TLDR: this is waaaay too easy. im not liking where is it going
Ok i can’t be the only one who feels like this game is going wrong way. Diablo 4 in season 4 is even more easier and everything is brought to the player on silver plate then S3 was. In fact game feels ATM like i’m CHEATING and playing it feels like on steroids.
Playing solo trought campaign or even skipping it could be done one handed with any class now.
Vanilla was challenging game this completly different edition and my question is: is this really what Diablo players want? Is D4 player base increasing then ? Or is it decling? I dunno , making D4 this easy is nothing for me. We have many Diablo games now to choose from and some might say go back to D2 if ytou dont like D4. But really i like feeling being OP, BUT in the late game. I feel like they sacrificed early game for late game perhaps ? T2 was a challenging difficulty but now… also i would like to reset my altars and extra stats, i wasn’t the one who begged for not collect then before S1 started. Leveling is now sooo fast that it leaves rly bad taste in my mouth. Again community wanted this. Feels like this game is not for my generation of gamers (42 atm)
Strongolds(my fabvourite part of leveling) are JOKE atm. - bosses there die in 2 sec and they can’t even finish their talking or sometimes animation. My favourite music fe. in Malnok don’t even start to play. Elite monsters - they regular now. I even tried mto save them for T3 difficulty hoping they might be harder - NOT. They dont scale. I made new char for that(sorc) leveled to 30 and went to T3, monsters there werent 55+ but same some 40ish i think …wanished so fast, that i could watch a movie on my second screen not even to pay attention. Went to T4 on lvl 54 i think ? I think it could be done even on lower lvl now due to new blacksmithing system.
Made a new char bone Necro - same result, montsers which appers by “climbing of the ground” can’t even make it. It’s even more noticable then in S3.
Only reasonable content now is in party perhaps doing HT where it’s at least somewhat challenging. Mind you im an RPG player and i play only hardcore, i finished D4 walkthrough with hc char after a release, where i took 2weeks off work and I absolutly loved the game and still think that its best Diablo that they made so far. Sure it got flaws, but I dont like current OP state of the game. I would rly much like to DIE again and be angry and made a new char like I did in vanilla and not to poke my nose now while playing one handed.
So do current player base rly wanted this ? Or is this some Blizz whim making it so similliar to D3 and adding a new difficulty soonTM coz they killed campaign now… hell they even killed whole leveling fun and don’t tell me that there are majority players who made even lvl 100 till this day. Actually in our guild i offen heared in past season and nowdays even in this season “Hey i finally made my first lvl 100”
I think Blizz themselfes have to know because they got the numbers, i’m just wondering if D4 player base is rly rising towards an much easier gameplay.
Well they just redid loot it’s to be expected that this season is going to have balance issues
Lack of spacing aside, you aren’t the only one who feels this way. One look at the forums should tell you this. However it’s hard to gauge off of such a small sample size if the majority of players like or hate the new changes. No doubt they’ll send out surveys later, and look at the number of players who came back and played for any number of hours.
Although given their talks in live streams and campfires about the design philosophy, I don’t see much changing with how the game currently is. Some tweaks here or there, more endgame content sure, but I feel the majority of the changes in this S4 patch are here to stay permanently for better or worse.
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I hate it. Unless they reverse course, I won’t be buying another Diablo game again. Already told the few people I know in real life who play to avoid the expansion. I didn’t purchase RoS either with D3 but this will be the final straw for me if it stays like this up till the expansion.
That being said, I do like some of the changes they did with codex etc.
Blizzard just absolutely gutted the journey/leveling experience.
Yeah, game is way too easy and boring.
It is D3 over again. I didn’t expect otherwise, but cant help feeling disappointed nonetheless.
Things are running pretty smoothly so far. But the base game should be like that. We’re playing Diablo, not Dark Souls. Difficulty should ramp up during endgame, not on world tier 1.
If the endgame is too easy this season, so be it. There were a lot of changes which makes it hard to judge the needed difficulty. They can correct for season 5.
Based on the same thing, I definitely see this changing. It’s not just easy, entire mechanics are now skipped. The second capstone fight is a great example. That went from a thrilling gear and skill check to a 3 sec fight.
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You’re talking about damage numbers though, not fundamental mechanics of the game. Two completely different things here. They’ll tweak damage numbers and builds constantly. What they’ll be more hesitant to change is the speed at which we get 100 because they’ve specifically said they want us to get there faster to experience the endgame activities.
Now the current speed in which we get there might be hilariously fast, and that may be tweaked a bit, but I doubt we’ll ever see S0/S1 levels of experience gain.
I did, and from the crowds of people I’m running into in the game I’m not the only one.
Go play something else.
there should probably be a world tier 5 with like level 120-150 monsters or something. the thing is that it’s looking like most of our time will be spent in the pit with how much mats you need for masterworking so i’m kind of okay with helltides being an eyes-closed type of experience, but even then it’s still a bit ridiculous in terms of how easy it is. also with leveling players entering WT4 at level 45-50, the level gap between people just entering WT4 and max level players is massive. i think a simple WT5 would solve this barrier.
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Maybe the early game is a joke and should be tweeked, but dont judge the diffuclty before you get to endgame content. Lvl 60 Pit and above. Lvl 200 uber bosses and such.
Game feels fun in endgame finally.
Diablo 4 current state - who wanted this?
Jokes aside, the people complaining the game is too easy are not playing the difficult content. If you just don’t want to play the Pit, fine. I guess in that case I don’t know what you want.
Crazy to me the people not playing the difficult content want harder leveling. You already aren’t playing the hard content. Why would they give you more?
They also will add more endgame content as they have already said. If that is the complaint you’ll just have to be patient,
Yep. Seems like they’ve given up on it as well. In their interviews they given the impression that the overworld is just a one time play through. But as someone who enjoys hc, I disagree.
I missed out on that hc chase for name on trophy to 100 in S0. Wasn’t thinking there’d be any more trophies but thought racing to 100 would be a thing every season now it’s just a trivial matter even in hc.
I’d love a new mode.
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Will get there dont worry, like i did in previous season. Im not hat fast , i have work, im not 100 yet , but will reach prolly this weekned. All im asking is if this current state , meaning very boring early game and leveling overall(subjective ofc) is acceptable for majority. And by replies it seems some ppl are ok with it and some are not.
I personally would say its a step in the right direction. I don’t feel we’re quite there yet for the game to really take off. Give it a bit of time. I’m hoping for some great things from the expansion. By the end of this year i think we’ll know where the game will really be at.
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Fair enough, looking forward 4 exp, maybe that will be more to my taste… but like i said S4 is scaring me atm a lot 
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Well that is fair ofc. I am lucky (though unlucky in a way) that my weekends are tuesday/wednesday so I had plenty of time to play, Still didn’t hit 100 though.
My point to you then would be if you haven’t had much time to play you’d be in this same boat had nothing changed.
The time to get to difficult content has not changed. You’re just a higher level when you get there.
Yes and normal D2 had a difficulty to it, D1 had difficulty in normal mode, D3 even (at least at first) was somewhat difficult in normal mode. You were, at least, able to die. This is god mode in a pretty package. Its not a game anymore its a menu you can select from.
They certainly could correct it.
But all experience with Blizzard points toward that they wont 
They do know, and they said as much on the livestream before the season started. They know it’s going to be an easy season. This is just a springboard for future changes to the difficulty of the game, but they had to see what it looked like with the changes to itemization and how that affected baseline difficulty so they opted to make things mostly too easy rather than too hard since one invites a lot more complaining than the other. S5 will probably change up the difficulty substantially in response to how players perform. 
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