Isn’t The Pit the place to go and find and experience the difficult content? From what I have seen, it looks like it can get pretty challenging.
I think that’s the idea ya, which I’m OK with.
You shouldn’t meet your first point of adversity after 13 hours or more of play. That’s ridiculous. The game should have a base level of skill required to operate it, not just be a walking simulator on every class. This is exactly how ESO died.
Difficulty in a game should not be hidden away in a corner at the end of the universe.
There should be some challenge throughout the journey.
Add some spaces
I am really enjoying the changes but also agree the balance has suffered quite a bit in the process.
I’ve actually chosen to play a pretty weak but fun build to compensate as anything meta is just crushing all the general content way too quickly.
I was totally surprised how easy it was to blast the capstones 15 levels below what was recommended.
I still think S4 is the bear one yet but I really hope they work on balance and adding challenges back into the game, not just level 200 in the PIT.
Well i have to disagree on that. Im not just higher lvl when i get “there”. Like i said they broke stronghold and leveling you cant deny that. Those colour numbers green/orange/red marking the difficulty of those are now completly irrelevant.
Let me explain what they could have done instead of this “making this experimental S4 season to how it goes by breaking years of development and tweaking the vanilla system”
Diablo and even WOW have , lets make it more easy , two types of players. Those who like leveling and journey and those who dont and aim for easy end game quicky and rush there every season. And ofc some mixed grps in between.
Me fe. i played D2+D2LOD for 10+ yrs and believe or not I never hit lvl 99, mainly coz D2 had no endgame and those extra level in the end were not that important. Played many seasons. Same with D3, played till S7 i think until they broke it with their 15different difficulties. PLayed D2ressurected as well not that many seasons Made many WOW chars …so im journey player, loyal one and I know many ppl like me.
If it were to me i would scrap even that S1 leveling nerf and go back to vanilla where leveling was hard and slow. They could have easily added 5$ button(similiar to WOW boost) for those rushers to insta lvl to 100 so they could rush their GR or NM dungs leaderboards instantly each season aaaand boom Both camps could be perhaps happy. Easy
Anyone who wants elden ring is not going to like a loot hunting hack n slash ARPG. Blizzard, thankfully, gave up on their experiment on trying to make one like that. So it’s perhaps time to move along for you guys.
Not in the base games. Prior Diablo games weren’t difficult until the higher WTs or toward endgame. As long as you were paying attention and doing decent character leveling.
Yeah sorry, my typing is a bit chaotic sometimes
I do agree with you and i also went for weaker skills, but it didnt helped much I think i’d have to party with more ppl coz like i said it’s more challenging when in grp. I also like some changes they made, let’s see how S5 or exp will go, but i kinda liked plaethora of stats we had, they dumbed it down a lot…perhaps console players were unhappy with that?
New blacksmithing system is way too powerfull imho. Very easy to OP your char very early.
Which is still more than nothing at least.
Can’t we aim for a bit more than nothing?
Not fair, played any other RPG pehaps PoE or Lost Ark…I wouldnt be quite happy if you could kill bosses in few hits one handed no ?
I did. I’m going to be honest- I don’t really care how easy the game is at level 30. I care about the late game.
People can do that in PoE. Lost Ark isn’t really an ARPG, it’s more of an MMO with ARPG qualities. Blizzard tried to build off that here, but it was a failed attempt and it appears they’re giving it up in favor of making a D3 sequel with ideas from other ARPG loot hunters.
The only variable is how long it takes you to build a character that can one shot meaningful bosses. In PoE, this can take some time. It’s much faster to get to that point here. And it’s fine with me to tweak how long it takes to get to that point, absolutely.
But that point should be reachable still. And not too far out.
Post your Pit tier 150 build. Clown.
It’s people like this poster that’s gonna ruin D 4 all over again, I swear.
Hey guys, D4 can’t Cater to Everybody! Deal with it.
LOL what? Each season is going towards YOUR dream loot hack and slash game, cant you see that? seems like i’m the minority here …seems to me you dont want to admit that there is an base of players who wants a bit of RP in gameplay
EDIT: like i said i still thinks that D4 is best of series, just don’t like where it’s heading. i still CAN voice my opinion here m8
Play with no aspects then. Thank me later.
If you don’t like it don’t play it, and don’t spend money. That’s the only metric they are going to be looking at, let’s be honest. Personally I am enjoying and playing this league a lot, and there seem to be way more viable builds to play around with now due to the new tempering affixes.
Honestly it is so congested , if you made the enemies somewhat competent you would get more cries.
I for one would prefer better enemies even if it means less garbage fodder bodies.
Overall though I think the game flows a little better than before, by that I mean that feeling at lvl75 was less this time around. Even though I was already all 925’d up there is still growth to look forward to. Helltides is definitely better, I just wish people would have the decency to wait at a distance while I am at the ATM.
Oh yeah they really need to give Uniques something…maybe let them piggyback an aspect or something at half rate.
You mean only with rares? Well interesting idea I’d love to reset my progress before each new season
I played every S so far and believe me i don’t even have all altars yet!
I remember the backlash before S1 when they didnt plan to traverse them to season(only discoverd map i think) coz you would be alrdy too OP. They said it in campfire chat Well nvm , thx for the replies guys, gonna go play now , maybe i “Post your Pit tier 150 build. Clown” do this later on. Cheers.