Diablo 4 Beta - Feedback and Wishlist


I wanted to share feedback on the beta and a wishlist of things I like to see. I must admit, the game’s current technical state is worrying and frustrating. The game will release in less than 3 months, I can tell it will be a dung buggy lunch.

That said, here are some technical things I personally encountered while soloing & Cross playing with my bro (PC - PS5):
-Character rubber-banding at the edge of a section or a town area. Especially if it had NPCs with main stories.
-Increase lag, stutter, and rubber-banding when multiple players are in town.
-Some enemies will sometimes not attack.
-When closing Diablo 4 it would take almost 20-30 seconds to close.

-Great graphics
-In-game cutscenes!
-Good-looking armor! (Barbarian)
-Smooth gameplay* (Outside of bugs and lag)
-Great sound effects.
-Good selection of VA with the right tone - so far.
-Greater skill tree.

-Ability to teleport to a party member with a right click.
-Lag, bugs, logging queue.
-UI besides the skill bar distracts from the gorgeous world.
-The Map.
-Multiple screens to navigate, achievements, rewards, etc.

During this beta, I played the Barbarian class and was able to fill almost every slot with legendary items, completed all the dungeons, World Boss fight, multiple public events, and the main campaign. I like to share my general thoughts on those.

-As the barbarian, I felt for the most part weak compare to my bro playing the Necromancer. Despite having almost all legendary pieces compared to him, who had 1 or 2. (I was lucky and got a bunch of items with good effects for the whirlwind skill.)

-I enjoyed the campaign. While I wished there was more voice acting that matches the tone of D1 and D2, it was far more fitting this time around.

-I enjoyed the dungeons, but I didn’t like how similar they feel. I hope we see greater variations of dungeons maps and encounters. Instead of these 3 spread objectives and then having to do the main boss area.

-I liked the public events.

-The World Boss fight was really fun - learning the fight and staying alive is really exciting. Looking forward to this new feature.

Now in terms of the gear, I have questions and a few concerns. But I hope the full experience and systems will address them.

I’m assuming you mean right clicking on a party members portraits on the left side of the screen? If so then I also want this feature, I mean they had this in D3 I’m not sure why they didnt implement this into D4. You pretty much have to tp back to town to take one of thier portal next to the waypoint. Would be great if we can just tp to them from almost anywhere by clicking on their portrait.

Yeah. It only makes sense. Why would they take it away?