Diablo 3 = trash. Diablo 4 = what D3 should have been

I think d4 has major diffrences compared to d2. for example gear or scaling or multiplayer

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E X A C T L Y - T H A T - M Y - N O T - S O - Y O U N G - F R I E N D

oh ho ho ho ho, how i feel like a big santa gloating over them cry babies…
ho ho ho

if this what D2 was then I’m glad i never played it, because this is absolute garbage. 1 maybe 2 builds per class, nonsensical punishment for trying alts or trying different specs.

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I don’t think this game is like D2. I agree D3 was not for me, but I never went back to it after walking away from it. Some people claim it got better, I wouldn’t know.

I think this game is trying to be something different and I am fine with that. Yes there will be some overlap in features with other ARPGS, but it doesn’t need to be exactly like any of them. I enjoyed some things about POE, but I would hate for this to turn into that.

I like the difficulty in this game. And hopefully balance will bring all the classes inline to a similar experience for all. Blizzard seems to be more interested in getting rid of the broken things than just giving into “demands threads”. I hope they stick to their vision and grow it.


considering they took the safe approach to D4, yea it could have been what d3 should have been. I mean they didnt break the mold at all. Every thing is pretty safe. There is no major changes to the arpg genre. They stuck to the script instead of innovating. I mean its a good and bad thing. I personally dont mind. I would like in the future, since this is a live game, something new that deviates from the past arpgs and does something new. Open world pvp is that kinda step but I would prefer something different and or more.

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I’m a late 90s gamer and absolutely nothing about D4 remids me of that era.

This game perfectly encapsulates its era of AAA gaming. A soulless, high production value checklist from the higher ups.

D4 is as 2020’s as a game can possibly be.

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Haven’t had any lag at all friend, and if trading comes about fully, high level players are just going to be dropping good items to the lower players and we will start to see players begging for items like D2 and D2R. You can literally join a game name FREE ITEMS and get good enough stuff to take you to the end. The mounts aren’t that clunky imo, they go with the expanded map.

D4 isn’t really aimed to be nostalgic. That’s what D2R was for. It just carries over the Diablo traditions. Idk if that was your idea or someone else’s here above.

dont think u played D2 then because the end game there was non existant but still there.

D3 best
D4 ok
We can only hope D4’s team gets scrapped and they launch a new expansion and they re-do everything and make it good like Reaper did for D3.

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not endorsing his statement, but it is ironic you insult 320 million people while simultaneously putting on full display your inability to comprehend the simple comment made by OP. befuddled by ellipses. sad.

Nothing changes the fact that d4 is garbage currently. sugarcoating, trying to find angles to make it right doesn’t do any good.

classes need tuning
quality of life improvs needed
dungeon design needs to be tweaked
Itemization shall be changed
More items are needed
More builds should be available
More events is a must
LFG would be cool
Zone chats
Flexible trading
the list is long unfortunately.

I am sad, I was actually thinking that they would do a great job.


There most certainly is. Twitch Chatter syndrome needs to be clinically addressed. It’s the new ADHD epidemic.

I really enjoyed D3. I enjoy D4 more, though. It’s more of an actual RPG because it has loads of side quests that tell stories.

I just came from playing a half hour of POE this season i have to toons i got to lvl 90! I say this because i want to tell you of this as a comparison situation I walk into a cave at lvl 40 not to high at all there is some trash there with maybe a few blues . I hit them with a chain lightning that is connected to a cold support gem and boom they freeze and then explode but above all gone ! I do that in this piece of crap and not only does it not do that it takes forever to just kill trash … This game is BAD out of the box BAD !

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Come on, you can’t say how weak you are in game and then continue to say how bad the game is. :joy::thinking:

I know I wasn’t. D2 was boring. I don’t understand what everyone is on about with that game. I guess the exploration felt more interesting, but it wasn’t that fun of a game experience.

I guess it’s one of those “had to be there” things.

I liked D3. But yeah, I agree with you.

nah he’s right. people in the us are effin stupid

I mean yeah…PoE is good if all you want to do is stand around a click one skill from mob to mob
