Devs please look into this: tempest roar drop bug associated with werebear helm

my son and I both play druids.

I’m 87, he’s 80.

we both got bear helms a while ago, but since then, any unique helm that has dropped is a bear helm

I have 14 so far.

is it possible that there is a coding error that mandates if you get a bear helm 1st, you are on a nigh impossible drop matrix for tempest roar?


It wouldn’t surprise me after the bug that made barbarian uniques drop for us. At 100 I have had 8 Vasily drops so far and no Tempest.

someone has to bring this to the devs attention, as I don’t do social media

Usually not into this type of bogus… but playing a Trampleslide build I get constantly uniques for Wolf dropped. Several Tempest Roars and Wolf´s Glee, Crone, but not one vasily.

Maybe I should at some time change my build… but having fun so far as a trampling bear.

Yeah, 5 Vasily right now, got 2 of them in just 10 minutes and not even one tempest roar. Tired :frowning:

Not implying your post isn’t legit, but it might be better to put this in bug reports.

I have gotten two so far today.

I finally got a crappy Vasaly’s (I’ll still take it happily) last night. Already had 3 of the wolf chest armors and several of the crone staff. Seems like 9 times out of 10 the stats on items are for wolf and not bear despite me playing bear. Almost makes me want to play wolf to see whether it will cause bear drops.

I ran into an issue that I could no longer find legendaries with the shockwave aspect after respecing my level 60 druid to use pulv

I read in other forms that a few users respeced and started finding those aspects. I thought it was total BS but i said fk it and respeced to try landslide. 20 mins later, I found that aspect after removing my points from pulv.

I havent done any wolf builds. I have 3 tempest roars, 2 crones, and 4 mad wolfs.

Its tinfoil as hell but maybe try respecjng for a bit? Could be a bug with smart loot

I think it’s more along the lines of “you actively want it, so you’re hyper-aware of not getting it” as opposed to anything being bugged.

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We already have had known serious issues with the druid loot table. This is a fact, not speculation. Odds are the bugs aren’t entirely fixed, esp. since there are reports of things that really wouldn’t happen to the degree it is - e.g. getting 10 crones staffs in a row or 10 hunters zeniths is not WAI for a random loot game.

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The fact was Barbarian items that weren’t supposed to drop for anything other than Barbarians were for druid. That’s it, and since items roll type before rarity, it didn’t have any impact on Druid drops. So, one issue. Unless there is a documented source of more, that’s done and over with.

And while I’m not saying it isn’t possible to get 10 Crones or Zeniths in a row, I seriously doubt that is actually happening, unless people are discounting non-Druid specific uniques that are dropping in between.

I got the wolf helm while wearing Vasily’s helm. I think the wolf helm is just a rarer drop – nothing more, nothing less.

But how are we supposed to have fun without all the speculation?

I also don’t have TR at level 98, I think it’s because I live in Canada and the KFC promotion was not available here.

No chicken = no wolf helm

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

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Just as plausible as every other supposed issue :rofl:

This is interesting, I got a vasily’s but I can’t remember if it was before or after my tempest roar. From level 68 to 80 I got 2 Tempest Roars, waxing gibbous, 2x battlestaff of the crone, a vasily’s and few other uniques like temerity and the boots that are not class specific but I believe are supposed to be in the same rarity tier.

I see quite a bit of Druid uniques dropping, so I was confused why so many are struggling at such high levels, would suck if this is an actual bug.