Devs please dont give in

sure but the volume is way higher now

Agree on everything here. I think the Necro thing was an actual problem though?

Hello Kilometer! Nice to see you!

Play her on hardcore. That’ll get your blood pumping.

The problem seems more to do with people’s sense of progression. We lost 5 lvls compared to the previous beta. Most of our skills were nurfed. Gear has been drastically reduced. So the overall experience and progression feels dull by comparison.
The next problem is the arguments between the “no-lifers” and the “instant gratification” crowds. I think both raise a valid point and it really depends on who Blizz wants to cater towards because they can’t make everyone happy.
For my part, I felt the grind was just too slow. Going hours after only a days worth of playing before finding a single upgrade felt terrible and boring.

You can’t post on the forums unless you own the game, so…

There’s always going to be broken endgame builds at launch that can do just about anything. I don’t expect it to be any different this time around. I’m not worried about that though as things will get ironed out. More worried about uncontrolled or badly managed power creep that has sadly become staple in many games in the genre over time. But I am willing to give the dev team the benefit of the doubt as everyone should quite frankly, the game isn’t even out yet.

i’m 31 and own my own house and work full time. I’m also married. It’s called time management.

Lol might be one of the most obtuse comments I have seen.

Sample size of 1.
Applies it to everyone else.
LOL the ego of some of these people.

Agreed! Have fun with the replies!

Blizz, please listen to the OP. As a fan of the franchise since the inception, you’re going in the right direction with this effort. I LOVE the lowered loot drop rate. It actually gives value to blues and yellows early game. Even whites for a brief time. Otherwise, why do they even exist? If legendaries are easy to find, it wrecks the entire experience and snowballs out of control. We’ve seen this before.

Props for making the shapeshift Druid more playable this time around (though I still think it trails the other classes/builds).

I didn’t play the Necro on beta, but played it on the slam and I’m baffled by the complaints. You guys think that’s nerfed? I don’t even want to know how OP that was. Clearly you didn’t play a melee Druid on the beta LOL. Necro was clearing on Veteran like wildfire and didn’t struggle too bad on bosses. Maybe I’m used to summons being fragile in boss fights, but they hung in there decently.

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I mean while it’s true there will be broken builds, I expect most players will be casuals who won’t be using those, and therefore won’t be facerolling all the difficulties.

Agreed 100%. I’d welcome MORE difficulty and scarcity way faster than I would things becoming easier. That road just leads to more crappy Diablo 3. No thank you.

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I only got 1 legendary when I looted a body in that high level stronghold and then the ones from several Ashava kills. So, a pretty low drop rate. However, I was fully decked out in legendary items because I farmed Obols to get them via gambling. Worked for me.

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For limited time only. :+1:

Completely agree. The age of short-form video and mobile gaming has created a flood of participation trophy console gamers that expect to clear every bit of content without any thought into build, itemization, or gameplay. The entire concept of “grinding” is antithetical to their very nature.

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up - this is necessary

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just seemed like a personal attack to me

in the slam beta weekend i was playing a barb and a lot of loot drops was for other classes even legendaries. That really sux. They should fix this asap. I even got loot rewards from quests which i couldnt use for my barb, why is that?

Other then that i was fine with the lowered droprate.

The most L take ive ever seen in my life. Tell me you suck at gaming without telling me you suck at gaming.

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I agree with OP. I also want to reflect on the low levels entering the zone, that needs to be fixed no doubt. The matchmaking could also you a looking into, although I don’t have any ideas currently on how to make it a bit better.