I’m not arguing with you anymore. You’re wrong and you’re one of those that wants to argue for the sake of argument. Seen too many of your posts to get into an actual intellectual dialogue with you. If you lose the single-stance viewpoint it might make it easier. Check my history, I’m pliable, but right now - can’t be bothered with you.
Kinda… I mean mostly I wanna hear about D4 stuff. But a barn dance? That’s hot.
Maybe they are afraid by this “community” I mean, it’s a quite toxic community, honestly.
I agree with most of what you said. Thanks for taking time out of your day to make this lovely response.
Except I’m not. Twitter is an objectively larger platform than the forums will ever be. More people engage with Diablo through Twitter than they do the forums. The forums were the standard decades ago when we weren’t as connected as we are today, but technology and social media has evolved since then.
If you were pliable, you’d recognize that and possibly admit that it’s much easier and more efficient to convey information to a community through that route.
I think it really comes down to traffic and knowing those metrics. Yes, Twitter offers those to some degree, but what it doesn’t offer is how many people you’re losing by only posting to Twitter. As an example, I have two friends that jumped off of twitter in early 2020, while my wife did so in 2016. I retained my account but rarely check it if ever. That’s a loss of 4 people right there on a platform that’s not under Blizzard’s control.
Whereas, if they funnel the traffic by linking those updates on Twitter, Facebook, Insta - heck even LinkedIn, they would have a funnel that lead to traffic here. That gives a true metric of who is interested in the update and linked into the update. Comments aside, which will occur on all platforms - including here - there’s marketing software to send replies to all major social media platforms from a central app and post that reply here as well.
So far what im hearing is the forum is toxic and that’s why we don’t deserve to have any feed back or answers on any diablo 4 forum posts form blizzard. So no one wants a better way of having updates and responses from blizzard about diablo 4 that is easy to navigate than having to read through some ones personal twitter? Do you people really like the current system?
I must be crazy because i think that is the biggest load of b to the s I have ever heard.
They grew up in an age where social media TOS is a social contract and everyone has to project a happy demeanor no matter what. It’s almost not even their fault. Conflict avoidance is simply second nature in society at this point.
No sh… joke? I didn’t know that. Yeah that makes the lack of comms here way harder to understand.
First things first. What is a forum and what purpose does it serve?
- A gaming forum’s primary purpose is to establish a popular form of communication between a company and its users. It’s not enough to simply post about an upcoming update or event, but rather this is a place where you have the opportunity to conduct a dialogue with players. This is where you can listen, explain, and persuade, all the while getting insight into what makes your players tick.
- A forum allows you to quickly collect players’ thoughts and comments in order to convey them to the developers.
- A forum might feature a large amount of content that can be used to better engage your players. Memes that are set in the game world, helpful tips, art, photos, and screenshots of battles can be used to further immerse players into the game world. The task of the community manager is to create a comfortable atmosphere in the forum where players desire to produce and share interesting content.
- A forum should be seen as a collection of ideas from players on how to best improve your product.
TBF, why should we expect adult behavior from them when we can’t manage it ourselves? We don’t exactly adhere to this point very well.
They are supposed to be setting the standards and the tone. They don’t do that. Or, from a certain point of view, they do.
He basically ignores the community (I won’t say his work, because I don’t know what it is) Not only him, Blizzard is responsible, he will do what he is told.
What he says on Twitter, he or anyone other than Diablo’s account doesn’t matter to me, it’s a piece of paper, just a personal opinion.
Therefore, that the answer to the problems is a hot fix pin is a shame, and shows a total disinterest in customers.
Well, in all fairness, this too is the point. Blizzard has control over these forums. “Censorship” doesn’t apply when it comes to conduct. First and foremost, moderation is lacking, which to my understanding falls under the CM to some degree. If we want this forum to be a place of fair conduct, it would need to have provisions in place and actually be attended to.
These forums are a virtual Lord of the Flies right now.
What do you think i made this post for?
I made it to improve feed back and communication with blizzard because the current system is terrible.
Here is an example i made this post the moment the patch went live. The cap for crafting materials has been increased from 999 to 9999
Got helpful response from player nothing from community manager or blizzard no post nothing.
I went to pez radar twitter read through a bunch of useless posts about his personal life and then found he replied to someone who asked him the same question on twitter.
So my point is the current system is ineffective. It would be fine for him to reply on twitter but at the bare minimum he should also post it on this forum. Even better would be if blizzard responded to to the post so everyone has an easy way to find the information.
With communities like the diablo 4 forums I would only talk on twitter to. Have you seen the toxic nonsense here?
Maybe it wouldn’t be so toxic if they didn’t decide to sell half a game for $100.
I swear are you a bot? This is the only argument anyone has and its the weakest argument.
That is because the CM does not do its job, it is not valid as an excuse to abandon the main channel of contact with your clients.
In 2023, seeking information on Twitter is easier than seeking information on the forums. You follow someone, you get updates to everything they post. People are already on Twitter so following someone like PezRadar or the Diablo twitter account is more efficient when they’re already navigating Twitter for other things like news/friends updates.
I also think people are conveniently forgetting how accessible Twitter is. Blizzard doesn’t have a dedicated mobile app for the forums, which is essentially standard these days. Even if they did, I’m not entirely convinced people would opt to use it over Twitter since Twitter is a simple consolidation point for everything they need.
But Twitter has an app. It’s on your phone, making it much easier to access information about the game through the app wherever you are.
I get the idea of having the forums as a main point of communication, but I don’t think it works entirely in this day and age. People don’t use forums as frequently as they used to and have instead opted for social media platforms to get what they need. This isn’t even an isolated issue. Most devs don’t communicate with their forums anymore and instead use Twitter or other forms of social media for communication.
Maybe the halfway point here would be to have a dedicated twitter account that responds to questions only. But regardless, I don’t think the way forward is with the forums anymore. The forums are a lingering artifact of a time gone by, established only because it’s conventional and not because it’s necessary.