Devs please dont give in

As long as the loot drops with the correct stats I’m okay with that. I really…really do not want to go through the same lessons they learned about loot drops in D3. RNG should be about stats. Being a Barb and having Barb gear drop with caster stats was extremely annoying before and made the grind ridiculous.

That being said in 6 months we will end up making our own gear probably, so your request is kinda moot.

Drops should be easy, it should be the stats we are fishing for, for end game.


I wouldn’t say extremely rare, since some builds require a legendary power to even do their thing. there’s a line between practical acquisition and a chase.

But well said and agreed, I do feel currently legendries are in a decent spot. It felt good to find one or get one from gambler this time around.
And Ashava was so much fun as a challenge fight.

I’ve got a bunch of problems with this game, but i agree that good loot should be special and hard to get.



Look I’m fine with feedback like what you’re seeing about loot or class balancing but I’m not fine with it when it’s literally happening in a limited “beta” or a server slam. Lets see what the darn full game looks like before start crying for balancing.

Look what happened to Necro, now people are crying for it to swing back the other way. It’s a good example of stop asking for balancing when you’ve hardly even seen/played the game. Lets see how all these classes and systems actually play out in the full game and not a very limited preview.


Loot is fine at level 20 but at end game should not be this hard since i hope there are items to equip for magic find. Even meph runs i do 10 runs and at min 1 legendary or set drops.

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Fully agreed.

I have rarely been more hopeful about D4 as after these nerfs, and reduced droprates.
I still expect it to fail spectacularly in endgame, but at least Blizzard tried to do the right thing here.

Which is what should be changed, rather than droprates.


their is no character power in diablo since d3 it’s all item based power


Go play at higher difficulty if you want a challenge, don’t force your top 0.1% difficulty requirements on the rest of us.


i am playing on the higher difficulty?

Its not even difficult … running around in circles for 15 minutes just isn’t fun.


People calling Diablo hard…sigh. We are under leveled. Diablo never has and never will be hard.

I’m pretty sure you’re at the second level max, not the higher difficulties.

Is that you Jay Wilson??

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So basically you want everyone to play your way and the devs should only listen to you.

Loot has random stats and is a part of builds and should be common drops. If all loot always had god rolls and did not rely of RNG then ya it should be rare but that is not the case.


I agree, I think Blizz is doing well with their vision. Please don’t dumb down the game. No matter how far you go, there will always be more people ready to complain.


I have to read up. Is it like D3 where there are low and high rolls? If I remember correctly there were two ranges of stats you could get. Example…1-10 or 20-30. So if you got 1-10 you just got rid of it unless it was better than your current 1-10.

I probably could have explained that better.

also it like diablo 3 where almost all of your dmg is based on your weapon

Completely agree they will be filtered out by season 1 they probably won’t make it more than 2 weeks anyway before they quit.

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False again in another thread lol. By your logic a rogue with just the auto attack will do more damage than a fully built twisting blades rogue.