Devs please dont give in


Hard? 1-2 days of farming and people already have lots of legends.

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I’m glad you found 0 challenges in Diablo 1 or 2. I remember them being quite punishing at times

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Really dont understand why some people have such a problem with this. These games are about progression and becoming powerful.

I for one thought it was cool to think back to vanilla Diablo 3 where I was doing 300-400k damage with a pretty optimized base game build and now after years of updates we’re doing trillions and even quadrillions of damage. It was a gradual process that led to this, it wasnt instant.

The numbers dont need to be that crazy again but over time we should become noticeably more powerful as the game gets updates, that keeps people coming back.

Im generally a fan of powercreep, it can be done more reasonably though.

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this loot is 1000000000% better than last beta.

Getting rained endless yellows and oranges at level 15 was incredibly lame.

This is significantly better


Ppl also forgetting that loot drops increase with world tier and level, too.

Only getting a few leggos when ur capped at T2 @ lvl 20 is how it’s supposed to be.


I dont understand, I only played the slam so no idea how it was like in other beta, but don’t the imprint change rare items into legendary already? Not to mention the aspect can be gotten from clearing those dungeons.

What kind of legendary are people looking for?

Imprints from drops can only be transferred 1 time. Imprints from your tome have to be unlocked and in general are weaker compared to imprints from drops.

I have no issue with the drop rate of legendaries. Two have dropped for my Druid on the way to level 20, both dropped in dungeons on world tier two. Add in the fact you can target aspects for your class and craft the legos while leveling I see no issue with the way it is currently. What we saw during the other beta weekends was absurd, way to many dropping.


This is a Bad idea. !!!

Yeah I think this is part of it, wouldn’t be surprised if many complaining are playing on world tier one. So far I am consistently seeing two drops on the way 20 in world tier two.

Kids today can’t stand to spend more than 10 minutes before being rewarded for their “efforts”. If Blizz wants access to their mom’s CC, they will probably have to cave.


It’s indeed very casual players raging against a normal difficulty imo….the game was ridiculously easy in beta…now I feel I’m actually playing a Diablo game.

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No. When you set out to make things difficult for difficult’s sake, you end up with something like Shadowlands. People just leave.


Blizz made a mistake having higher drop rates during the last two betas… now people expect / demand candy whenever they look in the general direction of a mob.


in an ARPG with random loot and low %. yes thats very “hard”.

i always ask myself how deep someone, who makes such posts, have his underwear over his head.,


100% agree, ignore anyone crying they didnt get to get lvl 20 in 40min and go get a free mount in white/blue gear, i failed my first try, took the next 2 hours to farm full yellows and got like 2-3 legendry’s (not even good aspects) changed a few ability’s i enjoyed last BETA due to legendary aspects and went for good single target dmg and killed him with 2min left my next try.


I agree if they want easy instant gratification, well we have d3 for that I’m in no way saying it should be as sparse as d2 drops but the server slam drop rate feels about right you have to work at it a bit to power up its like going to the gym your Ernest efforts will pay off

Isn’t this how arpgs work. Your supposed to get fairly frequent drops of potentially usable gear. And then getting the right gear rolls is the rare part. If loot was extremely rare a person could never expect to get a well rolled item. Are you guys getting hung up on the word “legendary” or something


I think if you’re running dungeons, events or cellars, anywhere you kill monsters basically, loot is gonna be difficult to find. There’s a way more efficient way to find loot, but I have no idea why it is this way. But let’s stay on track.

I didn’t find any legendaries in 4 hours. That’s Lv 1 to 20 + 1 hour of play at max level. Found nothing. It felt HORRIBLE. I understand somewhat what you’re saying, but you need to realize that “Legendaries” aren’t the best loot in the game. I’m not out here grinding dungeons looking for a Shako, I just want something to help me get through these mobs quicker. In end game, you won’t even be wearing this stuff so it makes no sense for it to be so difficult to obtain.

Of course, once it was made public that there was a far more efficient way to obtain them, you can bet your jewels I was all about it and I know I’m not the only one. With all these people remaking games every 30 seconds, it truly was a server slam and I didn’t have any problems so that’s a good sign.

That said, I fully expect Ancestral Items to be exactly this difficult if not more-so to obtain. You can look at it like this if it helps. Legendaries are just there to help you progress to the next difficulty. I full expect the forums to be blowing up when people hit Lv 50 and can’t enter World Tier 3 because they didn’t find enough legendary items to help them complete the world cap.

Mark my words.

You are right but there is a fine line between what is doable and what is reasonable. They should not be making a game like this for the top 5% of players. That is how you lose your fans.