Diablo 3 = trash. Diablo 4 = what D3 should have been

You can only trade Rares, as it means yellow items, not sure what game your playing.

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Fake news. There are no D3 fans.

D3 wasn’t a Diablo sequel. PoE was but seems like we back on track so far with D4. Just need a few changes moving forward.

D3 was fun, I wish it was designed differently but it was enjoyable for what it became. D4 is definitely way better and is a strong base for a game.

Actually No I loved D2 and barely Tolerated D3 and I view D4 as not much better than D3


OR hear me out here… there both trash lol and everyone is stuck on the newgame rush and wont see it till the first season when they get to repeat all the same stuff because blizz has not and wont ever learn from there mistakes. I mean we got 20 years of proof with there other dying MMO.


This game reminds me of D3 and I love both D3 and D4 :slight_smile:

When was Blizz a respectable game dev? Be careful with your history. Blizz has been screwing over fans since Diablo. They promised an expansion then backed out. Then let another company outsource the expansion THEN refused to let the expansion be played online.

I support them because even when they make a bad game it is still better than 80% of the market.

ok, sure, but i loved d2, and i really dont particularly like d4. no trading, no long exhaustive grind to level 99, items are terrible designed, stats make no sense, theres respecs in the game, its just very much an ARPGlite. where d3 was a quasiARPG. its like if you take d2 and only cater to the hyper casual single player gamers, and discount the closed bnet community completely.

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you are clearly blind then sir

No I Just Have Higher Standards Than Most Of You!

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As bad as D3 maybe was, i really miss Rifts and Grifts. Just killing mobs followed by a boss was way more fun than walking from one side of the dungeon to another to pick up some relic and bring it back to some room and place it on a socket or some crap like that…

And walking again and again and again to the dungeons is also boring as hell.

So in general your right. D4 is better than D3. But D3 had some stuff or mechanics that where much much better if your coming home from work and just want to kill some stuff.

Now your coming home and you need to do work in the game. Like open world events and the relic crap quests in dungeons etc.

THAT is boring as hell

I really disliked D3, loved D2, and am enjoying D4. :slight_smile:

My biggest gripe with this, honestly, is the lack of character customization and not being able to change hairstyles at the wardrobe.

D3 was colorfull, comedy, full of unicorns and fairy … I don’t get how ppl even played that for 10y

D4 is trash, that’s a fact. Much worse in everything compared to D3.

D4 endgame is missing, bad itemization, no trading, no group finder, dungeons are repetitive and boring with zero variety, mounts are clunky and buggy, open world is a lag fest and so on…


D3 was more light-hearted and cartoonish. D4 brought that grim feeling back from D2 which I love. It is my favorite Diablo of all time :smiley:

The ppl who complain are the same ppl which complain on d2 and d3 forum. I alot of ppl from both games coming here to complain.

I grew up on D1 and D2. Especially D2, where I spent an unhealthy amount of time playing instead of doing literally anything else. That game was like crack to me, and it was / still is amazing. It defines a genre and it’s obvious since most every ARPG since has been chasing it’s coat tails.

I liked D3 as an ARPG that was supposed to be Diablo themed. It was closer to what Torchlight could’ve been if it was actually good. Def not D2, and not a worthwhile sequel to D2, but generally a decent game that I enjoyed for it’s run time.

D4 isn’t better. It’s not worse, either. It’s a different game, and it’s more fair to compare it to D2 or D2R than D3. Hell, the fact that they basically erased all but the smallest hints of D3 even existing from the story speaks volumes.

Big thing here that I don’t see enough people understanding; D3 launch was AWFUL. It was, believe it or not, worse than the D4 launch by far. D3 grew as a game, Diablo or not, in huge ways from the time it was released, until the time D4 came out. The D4 launch is barebones, and frankly, I’m not surprised that the no-life crowd is getting bored after just a week. The game has a ton of room to grow, but people are so damned impatient and petulant that if they can’t get a fresh hit of dopamine from some Dorito’s fueled power fantasy every .5 seconds, they act like their world is ending.

I don’t agree that D3 is as bad as people say it is, although it’s not ideal either. I do think its supposed endgame is incredibly overrated and exaggerated though. The fact that Blizzard chose not to continue with it just shows that it wasn’t as well received as some people claim. D3’s playerbase are still mostly people that just play through the campaign or play a season every once in a while for a week before they get bored and move onto something else.

I’ll just say that those of you who think this is going to be your D2 replacement should read some of the comments the devs have made on this topic.

The lvl100 endgame is basically non-existent intentionally. D4 was designed as a casual players game even more so than D3 was. People just can’t see it yet because of the MMOification and ‘new toy’ mentality.

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For the sake of the conversation let us not name THAT GAME 3 , lets just name it The game 3 and be done with it, it does not deserve the francise’s name. It was made by the woke part of blizzard , most of them are long gone . If i could refound that games worth id do it in a instant , sadly there is no refound for a 10+ year old game :slight_smile: