot of builds

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Overpowered uniques and runewords are what ruined Diablo 2.

Over simplified itemization.

But literally, every time you kill a mob you are making a roll on the table and hoping to get something good. This is similar to a slot machine.

Most people don’t chase uniques and runewords, they chase gg rares. Trophy items. The problem with D2:LOD is it killed a lot of what used to be gg rares by making things like Grandfather and Windforce the best items in the game and totally killed Blue and Yellow weapons.

Then they added even more overpowered runewords later and introduced even more power creep into the game.

Power creep is not a good thing. Its makes everyone the exact same cookie cutter build.

People will always go for the best/easiest. It doesn’t mean that it’s a better design.

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For a “ruined” game with so many “problems” it’s still having login queues 20+ years later due to overwhelming player numbers. I can still play 12+ hours of D2R in a single sitting, while I want to go outside after 1 Nightmare Dungeon in D4


For me its not slapping some runes into a base item. Let’s face it. Most of them had general stats (but incredible ones) that any class could use. Get a runeword that adds teleport? Nice!!! Get a mediocre aspect or unique that mildly boosts stuff you already have? Meh.


I would say u are both right. Some items it didnt really matter and for some items it could make a pretty huge difference. And yes grief was always good but some builds actually needed the attack speed to roll at least 35% or higher to hit their max breakpoint

That’s because D2 is still one of the best games ever made regardless of a few bad design choices.


OP I agree with this post, this is the number 1 reason why I dislike this game. The rest are kind of trivial by comparison.

People complain about stash tabs and I get why. But people are not asking WHY you need 50 stash tabs to begin with. It is because the itemization strategy in this game requires them.

I do not see them improving itemization until like season 28.

My fix is keep the current affix system and bring back runewords and like 2-3 pieces sets, not the sets from D3.


Please enlighten me as to the build changing uniques for Necromancers. Cause every unique I’ve seen has been an instant salvage. Unique weapons are an instant fail because none of them are remotely powerful enough to justify giving up a Legendary affix @200% power. Gloves and pants, nobody is giving up +skills/IAS for some subpar unique. Amulet, same problem as weapon but @150%.

Sure, having teleport on all characters is great. There is no reason for it to also have all the other overpowered stats.

The problem was that runewords and unique items in LOD were over-tuned and therefore over shadowed the best Magic and Rare quality items.

It’s fine for them to be good, great even, they just shouldn’t be the best because of the fact that they roll with set affixes.

They should be used to supplement your gameplay, not define it.

I would have rather had a unique item with +1 teleport on it that a runeword that did it.

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I’d love to see charms with their own inventory tab as well. Min/maxing charms was always fun after you got your gear setup.

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I agree runewords were mega over tuned, maybe that made them more fun? The devs would obv need to tune them differently in D4 and try not to mess them up.

But I think we all agree they need to do something with the itemization in this game.

I agree. I miss the excitement when a good item drops. 95% of the normal uniques are trash. The uber uniques doesnt exist so. Gameplay I like, but so much else is missing in this game. IMO theres no point playing when you reach lvl 100 and got ilvl 800+ in every slot. Considering going back to D2R.

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