Descend into the Diablo IV Developer Update Livestream

Descend into the Diablo IV Developer Update Livestream

Catch up on the latest Developer Update Livestream where we revealed secrets to wielding vampiric power and many upcoming quality-of-life changes.

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Powers aren’t the issue this game is having. The game is having itemization issues – there’s nothing interesting to feasibly find and no end-game meta loop.


I watched the Diablo IV Developer Update Livestream in full. I also watched Rax’s video about the Developer Livestream.

I noticed that lots and lots of changes are coming in Season 2. The sheer amount of changes is just amazing. I’m also happy to see that a lot of feedback from the community has been transformed into mostly good and great changes.

While these changes look great on paper we’ll have to see how they work out when playing the game. I’m especially interested in the Diablo IV experience after level 70 in Season 2.

I do think there’s still a lot to work on:

  • Level scaling still puts off a significant part of the newcomers. When Diablo IV launches on Steam players will leave their reviews. I fear that the auto level scaling and the lack of a way to turn it off will result in lots of negative reviews. When looking at for example Diablo II what I see is level scaling working perfectly as an optional end-game, final leveling push, feature. In Diablo IV it’s there from level 1 and there’s currently no way to get around it. If you don’t like it you are forced to stop playing the game.

  • What’s added in Season 2 is a good first step for end-game content. Looking forward to seeing more far into the end-game content added in the future. (I know, already mentioned in the Livestream, which is good to hear)

  • Dungeons still have very similar layouts and objectives. Would be great if dungeon layouts would be more daring while still offering means to minimize backtracking. There are also only a few different dungeon bosses. We need greater dungeon boss diversity.

  • There should be something between regular and Nightmare Dungeons where you have fun and positive dungeon modifiers. Such non-leaderboard dungeons could be called Dream Dungeons and could be a rarer occurrence.

  • Last on this list, but probably the most important one, is Itemization, which will be discussed in the next Developer Update Livestream.

Yup the level scaling is absolutely atrocious and why I haven’t and likely won’t ever finish the campaign. And since I won’t be finishing the game I can’t play on higher world tiers, so I’m out.


Was cool to see a dungeon designer on such as Antonio Watson talking about the changes and their red tipped hair must have touched a bit of the brimestone or maybe bloodharvest :smiley:

You can skip the campaign in S2 as long as you have completed the prologue. Also, I found the game a lot easier on second and subsequent play throughs, to the point where I consistently felt as though I was getting stronger, despite the level scaling.

I already find the game way too easy. That is the entire point of needing to play on higher tiers so I am NOT bored out of my mind.

The level scaling has nothing to do with difficulty but with monotony.

What does that mean and how does it prevent you from completing the campaign or getting to WT3? Also, if you restart you can go to areas that are way higher level than you if that’s what you want.

It means that the game is monotonous to play. Everything being level scaled to exactly X level means every single combat encounter feels identical to every other one.

So right now the game is both not challenging and monotonous. If I could play at a higher world tier then at least it would be more challenging but it would still be just as monotonous.


I always see this and it is the most ridiculous complaint. If you want the game to be more difficult there are plenty of things you can do on your own to make it more difficult. Use weaker gear or none at all. Change your build or use only basics. You are the only limiting factor in difficulty.

Man you know what would make it even more difficult? Playing it with my feet instead of my hands, and playing it on a potato so I only get 5FPS.

Any other absolutely brilliant suggestions?

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Yeah, suck it up and quit crying. If you’re not going to put effort in to challenge yourself then you only need to look in a mirror to find the person to blame.
I am on my 3rd seasonal charcter. A melee based sorc that doesn’t use mana.
There are plenty of things you could do but you won’t. You just want to complain. So take a deep look in that mirror and get it all out because noone else cares.

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But why do you care so much then? :thinking:

But not everything is scaled to one level. Strongholds have floors and are higher level even once you pass the floor. Capstones are fixed level and you can do them way early. WT3 has a floor at 55 and helltides are always higher level than you. NMD have fixed levels based on tiers.

What is preventing you from reaching WT3? It takes a few hours to get a character strong enough to beat the capstone. Maybe 10-15 hours at most if you take your time about it (and in that time your powers are constantly changing because you are getting skill points and you can be doing the strongholds to face harder content).

If you have read the thread, I haven’t finish the campaign. And yes strongholds do have a slightly different level, so those offer an ever so slightly increased challenge (a whopping 3 levels lol).
Regardless of that, those encounters are still monotonous because everything is still level +3.

I don’t think you are understanding what the word monotonous means.

I read that and you don’t need to complete the campaign anymore, you can skip it after the prologue.

Doing dungeons and whispers and strongholds to level up is not monotonous, because there are many different dungeons, the whispers give good rewards, and even the level varies because strongholds have a level floor (meaning they can be 10 or 20 levels above you depending on when you tackle them) and have a different level scale, so they provided a varied level of difficulty.

Neat, so I should skip the actual core of the game in order for it to start being fun?

Sounds dumb, I’ll wait until they fix their mess insted.

Major disappointment on the item front. Especially replayability and trading.

No socketed item crafting for bases then, no runes and back to the Diablo 3 9,999,999 materials collecting grind. If only there was an ARPG game out there that had the crafting idea nailed down with a large majority of the playerbase already knowledgeable about it.

Throw your originality out of the window and stick with the true and proven basics since early 2000s. Remove 75% of your affixes and increase the level of uniques, sets and bosses to farm. Create PVP competitions and PVP arenas.

Diablo II has good examples of maps that have a lot more variety while minimizing backtracking. When you then add checkpoints that can be used to quickly teleport back to where you have been you’ll have excellent dungeon layouts.

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