Diablo 3 feels better

comparing D4 lvl 25 combat and D3 end game content? Must be D3 fanboy. JK.

You canā€™t rly compare those and imho there is no way that d3 is somehow better than D4.
D4 actually looks like better version of D3 with MMO-aspects which could take it to another level.

I think, and we can agree to disagree, but if we have to have the paragon boards in play and in use AND be at max level to address many of the issues that are experienced in the early-mid and leveling process then i would say that IS a problem that should be addressed.

I see many arguments on the forums saying, and paraphrasing here from others: ya the skill tree is a twig and your limited on choice in the tree but thats is ok because once you reach max level you can spend XX amount of time grinding for gear, legendaries, and augments/powers to make it ā€œusable/functionalā€.

Those kind of points ā€œmakeā€ my point because they concede the argument when they admit things are fine ā€œWHENā€ you have the gear, legendary, and augment powers. In other words: they are ā€œNotā€ fine without them.

Using end-game as being balanced as justification for a poor early/mid game experience is a terrible design and even worse a terrible play experience.

Does it have to be perfect, no, but the tree itself should offer real choice, real variety in a base build while exploring and leveling until you get to end game. Then at the end game they can add another layer on that: legendary and augment powers and yes, even the paragon board.

I actually do think the tree has a lot of choice. I just think that the legendaries can dictate how you build. Thats what I dont like about it. Some of those aspects should have been in the tree IMO. As for the paragon boardā€¦ that starts at 50. There are 100 levels so you arent waiting until the end to start that process.

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Lost me at D3 better graphicsā€¦ D4 character models is not even a contest, armor looks great and hopefully they dont start adding tacky butterfly cosmo wings

completely agree, spend $100 on a game then have to spend more later for trash. give me what i paid for donā€™t charge more for extra stuff that should already be in the game if it exists.

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Sadly we must wait 5+ years till they polish the game.
Combat fluidity, animations and hit reg of skills feels so bad its insane.
Cant believe it took them 9 years to release this unpolished garbage.
Feels like ā€œDiablo : Immoralā€ with some poop sprinkled around.


D3 in itā€™s current state feels a thousand times better than D4. itā€™s just a fact.

if you donā€™t think so then you either havenā€™t played D3 in a long time, havenā€™t played D3 ever, have no idea what state D3 is currently in, or are level 27 and still in the honeymoon phase.


I really prefer the combat in Diablo 4. Diablo 3 is quite boring for me.


The awful new itemization system is the most off putting thing for me. I donā€™t understand how they could think it was a good ideaā€¦


+1 in terms of ā€œmageā€; thereā€™s no comparison between wizard and sorceress. The disappearance of the arcane branch is inconceivable. I had hoped to see abilities like black hole, disintegrate, archon, etc. in this graphics and atmosphere, less fantasy and more visceral. The sorceress is ridiculous in itself, and once I finish the campaign, I will uninstall the game.


I didnā€™t even think of that but youā€™re right. How did a complete school of magic totally disappear lol

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Your feelings are not facts. They are just your feelings. This is worth remembering when arguing on here :slight_smile:

Have a nice day.

Agree, Diablo 3 feels betther, and more fun.

Oh look its someone that works for blizzard on the forums shilling their product you already have my money go away.

Enjoy the Diablo 4 beta for the next couple years, I am waiting for loot2.0 and RoS expansion to see if Diablo 4 works out. :slight_smile:

Then you feel wrong, sir. This game needs a whopping load of work still, but even so itā€™ll never be the cesspool D3 was.

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D3 in its current state isnā€™t even an ARPG. Itā€™s an idle clicker. Has been for years.

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Idle clickers beat D4 though.

D3 feels like downgrade when compared to D2 or D2R.

So the day has comeā€¦