Diablo 4 Crashing once every 15 minutes or less due to GPU utilization spiking to 100%

I agree.

I get that.

That doesn’t mean there couldn’t be an issue, even with brand new stuff. I build new computers all the time, and sometimes you run into something defective.

Not that I’m saying there IS an issue there, just pointing out that new doesn’t mean its not an issue. lol


Your best option is what you did. It may not hurt to open an actual support ticket directly as well if you haven’t already.

One thing I have learned in 30 years of building PCs, being on the newest and latest hardware isn’t always the best way to be. Cutting edge technology got the name because being on the cutting edge can be painful sometimes.

You are working with hardware that might not be all happy to play together, the drivers might not all be as coded as they are when they have had time to find and fix bugs after several months to a year after their release. BIOS updates, things like that.

Again, not saying this is your issue, but its something to keep in mind.

I can confirm this works

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AMD Radeon RX 7700 XT = 12gb ram

shoulda went with the 7800

how you gonna slap 4090 in and use low end CPU bottle neck, did you even split your PCI-E Lanes up or did u slap the NVMEs on the same lanes to lol

What are you on about?

They have an 13700… That thing is a beast.

The motherboard that supports that CPU would have to be able to support it properly, and I suspect its probably a decent motherboard if they had the coin to by a 4090.

No one buys a 4090 and sticks it on a crappy motherboard. That’s asking for problems.

If anything, I would have asked to make sure they are running a 1000W PSU minimum, 1200 or higher is recommended for that card.

I mean, sure you could optimize lanes and all, but I doubt that’s their issue here.

And did you not see the later post?

Its just weird i have had zero issues with the game, normally i find people having issues with anything outside of a ASUS board

Here is the full build and settings of my main desktop:

-Full breakdown of a system that plays Diablo IV without problems:

I haven’t had any problems either outside of things under my control.

Asus frankly is overpriced anymore, I don’t buy their motherboards very often these days.

My main choices lately have been MSI or Asrock, and occasionally Gigabyte, though the latter you need to be careful on models.

Just built a mini-PC using a Gigabyte ITX board last month. Actually turned out nice.

Most expensive gaming PC I built for someone in the past year was the $3500 tower I built last November. Again, it was a Gigabyte based build. But it worked really well. That was back when the cards were sky high and hard to find. We had gone with a 3070Ti for that build, and then, that card alone was nearly 900. The one I bought this past May was only 250 used! lol

I do not like MSI and other brands CPU Power arrays as i seen so many with 690s they dont fully solder empty spaces for it

Everyone has their picks. Its all good.

I have a Z790 board, so its solid. There are a couple models above the one I have that have a few more voltage regulators for the CPU, but honestly this one handles the 12900k just fine.

i went with Z690 asus -e // only diff is few usb ports between the 790

and the 690 fits the Thermal Grizzly Intel Contact Frame for removing that stock left sided uneven pressure for heat spreading - which actually reduced -8C for me across all cores and stock one had core #4/5 heating more than others xD

D4 is the only game, that crashing for me. i have 4080, and nvidia drivers are often to crash, mostly when doing trading/repairing on merchant. so, there is a hint, that works 100% for me: nvidia control panel → menu → Help → “Debug mode”, turn it on.

ps. MSI mb, 13700k, 32 gb 6600 ddr5, no overclocking, temps are fine.
pps. my other setup (at office) is older, asus mb, ddr4, 12900k + 3080ti - not a single crash.

Well, it still might be related to the driver/patch issue that seems to be going on with Nvidia cards.

You can try to revert to an older driver. Here are some details on how:

-Diablo 4 Crashing once every 15 minutes or less due to GPU utilization spiking to 100% - #36 by DTMAce-1687


TLDR: Graphics settings above medium cause major issues, turn down to medium or below.

If you would like to know how I could have overlooked this before, the truth is that I actually didn’t. Before I upgraded my computer hardware, I was running an i7 6700k and a Geforce GTX 1080. The first thing I attempted back when I began experiencing this issue before was turning my graphics down, I even went to the lowest possible settings in all categories and still got the same crash.

When I upgraded hardware, I set my settings to max (which with my current hardware I should have easily been able to run) and I didn’t immediately get crashes for a few hours after getting a fresh install of windows and diablo 4. However, when I suddenly began getting crashes at the same rate as before, I didn’t suspect that graphics could be related to anything. In hindsight I should have tried again but I didn’t expect my current gen hardware to not be able to run diablo 4 at max settings.

I still believe there is some MAJOR issue with the higher settings, as there should be zero reason why I should be getting over 120 FPS, then spiking to 100% GPU usage out of nowhere, and then crashing every TEN MINUTES. Hopefully a “True fix” gets implemented soon, however as of right now, this seems to be the only thing that has worked for me.

  • Sorry if this is not a solution that can apply to everyone here, The hardware upgrades I made allowed me to run the game at medium, but with my older hardware I still couldn’t run the game at all. Even if you have “good hardware”, I would still recommend turning down your settings. If your hardware is on the older side and after changing settings to lowest you are still getting this crash, I do not have a solution for you and I apologize for that. Hopefully blizzard can optimize their game better soon.
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Check your Event Viewer under “Windows Logs > System” for EventID 36881. Blizzard has a problem on their end with an expired certificate which is checked twice every 5 minutes. After 20 minutes of trying, the client will abruptly crash.

  • NOTE: The attempts to piing the Battle.net server do not start when you launch Diablo IV. It happens sometime after. This is likely connected to some sort of licensing or anti-cheat mechanism that severely crapped the bed as the admins just let the cert expire and have yet to bother updating it.

This is not a solution. This occurs even on higher end cards on max or medium/low settings. The problem is with a certificate on Battle.net which the client periodically tries to ping. When it fails, it tries again immediately, then every 5 minutes until after 20 minutes, it kills any game that is running which is dependent on that anticheat/license/drm callback.

The least Blizzard can do, is if they implement callback mechanisms, to at least make sure those servers are running, up to date, and with current NON-EXPIRED/REVOKED certificates.

mine is crashing unless I turn “on” debug mode from NV Control Panel. and it is crashng with any graphics settings:

pm_dx12::Device::InitTexture: CreateCommittedResource Failed - Error : DeviceLost, SystemCode : 0x887A0006 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG)

rtx 4080, 13700k, ddr5 etc.

ps. d4 is the only one who crashing on this machine.

I gave up too today. Unfortunately I cant play this anymore, again screen freeze when doing helltides so I lost most of my cinders. Its too annoying so game is uninstalled.

12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i5-12400F 2.50 GHz
16gb RAM
RTX 3060

On pre-season and season 1 I had no issues. Not a single one.

Now every 5-10min my screen get freeze for 5-10sec and I cant do anything.

I tried every single f*$*#$ config in my settings. Even tried low graphic and I unplugged second monitor, even turned off every programm which could cause problem in background.

Game is running pretty hell well, but god damn it, why screen is still freezing every 5-10min? I could accept it when doing only NM or blood harvest, but Blizz made Helltides mandatory for farming mats so this is really bad.

Hope you will fix it next seasons.


check out windows event log, do you have red’s (errors) from “schannel” with text like this ?

The certificate received from the remote server has either expired or is not yet valid. The TLS connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate.
The SSPI client process is Battle.net (PID: 19068).

Yup exactly I have many errors you are talking about ;(

still crashes despite all “Fixes” and after the oct 31 patch. SIGH