Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

Sir, core skills ARE “spenders” lol.

I’m not fully convinced that’s the case - I think it would have been a bit of a stretch to do a BIG balance patch between S0 and S1; I think we’ll know a lot more about whether they’re doubling down or not when we see what changes are planned for S1.

I’m kind of ok with the generator/spender style as long as you don’t have to wait until WT3 and 4 to be able to feel good. Core skills could cost half as much right now and it only just feel ok lvl 1-50

People are complaining the game feels the same at level 80+ ad it does at 20. As in there is no sense of power progression. So they don’t feel like they are getting more powerful as the game gets harder. It just all feels exactly the same from start to finish.

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When you get to end game, you shouldn’t have to use a generator at all it just feels horrible. And barbs literally can’t have anything on the bar except 4 shouts, it’s pathetic.

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a diablo 2 charge bolt character would destroy this game.

I honestly don’t mind frost sorcerer gameplay loop. You’re waiting for cooldowns so you can maximize your burst damage, it’s not that you can’t do any damage without frost nova. Nobody forces you to pick builds with big cooldowns on them.

Dunno what you’re talking about. My dragonborn was crazy OP in Skyrim.

This game is a ‘characters complaints’ simulator where your chars complain constantly about being out of resource and needing time to prepare a skill.

On the contrary, it was totally terrible

They might as well add a button for “add mana for gold” in fights, both in D2/R and D4 and get the same effect :stuck_out_tongue:

No offense, if anything was terrible in D2 it was exactly that, never in one gameplay’s cycle was anyone forced to go auto or take care of economy to preserve power for the right moment/s usage

Instead it was more gold than mana pots every single time and whoohoo, never in crisis for power… IDK about you but that sounds like playing an FPS you have unlimited ammo, really bad design IMO, perhaps some might like it but think there’s a bit of unrealistic view to call it a positive feature

Perhaps the Generator/Spender doesn’t work, or doesn’t work as intended, but one thing is certain - definitely the D2 system didn’t

The real meta is of course forums, where the players complain constantly about… well, literally everything.

Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

Wtf is Elder Souls? Is it fun?

I am out of precious words, once again. I need time to prepare that.

Another thread from a D3 carebear who finds the game too difficult. Color me surprised.

I will say, I agree with the need to buff underpowered skills, but I don’t want this game to be a mindless game of zombies watching TV while they clear all content effortlessly like D3.

In other words, git gud nubs.

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You’re entirely wrong. Having resources scale so hard into the late game that it contributes to your late game power spike was a part of the design philosophy, so it functioned flawlessly in D2. That doesn’t mean it would in D4, of course, but it was perfect for that game because it was a core design philosophy and built around it.

I actually don’t mind the builder-spender system, if it’s done right. Right now, I just don’t think there are enough reliable ways to replenish resources, and random affixes on rares barely have any impact at all. A few buffs to the mid and late game resource generation should be fine, but honestly, not having endless resources early game is a good thing.

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Kinda agreed on this one, they could add CC also generates resource, LH generates resource or doubles amount generated if condition…

There’s this buff that I really dislike that says “when killing an elite gain bonus damage for 4 seconds” (kinda hints that can be stacked, which I really dislike as an idea) but they could redo it as killing an elite increases your resource generation by X% for X sec…

Furthermore there is an affix “whenever you heal for 25% of HP you also gain 15 resource” in the form of a legendary affix, think that could be downgraded a bit and put in baseline Rare affix pool :thinking:

Heck there could be another legendary in place of it - killing monsters has a chance to drop a Refresh Orb that refreshes your Resources and CDs

Kinda right on that one, late game bonuses need be more targeted and diverse, heck they could even add things like 33-66% less CC duration under Shield/Barrier, or even literally copy-paste in the style of D2 things like cannot be rendered vulnerable or half freeze duration

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I’ve ran this extensively, and it doesn’t work nearly as well as one would think.

The problem with it is that it doesn’t apply to all your healing, it only applies if you let yourself lose HP, then replenish it. So when I’m in the middle of a mob and my health never drops because I’m constantly lifestealing, it has no effect at all. But if I let my HP drop to near death, then heal it all back, that’s the only time it actually replenishes your resource, lol. It’s pretty terrible, honestly.

Yeah. They desperately need ways to mitigate CC outside of skills. Right now, so many skill slots are occupied by CC negating skills simply because it’s entirely necessary. This isn’t fun and pigeonholes characters into using the same skills.

Even aspects like, “For every enemy you slay, gain 10% reduced crowd control duration for 5 seconds.” or whatever. At least that would allow people to build something other than the same 4 skills on characters like the barb and druid, and more like 2 skills on the rogue.

Actually, we want to struggle, tgen find items and level up and succeed, and then get wrecked, and come back after finding a shiny new item and wreck.

After that, we want to enter the infinity dungeon tgat is procedurally generated and contains an untold number of floors and that start to inhibit normal town portal, requiring special scrolls of town portal, every 5 floors gives you a free access back to the surface. Virtually infinite floors, untold amounts of treasure, mini-bosses at random, multiple bosses every so many floors and not necessarily in a special obvious chamber, hoards of enemies. Danger abounds, how far can you delve?

Welp boys, patch downloading, let’s see if we’re staying or going.

Agree with OP. Out till drops for crafting are not so rare and the cost to experiment.

Why! Why the grind, it’s already a grind! Why the stupid drop rates and ridiculous crafting costs?!?

It was great till the recent patch of stupidity.

Well down, you did a pro gamer move.