Designers Can't Reconcile Fun & Grind

How do you make the grind fun?

The game designers (not the devs) think it’s fun to spam the Pit all day and press Masterwork.

What is special about the Pit?

No loot, timed, bosses spawn bosses, and reward cache. Fun? No. It’s boring.

The gauntlet is very similar with a few exceptions.

What else is ‘fun’?

How about Helltides where every environment is basically monochrome red, mobs are very homogenous after a while, and the special elite Hellborne are unremarkable? And the loot…it’s mostly from running around like a fool with ‘cinders’ to open chests.

I could go on, but my point is the design of everything needs to improve.

My guess is the management don’t care about Season 5. They’ve marked it as a loss.

Mark my words, far fewer players will come back for S5 with the current design philosophy.


I feel like they are lost and getting lost more and more. Pit is tragic the first time I saw it. It can be worse than the bigger cracks.

-I like helltides, I think meteors and density are cool, they just need a little more difficulty, like more Cage Mind levels. Without them, you’ll just be dead.

-They said on live that they no longer want tibalts, the only generic ones in the entire build. Then it creates 3 more very powerful items.

Everything in the game is monotonous. There is no variety within the content to make it replayable. And yet, you are supposed to replay it constantly. This is the problem with the design of the game.


Not that big of a deal in the long run. Soon as the expansion hits no ones going to care about previous seasons other then to bring them up when crap hits the fan. Just as everyone brings up how bad D3 was at launch.

Oh sure people will be upset, forums will run rampant with complaints, then they’ll move on. History loves to repeat after all.

I do agree we need a lot of improvements in various areas of the game, but we all know that’s not happening overnight. It won’t even happen when the expansion hits. Give the game another year and we’ll see where it’s at. Sucks it has to be this way, but as the player base there’s nothing we can do but give feedback and hope they change it for the better.

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Four seasons is overnight? Serious question: how long should it take an AAA studio to make changes to a game that they overcharged everyone for in the first place? 5 seasons? 10 seasons and an expansion? What do you think is reasonable. I’d love to hear it.


The environments need to be more varied for sure. I get sanctuary is not a happy place and we don’t want rainbows and unicorns but despite the varied environments it all looks and feels the same.

NMDs could have been the equivalent to PoEs maps. But nope. They all feels the same too.

We need to encounter different things. Not just the same over and over. Again with PoE comparison, yea it’s bloated, but the fact you see things from different seasons at random makes each map and/or play session feel different.

Here it’s run the thing, press the button, hope for rng. Repeat when the rng button press doesn’t work.


It took them about five years to make diablo 3 even remotely playable and implement QoL features upon release. They are releasing DLC for an unfinished game. Do you really think they care? No, they don’t. And actually, the stats aren’t bad. PoE and LE online is way worse than Diablo 4, despite everyone complaining about how bad Diablo 4 is. It’s weird, isn’t it?

No you wouldn’t. Your whole purpose on here is to poke people and troll them. However for the sake of discussion let’s go down this rabbit hole.

AAA gaming has changed, it’s converted over to Shareholder gaming, that’s the first thing to wrap your head around. This means strict deadlines are put on projects regardless if the product is finished or not. AAA gaming used to actually mean excellent products, now it means a half-finished product on launch that will be fixed in post, months to years down the line.

This isn’t just a jab at Blizzard either, it’s the entire AAA industry. Oh sure there’s exceptions to this rule, but for about a decade most games from a AAA studio are half baked at best. So my expectations of a AAA/Shareholder Studio has tanked, considerably. None of it is ‘reasonable’ and the fact you think anyone would think so is beyond ignorant.

However there’s a difference between constant complaining and acceptance. I have accepted the fact I paid for a half baked product, I accepted that a long time ago. Some people obviously can’t accept this. I’m now waiting on the game to get better and giving feedback appropriately. I actually still enjoy the game right now, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want further changes. I want a lot of changes actually.

Now looking back at its predecessor, Diablo 3, how long did it take that game to get popular again? Several years after launch when Seasonal Themes finally hit. RoS definitely added more life back into the game, but it wasn’t ‘complete’ until the seasonal themes came out and got people coming back.

So with that in mind, how long will it take D4? A few years at minimum, several at most. Now don’t get this twisted as what is ‘reasonable’, it’s not reasonable by any means. However it is what I’ve come to expect. Which is sad, but there’s quite literally nothing I, you, or anyone else can do about it.

So I can try to give constructive feedback for a game I genuinely want to see get better and I actively play, or I can sit here complaining and trolling posters for a game I don’t enjoy or play anymore instead of chalking it up to a loss and playing something else. Not that hard of a decision.


Who cares? Play it if you have fun. Why would you worry about this?


I stopped reading after this. Have fun playing this trash game and making 100 posts a day about it.


Yup, just living up to your troll behavior. Have a nice day bob, look forward to your next troll post. If you want to have an actual conversation let me know, but I won’t be holding my breath.


This game has no direction . loot management simulator. Im done. No season 5 no xpac. I liked the game but i dont like all of the changes theyve made. It sucks now

This season has higher retention than any season of any arpg on steam to date.

For all the folly of D4 this far (and there has been much), making the grind fun is literally the one thing that no objective argument could be made that they are doing badly at.

One thing they know for sure is how to rake in the money.

Iggi is right.

$$ over quality. Like not implementing a confirmation prompt if you click on activate battle pass.

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That’s completely irrelevant to this discussion. I’m not surprised you’re getting off topic because you lack the ability to produce something substantial in response to anything I said.

Take care, Mr. Loyalist troll. I’m here trying to shed light on the low quality of the content in this game…to MAKE IT BETTER.

Sheesh, nerds come out and ask “who cares” because they can’t be bothered to conjure a rationale besides “this dude’s a hater durr”.

Get a clue, boy.

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Honestly, I’ve kept myself away from too much info about S5 and skipped the PTR. I will play it and complete the journey but then I feel I’ll be done.
I am more excited for the expansion.

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Which is worse, posting about a game you enjoy.

Or posting constant vitriol about a game you obviously hate.

One sounds a bit demented hmm?

But this is wasted on you isn’t it?


That’s untrue d3 on launch was actually dope

They totally miss the mark on discovery in this game. They are like, oh, people like finding chests! What if we had a mode that was all about farming a resource to open chests! Then they go and mark them on the map.


A decent mechanic would be to insert those chests into Dungeons, and the method of opening that chest should be either it just opens and might be tapped (which doesn’t always have to be cursed, it could just shoot you with a fireball or an arrow, and not a high damage thing that could kill you unless you were already low hp for some weird reason), or you find the key to open it in that dungeon held by a named enemy. You find it organically.

Dungeons need to be less linear and more exploratory. They should be randomly generated, not have stupid captchas and give you a reason to explore. Finding loot was always the point. Hunting chests should feel cool, finding a high quality chest should feel like a sweet opportunity with a high chance for something valuable to use or a good chunk of gold from the vender. Shrines should be a potential boon or malice with permanent stat alterations as well as temporary buffs, maybe it just damages you. The shrine description should be super vague and there should be a lot of different types, and some can do the same stuff, or the same stuff to a greater or lesser degree. Some should have a random element, and some should be reliably bad or reliably good.

As it sits, there is nothing interesting in this game. The loot overhaul, well, I’d say it’s a step in the right direction but more like they stopped moving in the wrong direction and are thinking about making a step in the right direction. They could fix it, but they probably won’t because it would be a massive undertaking. They’d have to overhaul a ton of the games systems to make the loot worth a damn, complete affix, skill, paragon and aspect rework (as in remove aspects and put them in the skill twig/paragon bored (its boring) where they belong).

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