Dear god, season 2 is BADASS

So you’ve fully geared, found all the uniques and used the new iLevel target farming and uber unique target farming systems have you?


It’s almost like the vast majority of people playing didn’t buy it on Steam.


badass…without bad

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Well then this is the solution. Buff a class into heavens every season so people feel powerful.

Start a sorc and you will quit the game by lvl 50 lol.

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Correct, this season is a massive W.


Do you guys have terrible lag in those new “helltide” areas?

im assuming you mean the ‘green’ color ones, i havent had any latency issues in those compared to any other part of the game

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Oh ok. Yeah those new green areas, don’t remember the name. When the area is done an moves to another it’s the exact same bad lag, for me at least. It’s almost unplayable.

I’ve been grinding out in the open world, it’s pretty fun so far. Have some cool vampiric powers. I haven’t had any lag or performance issues that others are stating so not sure.

Yes the season seems like real fun so far except the lag lol. no lag in other areas except the green areas… as a matter of fact I can’t do anything in there, havent completed anything cause of lag. Probably will be better soon, hopefully.

When I played last night, roughly 2100 cst - 0100, it was seriously the smoothest it had been for me since the 2nd day of EA, lol. Woke up to do some aspect moving before work, saw a legion event and ran over and got super bad lag for a min when zoning in, went to the WB right after and it was smooth again. TP’d to the tree and lagged hard enough that I decided I would just get back on after work. Lol

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weird as a brazilian i had no issues with lag

Replying to OP: 10/18/2023

Yep! Season 2 game play is solid and fun! I played a good several hours on and off since last night and finally hit level 43 on my Necromancer. Diablo IV is definitely better and much more fun to play now. The loot, leveling and gearing up is much better now in D4, and less buggy too.

Although I was very disappointed early on after the mass nerfs, especially with Season 1, I’m very happy with the latest fixes and improvements Blizzard did on Diablo IV, finally! The game still needs a lot more improvements, but like I said before, Blizzard is on the right track now. Season 2 is off to a great start! :+1:

Good job, Blizzard Team! And thank you for doing the right thing for your players. Much appreciated. Keep the improvements coming for Diablo IV! Don’t slack off! You’re on the right track with D4, Blizzard Team! :clap:

Cheers! - JJ -

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I’m not joking, I feel like I’m playing an exp… this level of improvement is sick, if diablo 4 has 2 more update like this and a real exp… this game will destroy the market.


I agree with you. D4 is much better now. Loving season 2! Blizzard is finally on the right path to making the game better. :wink:


FYI world boss loot in T4 is always 925. Go grab your BiS before it’s nerfed to hell.

Avantasian is definitely not lying. If you see my previous posts and comments on here, I was very unhappy with D4 and Blizzard, but after playing season 2, I am happy Blizzard did the right thing for all players, because the game is a lot better now. Much better! D4 still needs improvements, but this is a great first step for Blizzard to making D4 a lot better for all players, finally!

I’m actually enjoying Diablo IV Season 2 game play! :wink: - Cheers! - JJ -


what kind of lie could I commit?

Bloodseekers are DOPE, I hope they are challenging lategame.

Blood harvest is excellent, super fun, at first I thought that just re-skin wouldn’t be enough to have significant fun but I was wrong, the experience is fresh.

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Who plays on steam? Only new people and weirdos who dont know how to use steam deck without buying a new copy…

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Yeah I am also enjoying myself. I cannot wait to get home from work today and play some more.