Diablo 3 = trash. Diablo 4 = what D3 should have been

anyone who is having a hard time with this game, or dislikes it… generally loved Diablo 3… which says alot because diablo 3 was garbage…

anyone who enjoys this game, seems to have been a gamer in the late 90s to appreciate what they did here in diablo 4…

Diablo 4 is what Diablo 3 should have been… this game is for us D2 fans, not you D3 fans, sorry to say it.

so many try hards failing at this game or rage quiting because it doesnt play like Diablo 3 version 2… GOOD GLAD!! LEAVE!!! D2 and D4 players are very similar… and if u liked and played Diablo 2… chances are you hated Diablo 3…



Nah. I didn’t like D3 and D4 isn’t too great overall either.




After reading some of these people’s arguments, there genuinely seems to be an epidemic in the US for challenged people.


then a D2 fan u were not :frowning:


I’ve been a gamer since the 80’s.

Diablo 4 is overpriced trash. Blizzard used to be a respectable game dev. They are despicable today.



Lolol. Except I’ve played D2 for years.


wait isnt this the eu forum or am i dumb? xD

btw, i liked d3 and also like d4 so^^

You have a bad taste of Diablo 3 unfortunately , i did too until i started playing D4 and realizing how much like Diablo 2 this game actually is…

It’s US. But because it’s a US company, you get automatically sent to the US forums, even when a EU player. The URL says us.forums.blizzard.

Either way, I agree. I’ve liked every single Diablo game, for very different reasons. But I’m not under some spell of illusion in thinking every game has been perfect :slight_smile:

Bravata are you now trolling the D4 forum with your alt accounts.


Honestly this game is not D2 or D3, You cant trade anything, D3 and D2 had more trading then this. There is nothing similar in this game then in any other Diablo games. And I am pretty sure D4 palyers are nothing like D2 players, your delusional.


Idk i hate D3 but i don’t hate D4.
sadly this game has nothing in common with D2 and this game brings nothing new to Diablo franchise.
The approach in creating D4 reminds me new WoW expansion. They slighly change things: new world, new small features like mounts and etc. But in fact core mechanics didn’t change at all. They just renamed them and put in another places. It’s still our D3 over again.
And there is no chance that new game should be same as 23 yo game. They are incomparable.
D4 should bring something new, now sadly it brings nothing


They have been crying for 11 years, it’s a wonder they can still function in life.

Really, can you move across the zone in a few clicks and one-shot everything along the way? Are legendries falling from the sky, do you already have several billions in gold? Is everything based on set items?

you can trade all sorts of stuff not sure what u mean

combat pacing doesn’t change that all core mechanics are same. It’s not bad not good they are just same. I expect more from a new game.

well idk i have like x5 all uniques or even more in 90s except shako.

aspects are exactly the same as set items, you can’t do late game w/o mandatory aspects. Again i’m not talking about how they called it, mechanic of borrowed powers are still here. You can’t do sh*t w/o aspects. As for numbers they are low for now. But it’s not even S1, will see.
I hope that you are right and we will see some real changes but now it is D3 mechanics everywhere.

this is what Diablo 3 should have been… to allow them to build off of this… diablo 3 was a beta test for diablo immortal and the cash grab… Diablo4 was for us diablo 2 fans

D3 trash? Diablo 4 a game without physics and ragdoll, repetitive and boring mobs for the whole game, few skills, boring and repetitive dungeons in which you have to complete cretinous tasks like “bring two obelisks”. Much to write this game has many problems.


Diablo 3 man i know it was just what you explained… it was sooo BORING… same thing over and over… atleast we have variety now and can play how we want.

ahh you are right xD and ye i agree its defiently not perfect no game is, but im looking forward to how great a game diablo 4 can become with polishing like some more qol.

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