Diablo 4 community managers and twitter

I think you mean he is going above and beyond to only use Twitter and ignore this entire forum. While also going above and beyond to block anyone on twitter that doesn’t post glowing reviews of him and the game so his bosses don’t see how bad of a job he’s doing.


I mean, maybe? But insofar as being as big, accessible, and efficient as Twitter?

Probably not.

I mean I would blame that on Blizzard, not him. He is likely fulfilling his job requirements or else Blizzard would have an issue with it. The communication methods definitely need to change though.


How is it blizzard fault when two other blizzard games allow thier community managers to respond on blizzard forums? Also diablo 4 during beta when filthyrich was community manager allowed reply on his posts and did not require messaging him on his personal twitter. So i believe very much he has something to do with his preference and not a blizzard requirement. Because if it was why do community managers from their other blizzard games do it differently?

Why did filithyrich reply to players on the d4 forms for beta?

Don’t you want an outgoing Community Manager who engages regularly and you feel speaks for/with the Community?

“Fulfilling his job requirements” is the bare minimum imo. I want a go getter who takes the positive and negative energy of the community and puts it to good use…the betterment of the game and increasing morale.

At least the WoW forums has a community council that the Devs respond to the questions from players there. This live service game has no such feature on these forums.


Im not surprised they dont reply in here given the ammout of dumb/cry babies like you whining around here all the time.

This forum is just a trap for you all to dump all your rubbish for it to be forgotten.

This forum barely provides any meaningful feedback to them.

I would ignore this forum too if i was Blizzard.

But i love throwing the tough truth at the face of people like you.

Why would anyone monitor this hell hole. Seriously. I follow them on twitter and get news every hour, Nothing toxic just questions and answers.

It’s worse on the WoW forums but they still have a community council where they are in communication with the WoW devs.

Do you understand how insanely limited that is? The forums feel like it is a feel good decoy to avoid talking about real issues. They complain the council gives them an “excuse” to further ignore the rest of the forums and feedback.

I don’t totally agree with that, but it is not some bastion of magic communication. It is better and more structured this year than it was the first year, so they are making progress.

It is better than D4 though and it is transparent, in that any questions answered are done in public, not on Twitter or Discord.

Source: I was on the Council for the first year and was one of the first people added.

What do you believe the solution is?

Diablo isn’t as important as WoW. Diablo is one of Blizzard’s backup IPs, they don’t care about YOU. Neither does this MVP lol.

I appreciate the communication, but I loathe that community management has evolved to basically be “social media engagement” in terms of the “management” part.

This was a big problem with DICE for a while, where the best place to find updates about BF wasn’t to go to the forums or the site, but to find the CM’s personal Twitter pages to look for their tweets. Or developers.

It’s so weird because Blizzard was once heavily built around engaging in the forums and still to this day maintains tech that makes it trivially easy to find their official posts.

But they’ve transitioned to doing so much communication over personal Twitter accounts and videos that places like this forum feel like they have less and less value.

I’m just waiting for them to follow the trend that’s starting of simply shuttering forums altogether and moving to Discord. Which is one of the worst imaginable platforms for replicating the functionality and benefits of a forum.

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I really don’t know.

I wish they would, or could, just freely chat with users on forums, discord, reddit, etc. Answer questions, explain things. But they don’t, and what little they have is very very structured. I am sure there are reasons - and those on the Council applied and were vetted in some way. They are not likely to spout off with threats against the staff, even if they are critical.

If I think of an actual solution that works with players, consolidates info in one place, and still bars people who are outright abusive I will. I just don’t know of a decent solution to it all right now. There are trade offs. I just know what we have no is NOT good enough and has not been for a long time.

What do you think I talk to CMs about when I get a chance to do so in person?

They did that for Immortal and considered doing it for D4. I was actually sort of surprised this forum even exists.

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Why spend the money and resources for the upkeep of their own social media services that get a smaller amount of traffic when they can simply get Discord and other social media services to pay the bill for them. Sad but true, Blizzard logic. It makes sense why they have an “official” D4 Sanctuary Discord with non paid moderators that Blizzard Devs are in which bypasses the money and resources they needed to allocate for an in game LFG system since everyone in that Discord spams LFG’s already.


Yeah, that is the logic I think a lot of companies have moved to. It has risks - that third party media is not under the control of the company, and they are at the whim of the owner. If the site goes to heck so does their engagement, advertising views, etc.

So yeah, it is a risk to only use a third party platform, but I get why some do it.

sigh Re-inventing the wheel with yet another app of their own though is not great. People hit app overload and just don’t want to deal with more STUFF.

What was it we used for consolidating messengers? Trillian?

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Honestly at this point, it’s highly likely (I believe) that the Discord owner is actually a Blizzard employee.

You sound like you are part of the problem if it is true they don’t reply here because of toxicity. Maybe you should be less toxic.

I cant help it. Kids need to know the tough truth.

Im just a messenger

Sad but true. I really feel lessons learned over 20+ years go down the drain when starting a new game/franchise under the same umbrella but different team.

Continuity Officer, for a less jarring experience🧐

You would think Diablo 4 would build on all the previous games do’s and dont’s in game and out.

This is not the first live service game and won’t be the last. Would love a streamlined experience at this point which includes information flow.

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