I’ve played this game for 500 hours at launch.
Season 2 is giving me more fun than i had at launch… I’m worried about the time I’m going to invest in this game…
Blood harvest 10/10
New dungeon event
Vampires “pvp-like” hunting me on dungeons? DOPE 15/10.
Loot is a lot better than before…
The game is on point, dear god.
I’m lv 32 right now, rend barbarian
I hate it with every fiber of my being, it has ruined my day and probably the rest of the year. It makes me feel physically sick.
Blame the devs, it’s not the players man.
Not what i expected to hear but ok, to each his/her own i suppose.
Care to elaborate ?
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What is better? It is more of the same old boring stuff with a fresh coat of paint. They made gems into “shards” but then introduced “pacts” which are basically gems… 
P.S. Blood Harvest is just Helltides with a new name…
Completely agree, I found my first hour to be thoroughly enjoyable. Im having fun, gameplay feels fluid. And MOUNTS HAVE BEEN FIXED! No more getting stuck and the boost speed is much faster now. Im looking forward to playing some more.
The name on that account, its hard to not focus on that.
Ive been to the donut shop where she licked those donuts, b4 her but still it kina weirds me out.
Have fun! I am also enjoying the new “Rogue Exiles” mechanic that made its way from PoE. I hope it remains after the season.
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Good to hear you’re enjoying it.
I would had enjoyed it better if not for the annoying login issues. You know that feeling where you went to a restaurant and expect to get your lunch within 30 mins or less but took them like 2 hours. The food doesn’t taste as good anymore even though it’s the same.
1300 hours here btw.
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Never gonna happen. Items are still the same crap, and therefore there is no incentive to repeatedly kill mobs. This trainwreck of a game is missing the most important aspect of what makes an ARPG replayable, the item hunt.
When you employ ppl who are not real gamers, you get a game that real gamers don’t play.
Put a plumber in charge of an Aircraft carrier and see how things work out. Sure, the toilets will work, but the planes won’t take off. Blizzard is run by those same plumbers.
D4 Octobear 2023 + good itemization (adding unique crossbows) = 12 of 10 metascore in the future
steam version is looking bad. 2500 active peak?
games made in a garage have more than that xD
its probably worst than s1 which was full of hacks/bots etc. back to startfield and baldyrs gate!
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wow, that’s a sad life then.
do you play diablo 4 every hour of the day usually without any socializing , showering etc… for it to ruin your year and making you sick ? 
Then you should go play something else if Diablo is making you physically sick.
Lv20 necro, loving the ability to just chew through mobs and actually chill out and enjoy the fun stuff. Gonna make the most of it before the sour patch kids tantrums reach the eyes of the devs for a round two electric boogaloo cater to the sweat crowd.
Well we have deduced that you are overly dramatic and do nothing with your life but sit on the forums and complain.
Unfortunately, if you behave the way you do, your opinion starts to mean less and less the more you talk.
Season is good, but unfortunately it just exposes the game’s fundamental issues. Itemization is still atrocious and brings the game down significantly, skill trees are still very underwhelming & poorly designed, the Paragon/Glyph system just feels tacked on and unfulfilling, etc.
S2 is a step in the right direction, but they have a lot of work to do before they will convince hardcore players to keep playing.