DIABLO 2 is more enjoyable to play than DIABLO 4

every arpg is better than this lol.


It isn’t just Baal runs and I was being generous. The game is filled with botters, RMT, D2 jsp, all kinds of ugly things that people would rather leave out when they talk about D2.

I probably like D2 as much as you do but I’m not going to say that most modern gamers are going to find it enjoyable when I don’t believe that.


Different age of gamedevelopment, try LastEpoch, if you can go over the first 5 hours, and reach mid game, you will find a gem of game.

Some parts are but D2 way of farming and teleporting burned me out. D2 should remove all teleporting and just increase drop rates. I would probably stay playing but after this many years it is difficult for me to stay glued to it. D2R helped out a ton by updating something but a ton needs to be revisited.

d2 was far better and still is. I took a break from d4 Not sure if I am coming back and I have been playing console rpgs and arpgs just to remind myself that d4 doesnt suck because its a console game but because its d4

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Not your avaerage CoD loving console player, no. But people who enjoy rpgs, complexity and depth in games will.

Never said anything about “which is better.”

OP is making an absolute statement about enjoyability. For you, me, OP, Tom, Susan and Becky down the street…

Ok well at least for me op is right D4 is the most miserable game I have played in years…its literally the least enjoyable game ive bought in a decade.

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Overall D2 is just better in all core mechanics than D4 except for some that are not particularly important.

I love d2 and sometimes I can play it, but let’s face it, you can’t compare a modern game with a game released 20 years ago. In a modern game there should be much more content, QoL, cool features and etc. You should compare D4 to PoE, not to its 23yo predecessor


comparing an established game like D2 or D3 with a brand new game that has had zero content updates yet is a bit like apples and engines isn’t it ?

Surely people can’t make a true assessment until we get an idea of what seasonal play will be like along with any other content that is due in the future.

Don’t forget this is the base game and there is a cart load of content planned, I would suggest sticking it out as long as possible to see what extra content brings and next time don’t rush the game just to get to endgame content - you are only crippling your own enjoyment.

Playing since 4 days before official launch and still only lvl 64, but my circumstances are different to everyone else’s.


no it is not cuz D3 was decent garbage in the start and evolve in complete trash. Not to mention the industry standards that have changed in 20+ years

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well thats a matter of personal taste, I loved D3 as much as D2.

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D3 at the start was just plain garbage. Mostly everyone stacks AS and grabbed NPC pet Act 3 and farmed. Not to mention the one shot misquitos in act 2 were great… Overtime D3 recovered but the seasonal journeys were meh.

Ok, go enjoy Diablo 2 then?

No one is taking it away from you.

Blizz isn’t shutting it down.

Diablo 3 isn’t ending either.


I’m pretty sure it’s you dude. There is no objective; you can’t even pickup items that drop because you’re inventory is full of stat stick charms.

The gameplay from Diablo II is the same from the minute you roll a character until the end of hell.

In fact; there is only 27 quests in the whole game; and you skip all the ones that aren’t required or don’t have a meaningful reward on the second and third go around.

What makes Diablo IV boring but Diablo II NOT boring; when they both are about killing monsters outside of town infinitely.

There are more things to do in Diablo IV than there is in Diablo II.

The point in Diablo IV is to defeat Tier NM 100 and the Pinnacle dungeon.

There was NO point in Diablo II; but people did it anyway??

Diablo II has such little amount of content. When DIIR came out; I rolled a Paladin, and I used rune words to cheese the game and completely trivialize it on my first play through. I beat Baal on hell difficulty in about 18 hours and there was absolute nothing left to do. Not a single unique fell outside of a nagel ring that was useless.

I didn’t find any decent runes; I cubed 2 rune words from the cube at level 20 and I beat hell using this gear.

Nothing you can find is better than the runewords you can make; if you’re playing self found, you’ll never find the gear you need to hit all your breakpoints to really bring a build online – but it doesn’t matter; because the game is EZ before the build comes online.

I loved Diablo II. The remaster was an excellent way to refinish the game; but lets not kid ourselves… The game isn’t that great, and it’s plagued by a series of it’s own really terrible design decisions.

Charms are bad. Inventory management is worse. Y’all cry “we need a gem bag!” and then routinely bring up Diablo II, which did not have any of that. No charm bag, tiny inventory, smaller stash.

Y’all like to talk about Unique’s; but runewords and the horadric cube made them useless. Set’s were ALWAYS useless. No character ever found all of a single set when they needed it; by the time they found the whole thing, they already outgrew it’s power.

There is nothing to do in the game, and no reason to farm these items. Min/Maxing was the goal; but for what reason? The entire reason people min/maxed Diablo II was because they could; not because you needed to.

You’d min/max to PvP I guess? But every class would just teleport, and no-one could beat a hammerdin or a javazon/a blind firing guided arrow.

So no… It’s nostalgia. The game isn’t better than Diablo IV, objectively. People like old things, things they grew up with. It reminds them of fun they had, this preference is based on the memory,not on obective truth.


Cool, go live in a twenty year old time bubble of nostalgia then and enjoy killing the same fixed boss over and over again. Meanwhile, normal people will be enjoying the massive world in D4…


I miss doing MF Mephy and Baal runs on my Sorc.


is it really?
i never had a char over level 88 in d2

Establish game? dude D4 is an upgrade of other diablo series, it is supposed to be more precise and enjoyable than the old series, the only thing I found better in D4 is the graphics, killing BAAL in D1 is more nostalgic than completing the whole story line in D4, also the secret MOMO FARM in D2 is more enjoyable than NIGHTMARE gameplay.

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Then go play that and leave us alone.