Dear Blizzard: It's okay to delay patches or seasons

I think most customers would rather you just tell us that there’s bug fixes that need implementing and you won’t be able to push the update until later on than push out buggy, messed up patches that probably won’t get addressed until at least half way through the season.

Anyhow please consider delaying future patches and/or seasons instead of pushing out buggy stuff. We can wait an extra week if it means glaring issues get resolved.


I actually agree with this. There hasn’t been a major patch without some major issues of some sort. We’re not just talking oversights either, but things that popped up in the PTR as well that should’ve been fixed when it went live.


iuno, i mean yea, ideally stuff comes out without bugs… but i mean, i think any WoW gamer who is into raiding knows the saying “never play on patch day” ^^

as long as important things get fixed in the first few days, i dont consider it that big of a deal. i encountered 3 minor bugs so far. nothing too big, but was a little annoying.


You’re not wrong, but it’s rather sad that this is the norm rather then the exception to the rule. Looking through the forums though, and in-game complaints, I’ve seen:

  • Quests being unable to complete, ranging from class quests to seasonal quests.
  • Items being deleted/disappearing/not showing up, this ranges from stash issues, to infernal hordes, and even summoning bosses where the mats are used but the boss doesn’t show up.
  • Items not giving any or less then intended stats when equipped, or Aspects not working entirely
  • Unable to craft a compass (a key component to the quest line for the season)

Along with your typical issues of:

  • Stability, freezing, stuttering, crashing, etc.
  • Cosmetics not working correctly
  • Voice Chat causing problems or crashing games
  • The exp glitch which was ‘fixed’ for the moment.

In the long run, no it’s not a big deal because these will be fixed eventually (hopefully). However it doesn’t put much faith in the player base with the expansion right around the corner, and they’ve yet to release 1 major patch with minimal bugs.


had this one too, took me a few relogs.

thats something ive been wondering about here and there on some aspects

i do assume people didnt finish the questline with lorcan to be honest, but yea

the towns have become a little laggy today for me personally as well

i agree. you are usually more up to date than me. do you have an idea how many of these things were pointed out during the ptr? (i usually really avoid the ptr, and just gather informations on changes ^^)

and yea, not really the best thing with the xpac around the corner. i hope we will get some update on known issues soon.

oh, lets not forget the “all aspects are unlocked” bug ^^

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They don’t know there are bugs because they don’t test anything or play the game.

You are the beta tester in the current season.


The only two I can think of off the top of my head are the Infernal Hordes scrolls essentially being deleted from your inventory, as well as the Boss HP bug. Or rather I should say the ones that stood out the most from the PTR. There were probably smaller things here or there that slipped through too.

The Tempering recipes bug was kind of hilarious not going to lie. I see it as a bonus for the season being so short. Obviously not intended, but hey it saves me some time.


you are affected by it?! damn, im jealous ^^

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I’ve actually been thinking of this while trying to keep on top of what’s going on with the S5 launch.

It feels like it’d be better to have a season length of 4 months, but use that extra month to run the next season (sans season theme) on the PTR in parallel, and actually keep it going with frequent updates and feedback.


I logged into my eternal characters to clean up something’s and erase those characters before making new seasonal ones. So maybe that’s why? Couldn’t say for certain though.

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will check in a bit. was on my eternal char a 30 ish mins ago to hand over some mats to that wenzy guy here who asked so nicely for eternal donations. maybe thatll unlock it ^^

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If they delayed the season, then the quarter 3 expansion would be late and people would get fired. Is that what you want? You need to think about the shareholders more, because buddy, they are everything.

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So far I’ve not seen any issues that would warrant a delay. But remember season 4 was delayed by a month so they already know they can delay if it’s needed.


This season is the make-up for that S4 delay. They won’t skip the opportunity to sell a battle pass or even delay it unless the game is completely unplayable. I wouldn’t expect many or any future delays - too many of those and the suits will just shut it down.

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not counting myself I know around 50ish or so other people that can not even get past the loading screens to make a character. they walked away from the season and i’m about to un-install and forget the game until october. that is money lost. check my spending history HR/GMs.

Does anyone have faith that Blizzard would find any of the bugs without us, if they gave themselves another week or another month?

Now I can get on board with a delay because they didn’t finish the work they intended to do. I don’t want to wait another week or however long just to have all the same issues and delay our “stable” experience by that much longer.

While we all want stable software; there is not a single piece of substantial software that does not contain zero day bugs. Every billion dollar company does it, not because they are lazy, but because complicated software is complicated.

Every release of Windows, Mac OS, Linux, a productivity software, a video game, NASA control software, or Crowdstrike software has more bugs than anyone even knows about.

It is the nature of software.

Unfortunately, releasing the software in mass, in the wild, is always the best way to find the bugs. Sucks to be affected by it, but it won’t stop until we can spin up a million capable AI bots to test it all for us. (will happen someday… soon maybe).

That is not to say that Blizzard testing regime could not be better. It should be. But in the end its a video game and its simply not that critical of an issue IMO.

I’d be more worried about flight control, self driving control, medical records/machinery software and banking software that your life potentially depends upon. Despite rigorous testing they too are bug ridden. Once you solve that, maybe start being concerned about video games.

I’d rather them release it, find the bugs and squash them as opposed to waiting a week just to find more bugs and then squash them. There will continue to be bugs no matter how long they wait.

I never had any problems up until the end of S4 and now can’t even play S5. even the betas were smooth for me. it seems like the freshmen team of devs took over live, while the seniors are working on expac++

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It could be the testing. QA can get stupid if you bog down their processes with bad KPIs but it’s more than likely a time allotment issue at the top level. The D4 team probably just doesn’t have the time they need to fix bugs that get reported by QA. I’m willing to bet most of the bigger issues were known but they couldn’t prepare the fixes and text them in time for the console patches so it’s pushed back for everyone.

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You have to have QA first. They laid them off. And in order to have a process indicator you must have a process that works.

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