Diablo 4 crashing

Wait. You guys get 10 to 20 mins? I got only 5 mins or less to crash. Hahahaha laugh in Fenris

Wait, you guys have made characters? I haven’t even seen the character selection screen.

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sure would be nice to get some reassurance that blizz is even working on the issues or is this just another wasted feature.

I bought this game today and I havent been able to play a single second since it crashes right after login, displaying a Fenris Error with this code: BDBCC9A0-0476-4029-809C-98012E07FE65

Hey all, those errors codes are not used in the forum. The codes refer to your specific error and are used by the ticket system support staff. You can open a ticket and reference the error if you want more info about it.


My game is also crashing after reaching the Blizzard splash screen. I am not seeing any error codes. None of the work arounds has helped. Already open a support ticket about it.

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Start your own thread and include your DxDiag. No one can troubleshoot for 40 people in one thread. :slight_smile:

Click here for instructions

Get the report:

  1. Press Windows Key + R, then type DxDiag and press Enter.
  2. In the DxDiag window, click Save All Information.
  3. Name the file dxdiag and click Save.

Start a new thread in the tech support forum.

Include the report:

  1. Open the text file and copy all the text.
  2. Head to Pastebin.com and paste it on the site.
  3. Provide a link to the paste in your post.

If you have trouble adding a link, highlight the pasted text and click </> on the buttons at the top of the post editor.

While you wait for assistance, I suggest opening the Windows Reliability History tool, which may show you what’s happening in the background to cause any errors.

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Crash again in Mission: Arenas erosivas, following Meshif

I have a very similar Fenris code crash and it’s scary, one of my displays goes completely back, my second display flat out says it has no input for like 5 seconds, then I’m thrown back to the desktop with this error.

i found a cure, DO NOT OPEN maps, inventory paragon board or anything else that removes your view from the play area. also do not enter dungeons and the game runs just fine.


of the few…

Crashing right after completing The Descent. All drivers updated. Was doing fine for hours until that.

It’s no use posting the codes on the forums. They are meant to be shared when in contact with support via tickets.

The error messages also get sent to Blizzard.


I tested mine by just logging do and doing absolutely nothing, still crashes haha

It has started crashing today again.
I’ve not changed a single thing in the game or anywhere else on my system and no patches have been installed that I am aware of. (This is between the game running for nearly 8 hours without an issue the day before, til now when it started crashing.)

It all seems so random and not connected to one specific thing.

I won’t be deleting software or removing apps off my computer. I won’t be running the game on low settings on a $5,000 gaming PC, and after paying $70 for the game itself. I WILL however be refunding my purchase until Blizzard acknowledges the problem and fixes it.


There is currently a message on the launcher that they are performing maintenance on Diablo. Let’s hope that it’s fixing some of these issues.

However, I understand and agree with your frustration.

Try windows 10 on new drive
I have similar setup to you (4090 etc)

And windows 10 did the trick

Same here. every 10-15 minutes 4080, similar set up aside from that, can run all other games perfectly .b764f2cf-916e-49ef-97a2-c8652106730c

This should be pinned!

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