Diablo 4 Bricked my GIGABYTE 3080 TI

No, it’s not. My GPU wasn’t bricked. But, it shared the same symptom that other folks reported. Yes, perhaps the ones with bad components died, who knows? The majority of the cases appear to be RTX 3080Ti, but I’ve seem people with 3090, 4080 and even one person with an AMD card with the same issue. In my case, all my PC was assembled with brand new parts, a little less than 2 years ago. I have a Lian Li O11 Dynamic case, with 6 140mm fans + 360mm WC. My PSU is a Corsair HX1000. I’m not denying that it could be hardware (I engaged Gigabyte Support just in case - my GPU is still working fine), but the problem is having a game which triggered it. Perhaps D4 is causing, due to a paramenter, a jump of voltage which those GPUs can’t handle. So, yes, it’s playing a part in the whole equation. The only game I can record which caused this was New World, but it was due to an excess of frames in the main menu - my GPU is locked to 166 frames using NVCP and still it crashed twice. Perhaps it’s something else.

Please, stop this dismissive atittude. “It’s not the game”. Yes, the game is a variable in this equation.


D4 crashed my PC (Nvidia 4080) from overheating at the waiting in Queue screen. I went into another room while waiting on the Queue screen and came back to a restarted desktop.
It looked like when the D4 queue screen was “in context” the GPU was pushed to 100% utilization, then swapping something else as the main in-context window set the GPU back to something like 2% utilization.

I suspect the FPS aren’t capped by the D4 game process at the point and just spike the GPU card until death.
Didn’t have any issues during cutscenes since usually skip past them, but in retail release will watch them.
This is eerily familiar to what Amazon allowed to happen on the New World release with uncapped framerates in cutscenes and login queues burning up video cards.

What i find really funny, is this is happening on just the nvidia 3080 ti. But yet i am running an AMD rx580, which is actually a much much older graphics card. Running at 144 fps. And my gpu is just fine. I been playing all weekend, since launch of the beta. I have had no issues with my gpu running hot, or crashing my pc one bit. So maybe contact nvidia because it seems to be an issue with nvidia. Not the game. The devs cant fix something that isnt on their end, when it deals with a gpu issue.


If it was an issue with the card it would surface with other graphics intensive or poorly optimized games as well. For everyone thats had a bricked 3080ti so far, that has not been the case.

Mine didnt burn up but as i said before my fans went straight to top speed during the chapel scene. I cant stress this gpu with maxed cyberpunk 2077 graphics settings. But that chapel almost turned it into slag.

Its the game, m8. And they NEED info like this before release to prevent yet another catastrophic PR disaster.

And as others have said, theres a very recent example of this happening and bricking gpus (New World) so the theory isnt without precedent.

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I’m starting to think this is the same issue as Diablo II Resurrected, where certain portions of the game are rendered on +1000 FPS for some reason (for me it’s always on very specific parts of the Spider Forest and Flayer Jungle in Act 3).

I’m very paranoid with GPU temperatures, so I always have MSI Afterburner and SpeedFan on to constantly check on performance. I have a Gigabyte 2060 and I while thankfully didn’t experience any crashes during the beta, I had some performance issues on the very same scene where most Gigabyte 3080ti had crashes on (the flashback cutscene at the chapel); my temps went from comfortable 60 ~ 65C to whopping >85C. So there is definitely something going on there. Even after I capped framerates at 120FPS, then at 60FPS, I was still having issues with that cutscene.


Adding to the list. My Gigabyte 3080ti bricked exactly as explained above. Monitors went black stating no devices connected and GPU fans jumped to max. Card is now dead.

Here is my thread
Rip rtx 3080ti - be warned - PC Bug Report - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

Just thought I’d throw in my hat.
Bricked my ASUS Strix RTX3080ti as well.
It was power by a Cosair RM850x
Ran the game in @100%powerdraw in 4k on 144Hzmonitor max setting getting 120-135ish FPS 99%@70-80FPS sitting around 350-380W nothing unussual, runs all games like that.
It was not a frame issue if the frame cap was uncapped, V-Sync or G-Sync would prevent from going above 144FPS. ANYTHING can handle 144FPS
My Crash was clearly an overcurrent thing. It has happend maybe 3times in 2 years before all in POE could trigger it from time to time when pressing the “Skill Button” to level up and instandly shutdown the system. But it happend mayby once during a league season completly random.

I think it would be worth to compile a master thread and add all instances of players reporting 3080ti getting bricked. This is a very serious issue.


My GPU is a RTX 3060ti and I had one issue over the weekend. At one point on the first day of the beta, I had been playing for a few hours when suddenly I could feel the heat radiating off my PC tower like it was a fireplace and could smell that familiar smell of dust burning, like a heater that’s been off all summer and is being turned on for the first time in winter.

I quickly shut down the game and let everything chill for a while. Weirdest part was the fans on my GPU didn’t even seem to be running at the time. Once I exited the game they kicked on and everything cooled back down. After That I was able to play the rest of the weekend with no issues, though I kept religiously checking how much heat my pc was putting out.

PC is only about a year old and I’ve never had anything like that happen with any other game but it scared me half to death.


If anyone remembers the “New World” launch had the same issue. Ended up being the main menu screen had an uncapped frame rate which led to cards going flat chat. Exposed an issue with voltage regulator on some 30 series vid cards iirc.

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I just got done replacing my motherboard. Not sure if related. RTX 3060ti is fine tho.

EVGA FTW 3 3080ti, played all weekend max settings with no problems, everyone knows gigabyte makes garbage cards.

This is so odd. I have a Nvidia Quadro gpu in a store bought rig and I was able to run Diablo 4 on max settings. Aside from latency when entering town from a town portal, I never had any issues and game ran pretty smoothly. I even played apex on my other monitor while waiting for my que to finish on the first day for over an hour. I have also played both D2R and New World on same pc never had issues. I hope Nvidia replaces everyone’s parts though.


3080ti here, too.

No issues at all. Everything set to max, except set to 60 fps limit.

Sorry to hear about people’s cards…maybe it was on the way to bricking and D4 was just the final straw that broke the camel’s back.


when you make hardware, bad software is a guarantee
which is why if software bricked your hardware, it’s the hardware’s fault.

otherwise, every game developer would be bricking cards daily


easy there tiger.
My ASUS Strix 3080ti bit the bullet aswell.
Sadly EVGA has left the GPU market… buuut, I do recall during the great GPU apocalypse that was the New World launch, mainly EVGA FTW Cards were effected during that.
Might wanna climb down from your high horse before you hurt your self.


3070 gigabyte - massive lags, didnt check temperatures, card went max and off sometimes. Luckily didn’t die

So do you say that if I use 3080 ti, Ryzen 5900x, 16gb RAM, and other typical stuff in the PC with say RM850x it’s not enough to be safe?

Safe from what? Getting a bad component? There’s nothing you can do to avoid getting a bad component. You’ll only find out when your system is pushed to the limit and the bad component fails. RMA the faulty hardware.

The thing is OP and others assume it is the game that hurt their card. When it could also be a poorly made video card.

3080 Tis are already known to be a strained design. Generally even the worst game behavior should be handled like a stress test and not physically fry a video card.

I could be wrong. Maybe there is some strange process a game could kick off that will harm a GPU, but I would guess its far more likely that poor cooling, card design and possibly components cause higher risk of failure at peek loads.