Devs please dont give in

You say stuff like “they’re SUPPOSED to be rare”. According to who? You? Nobody cares.

This game isn’t about farming loot forever, which is fundamentally the problem with diablo 2, and yes diablo 2 is a trash game for modern era. It has no end game at all. Diablo 4 is going to be more of an end game. Loot farming just to loot farm isn’t the purpose. It’s like Diablo 3. The purpose is to min/max to push greater rifts. Not farm just to farm indefinitely with no purpose.

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God bless you Dstrukd, you’re 100% right

Agreed, I’m worried that they will cave in to these D3 fanboys and make legendaries/uniques drop like candy and remove respec costs.

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Not according by noobs that couldn’t beat Ashava without farming them

I did complain about loot because i’m used to a random ‘‘ding’’ orange beam randomly and it felt like anything above yellow was just missing.

Now that its over i can say that it might be perfect this way, i still managed to be fully geared with decent perks too fast now that i think about it!?

There is a few things i could have killed or used better to get more loot and i think thats pretty cool now that i discovered it.

Higher world tiers with no additional loot… why!? Slap +1% or 2-3% max to veteran for obvious reasons lol.

I do think some tuning is fine, but I dont want straight buffs to loot overall, and I ABSOLUTELY do not want nerfs to bosses or to make the mechanics easier.

+1 loot and challenge felt just right on Tier 2. Tier 1 exists for people who want it. Don’t bring everyone down to the level of the loudest complainers.

Amen to this, 100% agree that legendaries should be actually rare and not drop like candy. Also agree with ashava, it shouldn’t be a freebee award.

If it wasn’t true blizzard wouldn’t have said they messed up and are going to fix it.

Disagree with this view point. The game is perfectly progressable without finding legendaries the first run through. If you find some, great you can use em for a bit and extract for later. This game will live longer if scarcity is actually a feature.

You’re in a beta in the first 20 levels. You’re not going to be super strong. This coming from someone who played Necro all Beta long. First I was annoyed with changes and how weak they felt. I put on a few pieces of rare gear with % minion life and I was fine enough to start really looking for gear. By the time I was level 20 my minions weren’t dying and I was doing decent enough damage that I could kill anything I was fighting in World Tier II.

There is for sure some tuning that needs to be done, but its not the doomsday everyone is making it out to be. You actually have to look at gear. Use the upgrade systems in place and fine tune. I welcome the challenge personally.

However, Barbarian’s need work. Their slow and you have to load up on movement to get into battle before everything was dead with a group. Their skills felt entirely underwhelming imo. Game play was boring

Druids felt lack luster, you had Tornado and Cyclone. Cyclone felt good but Tornado for the randomness that it is, was strong when it hit enough mobs. Lightning was meh and personally shape shifting was boring.

Rouges felt like they did the last time. They were fine.

Necro needs some adjustments to skills. Outside of Bone Spear, Decompose and Decrepify with a single point in Amp It was meh. Minions could use a minor boost in survivability at lower levels, I think the scales need to be adjusted. Corpse Explosion felt weaker than it should be, Id give Corpse explosion a cost. Instead of nerfing the damage.

Sorc was good with fire felt weak outside of that. Aside from maybe frost nova and Teleport. Leveling with Arc Lash was nice. Need to have some Tri Elemental capability

You didn’t even have access to the capstones and based on what you said I can surmise that you didn’t even take the time to google anything about it so how can you possibly sit there and say it’s an easy feat? The capstones are the hardest thing to do within each respected difficulty. Rhykker had access to these, I suggest you go find the video.

Yep keep having this done and loose more money because you are a let down on the necro class and the world boss on t2 nonsense. I HAD the ult edition and yet had to prove myself to get a ingame item against on overtuned T2 boss. Every Co should continue to listen to these people and throw away money on BAD design choice.

Dear nonyablizzforums,

Issue ID: #91661693

Your ticket has received the following response:

Greetings nonyablizzforums,

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment. This is Game Master Pezoejlend, I will be assisting you today.

I understand that you are inquiring about a refund for the Diablo IV presales. I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t enjoy the game and how unsatisfied you are, and I understand how frustrating you might be, so we’ll do our best looking into this for you.

After further investigation into your case, I have some great news for you! I’ve managed to refund the total amount of $99.99 USD for the Diablo IV PC Ultimate Edition Pre-Order has been granted as you’re one of our oldest and most loyal players.

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However, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you since you are one of our oldest and dearest players, I hope you will be able to forgive us! (ノωヽ)

If you have any additional questions or concerns, let us know, and we’ll be happy to assist as much as we can.

Thank you for playing with us and have a good game tonight!
Best regards,
GM Pezoejlend (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ━━━★ ‥… *:・゚✧
Blizzard Entertainment

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Blizzard Support

Soo it seems you like to F…k over your OLD and LOYAL customers just to make a buck.

And with that being said Goodbye, keep hiring bad DEVS. You save the intelligent players money with your bad choices.

Seeing? I’m playing it rn, and don’t have any issues. They patched in more HP on the minions about 12 hours or so. Didn’t have any issues before that but sure need to resummon less now.

They fixed it already. Said in the post they made several hours ago. Did you try it out after they fixed it? I didn’t find it to be too much of an issue before hand, and now I barely resummon at all exxcept for on some of the tougher bosses. But it’s deffo not an issue.

I was at a family engagement today so I didn’t get to try the hotfix. But I’m glad to hear its not an issue anymore because it was horrible earlier. Very happy blizzard listened to the player base on this one. Cheers.

Way to miss the forest for the trees. The argument is too much player power is in gear and not in the skill tree. Which without legos raining from the sky makes the early game feel like crap. It’s not harder, it just takes longer. All of the classes outside of rogue feel like their nodes beyond the ability unlock give you next to nothing.

Given monster scaling, I don’t see the majority of players facerolling any part of the game.

Sewage has been present in gaming communities long before it was mainstream.

if you chose to bash your head against Tier 2 Ashava you have no right to complain. You could have easily just gone to Tier 1 and gotten your trophy but you have some mental complex and chose not to, and you suffered as a result. It was timed event where the odds were heavily stacked against you and 99% of people made the sensible choice of fighting her on Tier 1 and they had fun and got their trophy and you didn’t so you didn’t and now you’re malding about it.

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