Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

Definitely agree that the generator/spender cycle needs a fair bit of work. Core skills shouldn’t be 3-4 casts before running out (at lower levels); that’s just seriously dull.

It gets a lot better with various synergies late-game but I definitely feel like - as a sorc especially - the masteries and conjurations should be more mana + more powerful, with core skills being a lot cheaper. 10-15 mana cost of core skills would probably feel a lot better. Masteries should be expensive and require a lot of gear focus and synergies to make them more spammable.

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I feel like fixing sorc could/would be so easy, but if this last big patch of “balance” told us anything, its that Blizz is doubling down on generators and that’s about it.

Which NM tier on WT4 is so easy to you?

Elder Souls awesome game. But i like Sekiro Souls more.

About not feeling stronk:

  • World bosses die in under 10 secs. I so much feel weak.
  • i can spam my tw rogue quickly through the content w/o struggling. Of course doing very oh so much high nm dunegon tiers im not feeling such much stronk anymore. But for everything else.


OP is 800% right!


Maybe provide some context? What class, level and build are you playing? Do you have any cooldown reduction gear?

Diablo imo is all about spamming core skill to annihilate forces of hell. Its not about cd management etc.

Please rethink the resource approach. Even in d2 you could totally spam endlessly,you just drank mana pots and it was totally fine

Sir, core skills ARE “spenders” lol.

I’m not fully convinced that’s the case - I think it would have been a bit of a stretch to do a BIG balance patch between S0 and S1; I think we’ll know a lot more about whether they’re doubling down or not when we see what changes are planned for S1.

I’m kind of ok with the generator/spender style as long as you don’t have to wait until WT3 and 4 to be able to feel good. Core skills could cost half as much right now and it only just feel ok lvl 1-50

People are complaining the game feels the same at level 80+ ad it does at 20. As in there is no sense of power progression. So they don’t feel like they are getting more powerful as the game gets harder. It just all feels exactly the same from start to finish.

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When you get to end game, you shouldn’t have to use a generator at all it just feels horrible. And barbs literally can’t have anything on the bar except 4 shouts, it’s pathetic.

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a diablo 2 charge bolt character would destroy this game.

I honestly don’t mind frost sorcerer gameplay loop. You’re waiting for cooldowns so you can maximize your burst damage, it’s not that you can’t do any damage without frost nova. Nobody forces you to pick builds with big cooldowns on them.

Dunno what you’re talking about. My dragonborn was crazy OP in Skyrim.

This game is a ‘characters complaints’ simulator where your chars complain constantly about being out of resource and needing time to prepare a skill.

On the contrary, it was totally terrible

They might as well add a button for “add mana for gold” in fights, both in D2/R and D4 and get the same effect :stuck_out_tongue:

No offense, if anything was terrible in D2 it was exactly that, never in one gameplay’s cycle was anyone forced to go auto or take care of economy to preserve power for the right moment/s usage

Instead it was more gold than mana pots every single time and whoohoo, never in crisis for power… IDK about you but that sounds like playing an FPS you have unlimited ammo, really bad design IMO, perhaps some might like it but think there’s a bit of unrealistic view to call it a positive feature

Perhaps the Generator/Spender doesn’t work, or doesn’t work as intended, but one thing is certain - definitely the D2 system didn’t

The real meta is of course forums, where the players complain constantly about… well, literally everything.

Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

Wtf is Elder Souls? Is it fun?

I am out of precious words, once again. I need time to prepare that.

Another thread from a D3 carebear who finds the game too difficult. Color me surprised.

I will say, I agree with the need to buff underpowered skills, but I don’t want this game to be a mindless game of zombies watching TV while they clear all content effortlessly like D3.

In other words, git gud nubs.

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